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PsychologyThematic Apperception TestThematic Apperception Test Study Material Download

Thematic Apperception Test Study Material Download [50+ Stories]

Below we have given TAT sample story exercises, you can enroll in our SSB Interview Online Course to access all study material for your SSB Preparation.

You can download the Thematic Apperception Test TAT sample pictures set for practice from the links given below. TAT which is also known as the Thematic Apperception Test of SSB is a projective psychological test that has a set of pictures shown to you one by one and expected from you to write a story based on your thinking after watching each individual picture.

Why Thematic Apperception Test?

These pictures originally employed for this purpose were very vague. There was a great play of projection or inner subconsciousness in the interpretation of these T.A.T pictures  Pictures with greater details and needing less play of projection and imagination were introduced by two psychologists, Murray and Margon, who used these in 1903 and the same are generally in use in India. In TAT, the picture used by the SSBs are on the model of Murray’s pictures, but they are almost clear and not hazy. A set of 12 pictures is generally used including one blank slide. A slide of each picture is shown on a screen with the help of a magic lantern for half a minute and the candidates are required to write a story based on the picture in a period of four minutes in the particular space provided on the answer sheet. This test is based on the theory that in the construction or stories around ambiguous pictures, the candidate organizes material from his own personal experiences, partly as a result of the stimulus that he receives i.e. what he finds in the picture and partly his associations with such stimuli recalled from his past experiences.

To know more about TAT read:

Number of pictures: 11 Time duration: 4 mins for writing story( per picture)

How to Use TAT Slideshow

Below we have given TAT sample story exercises, you can enroll in our SSB Interview Online Course to access all study material for your SSB Preparation.

How to practice TAT

  1. Be ready with few blank papers and pen.
  2. When you are ready with stationery items, start the slideshow.
  3. You will see a picture for 30 secs and next a blank slide for 4 mins.
  4. Watch the picture for 30secs and plot a story in your mind.
  5. Start writing your story in next 4 mins.
  6. Keep practicing.
  7. You will find that continuous practice will increase your writing speed and improve your story quality.

Download TAT slideshow:

  1. TAT slideshow 1
  2. TAT slideshow 2
  3. TAT slideshow 3
  4. TAT slideshow 4
  5. TAT slideshow 5
  6. TAT slideshow 6
  7. TAT slideshow 7
  8. TAT slideshow 8

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  1. sir my name is sachin sharma and i was screen out two times from Allahabad board . sir during my screening test i was not able to complete the story within time and while making a group story i am very much confused about how to narrate or present the group story. sir i am also going to appear for my next ssb in Bhopal at the end of this month. sir please help me about my screeniing so that i will improve myself.

  2. sir my name is sachin sharma and i was screen out two times from Allahabad board . sir during my screening test i was not able to complete the story within time and while making a group story i am very much confused about how to narrate or present the group story. sir i am also going to appear for my next ssb in Bhopal at the end of this month. sir please help me about my screeniing so that i will improve myself.

  3. During my SSB for IAF , i had written a single story for all the 12 pics during psychology.

    i was called for the Psychology second time but i was not selected.
    sir, can u plz tell me the possible reason. and what i should follow to get recommended in upcoming SSB.

  4. Hi, in TAT should we write one single story relating all pictures or else each story for each picture. Also please tell whether we have to write story immediately after each picture or not.

    • After every story 4 min is given to write the story after 4 min again next picture is displayed fr 30 sec then again 4 min to write the story …this continuous till 12 picture,which is blank one.you need to write your own story fr the 12th one which is neither copied nor taken from any books…

  5. i have qualified for Indian military academy dehradun in cds 2 2013.can anyone tell me when do the ssb centres will be allotted???

    • Hiiiiio sandeepsandeep Ji I am adarsh my ssb seat allotted at Allahabad my interview will started from 17 oct2014 please give me some suggest for ssb

  6. you can write that after completing his engineering,he got a job in the same coal mine where his father had worked. So he made some efforts to improve the working conditions and to ensure the good health of workers working in the coal mine

  7. hello vinayak when you write a story of a hero, then the hero is not anyone else but you.

    your hero should be at least within +5or -4 from yours age. And your should be displaying qualities like leadership, determination, stamina , social adaptability, responsibilty. To do this you can give a good designation to your hero such as engineer , doctor , political leader, architect, social reformer.. etc.

  8. Hi..my name is vinayk…the last time in bnglore intrew
    i got picture as a man pulling smthing on his back..n fewa people doing the same around him..i wrote the stry as below please tell me wehether any mistake held there or not:
    kedar was a worker in a coal-mine.he use to work day and night in the mine…
    he wanted to his son to be have a good education..so by making things availbl to him he gvn his son a good education.his son studied hard and became enginner..today he is enginner in the same mine where his father was worker….kedar is happy with his son’s effort

  9. Hi..my name is vinayk…the last time in bnglore intrew
    i got picture as a man pulling smthing on his back..n fewa people doing the same around him..i wrote the stry as below please tell me wehether any mistake held there or not:
    kedar was a worker in a coal-mine.he use to work day and night in the mine…
    he wanted to his son to be have a good education..so by making things availbl to him he gvn his son a good education.his son studied hard and became enginner..today he is enginner in the same mine where his father was worker….kedar is happy with his son’s effort


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