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2000 Situation Reaction Test with Best Answers


We have recently posted Situation Reaction Tests and WAT in our SSBCrack Facebook page, by the way if you haven’t joined our FB page, then you can do so here. Believe me it is the most happening SSB Interview Page in Facebook. So lets me do not digress from the actual topic.
So we use to post some tests for SSB aspirants time to time. Like we have posted few SRTs and WAT series in Facebook page and got overwhelming response from aspirants. Now few candidates are asking to post the solution or say the perfect answer for the Situation Reaction Test which had been posted till date.

Download HereSituation Reaction Test Solved Part 1 eBook


Now, I am posting those Situations and the best possible answers given by other aspirants. Please note that there can be more better answers so I suggest you to post them in comment box once you are done with the reading.

Situation Reaction Test with Answers

  • You are in train & lost your purse with money. You…… ???
    • I will use the money which i kept safely in my luggage for emergency situation…and will file an FIR later, or
  •  In his train compartment, two gunmen force passengers to give their belongings. He……???
    • Those gunmen are nothing but RPF jawans checking up as a part of security.
  • You Got a Marriage Proposal from a Sexually Harassed Girl who is struggling For Justice?
    • I will politely let her know that I have gf and I am already committed to her and help her as much as i can in her fight against injustice.
  • You received an urgent order from your commander. But you feel that order passed on to you is wrong. You…..??
    • Trust on your commander order and obey.
  • You were standing in a ticket queue. There 2 persons with gun came from last and ask you to give them space .You ______?
    • They are police men for security. I would cooperate with them.
  • You went to bathroom. Saw a king cobra .No Stick nearby. Door closed? You ______?
    • Put the towel on it and quickly open the door and escape, inform others. Or
    • Invert the bucket on it to lock it. Inform others.
  • You are moving across the road on a scooter when you observe that two boys on a bike snatch a lady’s gold chain and ride away. You would …….??
    • I’ll follow them..note the no. then contact the police..Or
    • Follow them quickly, catch hold of them and retrieve the chain to return.
  • You find that the person whom you call your friend has been cheating you. What would you do ?
    • Let him realize his mistake n then make him feel guilty in his own eyes.
  • You are living in the college hostel. The dal served to you in the mess has a lot of stones. What would you do ?
    • Inform the mess maintenance department.
  • While travelling in a train, you notice a man from the coach behind yours fall off the train. You would……?
    • Pull the chain and inform the guard.
  • He has some other plans in life but his parents are forcing him to join Indian Defence Services. He….?
    • Sticks to his plan, makes his parents proud one day with his success.
These are the situations of SRT with some good answers, yes there can be more better answers and we want you to share them with us. Do comment your answers in the comment box below.
Also Read:

Joinindianarmy.nic.in Website Technical Error


Note: This article was written in 2013, still join indian army career website is not up to the mark and keeps throwing error now and then. We hope this website will at least match the level of the AFCAT CDAC and Navy INET website.

Technical and design problem issues are not new with official career website of Indian Army. Joinindianarmy.nic.in faces time to time tech errors and issues with website structure. It is facing some problem since two days and the website is not getting open.


What are the problems with joinindianarmy.nic.in

  • The website it not well structured.
  • Navigation of the website is difficult. 
  • SSB Dates and Notifications are not structured properly.
  • No status during downtime. 
  • Many dead links
  • No regular updates on information.
  • Old Website design since long.
Website during downtime

What are the problems faced by Indian Army Aspirants

  • Here in SSBCrack we receive many queries related to problem faced by aspirants due to joinindianarmy.nic.in website.
  • Candidates face difficulty in finding SSB Interview Dates.
  • Website crash while applying online.
  • No way to reprint application form like Air Force and Navy.
  • Difficulty in finding information.
  • Still reading old information and getting confused.

What is required

  • Indian Army must take their website seriously and improve its quality to make the recruitment process painless.
  • Proper notification and SSB dates must reflect in the website prominently.
  • Must show some status during downtime.
  • All old information needs an update.
  • Add more informative things like events, wallpapers etc.
  • Preferable a registered account for all candidates to track things easily.
  • A good web design.
What do you think, where Indian army website stand when compared with Indian Navy and Indian Air Force website in terms of smooth and painless use.

