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SSBCrackOLQs to Show During Group Discussion In SSB Interview

OLQs to Show During Group Discussion In SSB Interview

OLQs to Show During Group Discussion In SSB Interview

Candidate has to face Group Discussion in both stage-I and stage-II testing, though both Group Discussion are different but are of utmost importance. As we have already discussed on what Group Discussion is important in SSB interview, in the article will be discuss about how and when to show Officers’ like Qualities during Group Discussion.

OLQs to Represent During Group Discussion in SSB Interview

Here are some of the most important personality traits that a candidate should possess to do well at a Group Discussion
  • Team Player
  • Reasoning Ability
  • Leadership
  • Flexibility
  • Assertiveness
  • Initiative
  • Creativity/ Out of the box thinking
  • Inspiring ability
  • Listening
  • Awareness
OLQs to Show During Gorup Discussion In SSB Interview
Group Discussion During Military Planning Exercise 
OLQs to Show During Gorup Discussion In SSB Interview
Group Discussion During GTO
  1. Team Player
    • It is essential for managers to be team players.
    • The reason: Managers always work in teams.
    • At the beginning of his(manager) career, a manager works as a team member. And, later, as a team leader.
    • Management aspirants who lack team skills cannot be good managers.
  2. Reasoning Ability
    • Reasoning ability plays an important role while expressing your opinions or ideas at a GD.
    • For example, on India’s growth and its effect’s:
    • Any Answer for this should be based on reasons, not assumptions.
  3. Leadership
    • There are three types of situations that can arise in a GD
    • GD where participants are unable to establish a proper rapport and do not speak much.
    • A GD where participants get emotionally charged and the GD gets chaotic.
    • A GD where participants discuss the topic assertively by touching on all its nuances and try to reach the objective.
    • Here, a leader would be someone who facilitates the third situation at a GD.
    • A leader would have the following qualities:
      • S/he shows direction to the group whenever group moves away from the topic.
      • S/he coordinates the effort of the different team members in the GD.
      • S/he contributes to the GD at regular intervals with valuable insights.
      • S/he also inspires and motivates team members to express their views.
      • Caution: Being a mere coordinator in a GD does not help, because it is a secondary role.
      • Contribute to the GD with your ideas and opinions, but also try and steer the conversation towards a goal.
  4. Flexibility
    • You must be open to other ideas as well as to the evaluation of your ideas: That is what flexibility is all about.
    • But first, remember: Never ever start your GD with a stand or a conclusion.
    • Say the topic of a GD is, ‘Should India Ban night work for Women at night hours?’
    • Some participants tend to get emotionally attached to the topic and take a stand either in favor or against the topic, i.e. ‘Yes, India should’, or, ‘No, India should not’.
    • By taking a stand, you have already given your decision without discussing the topic at hand or listening to the views of your team members.
    • Also, if you encounter an opposition with a very strong point at the 11th hour, you end up in a typical catch-22 situation:
      • If you change your stand, you are seen as a fickle-minded or a whimsical person.
      • If you do not change your stand, you are seen as an inflexible, stubborn and obstinate person.
  5. Assertiveness
    • You must put forth your point to the group in a very emphatic, positive and confident manner.
    • Participants often confuse assertiveness with aggressiveness.
    • Aggressiveness is all about forcing your point on the other person, and can be a threat to the group. An aggressive person can also demonstrate negative body language, whereas an assertive person displays positive body language.
  6. Initiative
    • A general trend among students is to start a GD and get the initial kitty of points earmarked for the initiator.
    • But that is a high risk-high return strategy.
    • Initiate a GD only if you are well versed with the topic. If you start and fail to contribute at regular intervals, it gives the impression that you started the GD just for the sake of the initial points.
    • Also, if you fumble, stammer or misquote facts, it may work against you.
    • Remember: You never ever get a second chance to create a first impression.
  7. Creativity/ Out of the box thinking
    • An idea or a perspective which opens new horizons for discussion on the GD topic is always highly appreciated.
    • When you put across a new idea convincingly, such that it is discussed at length by the group, it can only be positive.
    • You will find yourself in the good books of the examiner.
  8. Inspiring ability
    • A good group discussion should incorporate views of all the team members.
    • If some team members want to express their ideas but are not getting the opportunity to do so, giving them an opportunity to express their ideas or opinions will be seen as a positive trait.
    • Caution: If a participant is not willing to speak, you need not necessarily go out of the way to ask him to express his views. This may insult him and hamper the flow of the GD.
  9. Listening
    • Always try and strike a proper balance between expressing your ideas and imbibing ideas.
  10. Awareness
    • You must be well versed with both the micro and macro environment.
    • Your awareness about your environment helps a lot in your GD content, which carries maximum weight-age. 
Do you have any other tips to share for Group Discussion, what qualities do you try to show in Group Discussion, do share your views in the comment box below. 

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