Indian Coast Guard Interview Experience

Indian Coast Guard Interview Experience
I have been an aerospace engineer all set to do my MS in the united states of america, with a very good GRE + TOEFL score. But this passion to work for our country and that too in the Defense forces is in itself highly attractive to me personally. A national level Taekwondo player, state Basketball player, and College Soccer player, my passion for sports, adventure and traveling is beyond words.

So i decided in my final year to Join the Army, applied for CDS, being quite good in Maths and English i cleared the CDS exam quite easily even though i had not prepared a word for it. So this very high self-esteem boy goes to Allahabad like he can never be rejected anywhere in the world. But to my surprise i see tasks of Dande fatte that created hassles in all corners of my brain, Result I was conference out and not shocked but confused of what actually happened there, my reason of failure was very obvious, no preparation at all. Came back home and knew just one thing, to prepare for the next one, coz i very well knew i had it in me.
But not always luck is on your side, CDS exam clashed with some other exams, AFSB that i went for, after getting screened in, i was sent back due to problem in my documents, though that time my preparation was top notch. Next nail in the coffin, next AFCAT form gets rejected. So after exactly one year, from March 23 2012 my first SSB, my second SSB was at ICG in Noida on march 24 2013. My spirits were very high and i had only one thing is mind, by hook or crook I will Win. Coz that’s how ive been all my life, when i go at something i give it all, without a pinch of any fear of failure.
Got recommended and waiting for merit now. My AFSB is again in a weeks’ time, and i am going there with even higher preparation and spirits and fully confident of my recommendation second time.

ICG Group
Allahabad SSB Group

Interview and Conference (ICG FSB March 24th batch)

IO : Have a seat.
Me: Thank you sir!
IO: So your name isn’t wrongly spelt?
Me: No sir that’s the way my dad uses it, though others in our relatives use the normal spelling.
IO: SO arun tell me about your family, your Dad, mother, and siblings, abt their education and their job
Me: I tell him step by step everything, and ask him if I even need to tell abt my brother in laws, he says
no and we complete this topic. In between I tell him how each of my sisters inspire me differently, and
tell him that I am close to my XYZ sister as she guides me towards my career, and it was her who forced
me to to have a backup plan for higher education while I am preparing for SSB and other competitive
IO: Okay arun, I see your marks have been quite poor consistently after your 10th standard, why?
Me: Sir I don’t believe they are so bad, though in my 12th I agree they were not upto the mark as I had
been preparing for the engineering entrances and was even involved in some extra curricular activities
in school. This way my regular board studies got neglected to an extent and hence the low marks,
though in my graduation 69 % is not at all bad, if you were to know the syllabus and marking standards
of our university. When I was in first year the university gold medalist scored 81%, hence anything
around 70% is a pretty decent score, plus I had good projects under my belt and was considered a good
student in college by my professors.
IO: okay arun, quickly tell me about your friends, and the qualities of your best friend, and one thing you
don’t like about him/her, and one thing he/she doesn’t like about you?
Me: Sir I have 4 close friends at home now, and XYZ is my best friend as we have been friends since early
childhood and spent 2-3 together daily even now, we share common hobbies of dog petting and enjoy
going out to eat at new places. One thing I don’t like about him is that he is a little bit of a show off, which I
nag him about all the time. One thing he doesn’t like about me is that he tells me that I am way too talkative
and don’t give him others a chance to speak when all get together.
IO: I noticed something arun, you don’t seem to have any female friends, is it because you feel shy
around them? But you have elder sisters and it doesn’t seem logical to me.
Me: No sir I always have had a very good comfort level around girls, and I firmly believe that girls are
much more sincere and hardworking than boys in terms of studies and career wise. The reason I did not
mention was because since college I had been in less contact with my female friends, though in college
most of them guided my for notes, and for exams, both academic and competitive. SO all in all I have
had very good and friendly relations with girls during my college years.
IO: Well arun I have seen you have been a taekwondo player at the national level, tell me if there were 4
people standing behind you right now, would you be able to beat them at once.
Me: (I smiled a bit) Sir why would I have to beat people, there is no reason to beat people because I
have learnt some martial art form, and moreover Taekwondo is a sport, and quite away from actual fighting, it is the only combative form of sport in the Olympics other than boxing.
IO: So you mean you wouldn’t be able to defend yourself from four people?
Me: If the situation demands I know how to defend myself, and how to escape such dangerous
situations, But in reality if you give four thugs bricks in their hands no martial arts will come into use,
then its all about being ready to get hit to survive. And that I could do if there is no other alternative.
IO: Okay arun I see you have spectacles.
Me: I just say ‘SO?’ in a loud voice. (I guess it was a little rude but it just came out of my mouth)
IO: I mean you could face problems during medicals.
Me: Sir I have thoroughly read the advertisement before applying and power till -3.5 is allowed for tech
entry. And my power is -2.5.
IO: He again asks with a weird face, I didn’t hear, how much is your power?
Me: I tell him loud and slowly, sir -2.5 for both eyes.
IO: Tell me in short why you want to join the ICG?
Me: Sir the most important point I got to know while I was an intern in HAL was that ICG gives ample
opportunity to get trained and educated consistently to higher levels.
IO: Arun I don’t see a reason why you want to let go of your B.tech course as you are quite set for higher
education and join an organization that will not give much scope to what you have studied.
Me: Sir I have applied in a technical entry in the Aero division, and I know that Coast guards work on
aircrafts Dornier do 228, and even rotor crafts.
IO: But even though for the initial years everyone has to work on ships no matter which entry they join,
this way don’t you think you will get frustrated with this kind of a work profile.
Me: Definitely not sir , It will be a great chance for me to learn and get trained on latest technologies
that the coast guard possesses. I will definitely cherish such a job profile.
IO: But like you believe about higher education, very few actually get a chance like that in the
organization that too if it benefits the organization only then.
Me: Sir I believe if I constantly prove myself then I will definitely grab that opportunity.
IO: I am still telling you, that you will get frustrated and at some point you will want to leave this job, as
you will not get what you’re expecting here. And you will get into a completely different line.
Me: Sir right now I am just a graduate, with very basic knowledge of my core stream. If tomorrow lets
say I clear some exam like GATE and get an opportunity to study in an IIT, would you think anybody
would be cribbing about the course, that I wanted to study UAVs but I got a course for Rockets. A person
like me will proudly accept that opportunity to the best of my spirits and study in an esteemed college
like IIT. Similarly to work for the country that too in such an esteemed organization like the ICG I would
be happy to work even on Ships, and learn more and more each day.
IO: Now tell me all the subjects you studied in your course?
Me: I tell him all the subjects in brief starting from 1st year to final year, and finish with the subject called
helicopter engineering.
IO: Okay tell me the role of a tail rotor in a helicopter?
Me: Sir its role is to counter the inertia force cause by the large rotor blades, that make the helicopter
rotate in the direction of their rotation. Tail rotor pushes air in the opposite direction and makes the
helicopter stable.
IO: So what will happen if the tail rotor broke out of the heli?Me: Sir the heli will start rotating viciously in the direction of rotation of rotor blades.
IO: I mean will it fall down?
Me: Yes sir it will fall down but that will depend on the design of heli, that is the location of COG, hence
it will fall in the direction in which the COG takes it.
IO: What’s the horizontal kind of projection in the helicopter’s tail and its purpose?
Me: Sir I can’t understand abt what you want me to speak, if you could tell me the term that describes it
I could answer.
IO: (explains with hands, but I still don’t understand) 😛
Me: Sir I am unable to get you, maybe i have no idea abt it.
IO: Tell me what do you infer out of US’s international relations and why US interferes into the matters
of many countries, what do you think is the real motive behind it?
Me: Sir I believe seeing the history, US has always focused on countries rich in resources and makes
them internally so unstable so that they can have a firm step hold in them and then use their resources
in return for help in the terms of buying their resources and even their treasury bonds. We can see in
the IRAN-IRAQ war, US helped IRAQ to suddenly invade IRAN, and when it could not do it successfully
and the country got internally weak they waged war on the same country for their resources. Similarly
we see how US is building relations with the ASEAN countries nowadays, by building free trade
agreements with them as we can see from the TPP i.e. the Trans pacific partnership. And I believe we
will soon see steps of US in Central Asia, which is most rich in resources now.
IO: Arun tell me what could be the possible reason for unrest between the world’s two biggest religions,
Christianity and Islam.
Me: Sir I do not have much idea, but the only reason I see why Christianity looks down at Islam is due to
the tag of terrorism with the middle east and arab countries, and they try to show the same picture to
the whole world through their media. Rest I don’t have much idea about their religious differences.
IO: It has been 1 hour of nice conversation with you Arun, and I asked you many questions, now is their
anything you need to ask me?
Me: I think for about 15 secs in silence, and say, Sir like we had a discussion on the educational
opportunities in ICG, I want you to confirm that thing as this I had heard from ICG personnel itself.
IO: See arun in the ICG you have to work on ships as the core field, even though you have been recruited
for Aero branch. Plus you are right we give opportunities to study in IITs if it is the requirement of the
organization, but for that tests are conducted and you need to prove yourself, plus your work profile
given through your superiors also comes into place. So Best of luck for all your endeavours.
Me : Thanks a lot sir for your time. May I send the next chest number in?
IO: Yes tell him to wait outside and sit at the same place you did.
Me: Okay sir.
I leave after a grueling 1 hour. But the good point was I had started enjoying the conversation and
knowing things about the ICG so much that there was not one sign of tiredness on my face. I felt I had an
above satisfactory interview, as it was much needed after a very average performance in the GTO.Conference (I had to sit outside for almost 15 mins and started feeling
the rush)
Me: I enter and ask for a seat.
IO: Have a seat Arun.
Me: Thank you Sir.
IO: So tell me Arun what was going in your mind sitting outside?
Me: Sir frankly speaking I heart was bouncing out of my shirt (just then all start smiling). I smile too.
IO: So you mean you were nervous?
Me: Yes sir I was quite nervous.
IO: But you have attended SSB before as well, then how is that you’re nervous now?
Me: Sir even if I was sitting outside for any small interview I would feel the same.
IO: So what was actually going in your mind?
Me: Sir I was nervous so I started thinking about my family to divert my mind.
IO: What were you picturing in your mind?
Me: Sir I was recalling the trip to Vaishno devi with my family recently, and recalling the good times, that
made me calm.
IO: So quickly tell me about your priorities in Life?
Me: Sir Priorities as in, in which perspective?
IO: Your Job priorities, career priorities?
Me: ( I used my mind and knew this just meant to tell him why I want to join the ICG), SO I bring out the
answers I had learnt from Dagar sir. I said sir as a Engineering graduate, I want to remain in the technical
domain and work, with that I need good amount of time for sports and extracurricular stuff, as I have
always given my time in that since School and college, Hence Defence gives me the right job I am looking
for plus great respect and job security and the perks and facilities of an officer are beyond comparison.
The IO now nods his head looking at the Board president sitting right in the middle and President nods
him back, I feel I have given the right answer.
IO: Any suggestions?
Me: No sir I was staying out so I can’t say anything.
IO: Thank you Arun.
Me: Thank you sir.
I leave the room quite satisfied that I will make the grade this time.

photo Author: Arun Babber
Got recommended in Coast Guard and waiting for merit now.

Reprint Your Indian Navy Application Form

Reprint Your Indian Navy Application Form
Indian Navy has published different recruitment entries this year like UES, Executive  Technical, Pilot, Observer, Education and ATC. One who has applied online need to send his/her documents and application form to the concerned department of Navy as mentioned in the respective official notification.

It is also important to save your document before you close the browser, you also need to keep another copy with you and has to produce it at the time of SSB Interview for Navy. If you haven’t saved or generated your Navy Online application form, this is how you can generate it again.

How to reprint/generate Indian Navy application form:

  1. Visit Nausena-Bharti.nic.in
  2. Click on “Download” in the top navigation bar.
  3. Click on “Reprint” Link.
  4. Now Click on the link which is relevant to you.
  5. Enter your details like Roll no etc. and submit.
  6. Download your application form.
Reprint Your Indian Navy Application Form
Reprint Your Indian Navy Application Form

Reprint Navy Application Forms:

  1. Application for UES entry for Pre-Final/ Final year BE/ B.Tech Students
  2. Application for UES entry who have applied through Unique Number for Pre-Final/ Final year BE/ B.Tech Students
  4. Application for SHORT SERVICE COMMISSION IN PILOT/ OBSERVER Entry Dec 13 Batch
Also Read:

Marksheet of CDS(I) Exam-2012: Written Not Qualified

Marksheet of CDS(I) Exam-2012: Written Not Qualified

UPSC has published the option to check your marksheet of CDSE(I) 2012 if you were unable to clear the written test of CDS(i) 2012 exam. To check your marks visit upsc.gov.in. You will need to have your CDS(i) 2012 roll number to check your marks.

How to check CDSE  Written Test Marks

1. Visit www.upsc.gov.in
2. Click on Marksheet-CDS(I) Exam-2012 Written not qualified, on the right hand side.


3. Enter your roll number and date of birth, hit submit.


4. Check your marks in English, GK and Maths.


Checking your marks is helpful to analyze your performance, may be your are getting low marks in a subject towards which you are confident and not focusing. So go ahead and check how much you are lagging. To prepare well for next CDSE (II) Exam 2013, read few helpful l posts below.

If you did not make it last time, then start serious and well planned preparation of CDS Exam 2013. When you plan your action then you will find the preparation very easy and helpful. 
Also Read:

Recommended From 2 AFSB Mysore through NDA-130 Entry


I am a student of sainik school balachadi  (Gujarat) . I had this year only appeared for my  class 12.  This was my first ever SSB. So I thought of sharing my experience with other   aspirants  too.  At present  I am waiting  for my merit list to come. At  the time of  reporting there  were around  140 candidates , out of which 85 got screened in and  17 got recommended. At the time  of screening my chest no. was  39  and  after  it ,  was  chest  no. 26 .

As the no. of candidates who were screened in were many, so our ssb lasted for  6 days   means  from ( 21 jan- 26 jan ).

Day 1

On   day one after seeing all candidates at   the station   I  was a bit nervous  but I kept on boosting my confidence . Then after reaching the board campus I got the feel that   now the real battle begins  .
The day began  with intelligence tests . There were 2 sets of 40 each , and truly speaking no any pattern was  followed  as I heard  about  before. In first one i did 36 and in second  one  38 .
Then came the turn of  PPDT  test , in that  we were shown a picture consisting  of  2 ladies and a men (all were standing ) . I   made a story on widow rehabilitations   in which I made the hero as an NGO worker.  After that we were divided in groups  and  were taken in a room where the officer told us to start discussion . The discussion started in which I participated for about 3 to 4 times , and the best thing was that many of my group mates were supporting my story  .
After all this we went for lunch and after lunch the result was declared  and I got screened in .
In the evening we filled   PIQ forms and then went to our rooms .

Day 2

On   the  second  day in the morning  we were having PABT   test . It started with battery test and those who passed it went for playing the game  . I  passed  the battery test and then went for playing  the game  .
It was a nice experience.
The results of the PABT  test were declared on the last day and  fortunately I cleared it . In the evening we were  having our   PSYCHOLOGY  test .
It started around   4 in  the  afternoon , I was a bit nervous but confident  because I  did a lot of preparation for PSYCHOLOGY  test . I myself  wrote about 30 stories on various themes . Practiced  around  500 words along with which I  totally mugged up my self description and  the SRT’s used to always remain normal only .
So   the PSYCHOLOGY test began with TAT  I started writing stories and I wrote all the 12 stories within the time limit only  . Further also  I was able to put on  a good show and did each and every thing successfully . I was totally satisfied with my performance.
One thing that had to be kept in mind while preparing for PSYCHOLOGY test is   that  u had to  present your own personality , if u are mugging up your SD   then make sure that u had written it  and it  gives  a shape of your personality . If  you are writing stories  on various themes , try to find out those themes that u may had performed in any sphere of your life (for example :- sports, debates, camps , elocution and many others ). In the evening we played basketball in court, in our living area .
2 AFSB Mysore batch


Day 3

On this day   I was having  my personal interview . I  got  fully  dressed in glittering formal  dress and after having my breakfast went to waiting hall . I was among  the one who were having there interviews in the beginning .  I was  just making myself cool at  the  time i was  seating  in the waiting hall . But other candidates started discussing  among them asking various G.K questions , but I ignored them all . Finally  chest no. 26 flashed on screen and I went upstairs for my interview .
As I went in  , the interviewing officer started shooting question upon me . He even didn’t made me comfortable . In the beginning I was scared but slowly I  gained momentum and confidence  . I was just telling the  truth to him  i even told him that i was  being once suspended  . Then he discussed a lot about it . I was not able  to answer few  of the questions . Finally after  45 minutes. I was being  said  bye from interviewing officer. Interview  was a  75-25   performance.
In the evening I went for outing with my new and old friends . We went to kfc , mc’d  and also for sight seeing. It was  a enjoyable trip.

Day 4

This   day   was a rest   for  the members of our group and   few others too . So we played basketball   and went to see movie it was a great fun in this day.

Day 5

 On  this day I was having my GTO  task . Due to lage number  of candidates  the GTO got over in a  day only except of 2 days .  So my GTO  began  with 2 GROUP DISCUSSIONS   . I participated well in both  , except of  speaking in length  I  spoke  effectively  .
I participated well in group planning too and was able to convince the group  on various points   . So in start only I was able to leave a impact upon the  GTO OFFICER  .
Then we went for  outdoor  task . Over there also I was able to give ideas when the group got struck  . In individual obstacles I  did  all obstacles  successfully.
In Command Task  I was given a tough task . It was really tricky  , but after a bit of time I was able to do it and made GTO sir totally satisfied .   Full group task was also a easy one .
In rest of   the  events also I did well  . So  GTO   task at the end was a outstanding performance.

Day 6

It   was the day of result  . The stage was set   for bang . We all  got  ready early for our conference  . After having our breakfast we went to the conference  hall . We were being called over there  chest number  wise . After some time my turn  also  came  as I entered  the  hall  I saw a bunch of officers  seated in their glittering uniforms  . Then the board president asked me a few normal questions about my stay and all , then he asked about my school . I answered all of them confidently.
Finally after lunch the Result Was Being Announced.
Before me there was chest number  24 was there as his chest number  was announced I stood to provide him space and at that moment only  the officer announced my chest Number  that Was  26 . To listen  it was the happiest moment of my  life .
So This Way I Came To   The End Of A Never Forgettable Event …
At Last   I Would Just Quote A Few Words Of   One Of My Beloved Senior
“ To Achieve Ur  Aim Just U Require  Is Positive  Approach  Toward  Ur  Destiny Along With Motivation “ ……
Hats Off  Folkssss…………………..
photo Author: Inderjeet Singh Chauhan: Recommended from 2 AFSB Mysore through NDA Entry.

SSC-tech Women Cut Off Marks Indian Army

SSC-tech Women Cut Off Marks Indian Army

Indian army has published the list of eligible women candidates for SSCW-12th technical entry with the cut off marks of 70% from 1st to 6th semester. Women candidates with 70% marks in engineering from 1st to 6th semester are eligible for SSB interviews of SSCW-12th tech.

Indian army has raised the cut off marks for women technical entry this time, engineering graduates with minimum 70% are eligible for this entry, as per the allotment list of SSCW-12th tech, 4011 candidates got qualified for ssb interview.

SSCW-12th Technical entry

Important note from Indian Army for SSCW-12th tech

  • Cut off percentage for SSCW (Tech)-12 Course is aggregate 70% and above in 1st to 6th Semester Exams.
  • Any false information detected in the online application filed by the candidate will result in cancellation of the candidature at any stage of selection.
  • Reporting date for SSB interview of all shortlisted candidates will be hosted in this website at the earliest.
Now the question is, will Indian Army also increase the cut off percentage for SSC-41th technical entry for men. Last time the cut off mark for SSC-40th was 63%. 
Alternate option: If you are unable to make in the cut off then prepare for CDSE exam there is no cut off marks and you just need to pass a written exam, another option is AFCAT entry for Indian Air Force.
All women candidates can check SSCW-12th SSB Interview dates here.
Also Read:

SSCW-12th Tech SSB Interview Dates

SSCW 12th+Tech+SSB+Interview+Dates+

Joinindianarmy has published the list of SSC-12th Technical entry women. SSC-12th is a technical entry for women engineering graduates. Indian army has allotted the SSB center to all eligble women candidates, date of SSB interview for SSCW-12th tech will be announced by Indian army soon.

Allotment of Women Candidates SSCW-12th Technical Entry 

Allahabad : 2206 candidates
Bhopal: 1203 candidates
Bangalore: 802 candidates

Total number of women candidates eligible for SSW-12th entry are 4011.

Also Check: SSC 41 Tech Men SSB Interview Dates

Eligible branch for SSCW-12th Technical

BE/B.Tec h Civil (including Mining )
B Architecture/Building Construction Technology
BE/B.Tech Mechanical ( Including industrial/
Manufacturing/Indus trial Engg & Management)
BE/B.Tech Electrical ( Including Electrical & Electronics)
BE/B.Tech Instrumentation/Electronics & Instrumentation
BE/B.Tech Automobile Engg/Works hop Technology
BE/B.Tech Production (Incl Metallurgical/
Metallurgy & Explosives
BE/B.Tech Electronics (Including Micro Electronics &
Microwave/opto Electronics)
BE/B.Tech Electronics & Communication/Electronics &
BE/B.Tech Info Tech/Computer Science & Engg /
Computer Technology /M.Sc (Computer)
BE/B.Tech Biotech/Food Tech Engg

SSB Interview dates for SSCW-12th Technical Entry:

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How to Apply for NDAExam 2015-2016 Online


Recently UPSC has published the notification of NDA (ii) 2015-2016. All eligible candidates can apply for NDA (ii) 2015 written exam through upsconline.nic.in portal, all candidates need to apply online only as mentioned in the official notification of NDA and NA II Exam 2015.

NDA Tips: How to pass NDA Written Exam

1. Log on to www.upsconline.nic.in


2. Click on Part – I registration of NDA II 2013 Examination

3. Enter the correct details and Fill up online application form for NDA & NA II 2013 examination.

4. Select course preference in NDA (ii) 2013 Examination,Give course preference for NDA & NA examination out of Army, Navy, Air Force and Naval Academy.

5. Proceed next, now verify details entered by you carefully, make sure you do not provide any false information. One you are sure proceed next. After submitting, save all the generated document in your computer.


6. Now it is time to do part 2 registration. Click on Part-2 registration of NDA 2013. Enter the registration details generated during part-I registration and your DOB.

7.  Upload your photograph and signature specimen in NDA registration form. You can scan a passport photo and your signature on a white paper, next crop the scan file and make sure your size of both file do not exceed the maximum limit.


8. Select examination center of NDA & NA II 2013 examination.

9. Confirm few other things and you are done. Make sure you take the final print out for future reference.

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TES-30 Technical Entry Scheme Notification 2013

TES-30th Notification

Indian Army aspirants can apply for TES-30th (10+2) Technical Entry Scheme Course Jan 2014 from joinindianarmy.nic.in website. Indian army will publish notification of TES-30 (10+2) technical entry scheme on 18th May 2013. TES-30th Application invites unmarried males candidates who have passed 10+2 examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics also know as PCM. Selected candidates will go through 4 years of basic military training and technical training thereafter.

Apply Now: TES 31 Notification

TES 29 Merit List

Eligibility Criteria for TES-30th (10+2) Entry Army

Age: Not below 16½ years and above 19½ years
Educational Qualification: Passed 10+2 Examination or its equivalent with a minimum aggregate of 70% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics from a recognized education boards.

TES 30 10+2 Army Notification

Final cut off marks for TES-30th for SSB Interviews

Cut off marks of TES-29th Army was 78% and above, this time also final cut off marks for SSB Interview of TES-30th (10+2) entry would remain between 80% -85%.
* All candidates with minimum 70% in PCM can apply for this entry.

TES-30 Army Selection Procedure?

  1. Short listed candidates will be called for SSSB interview at Bhopal, Bangalore or Allahabad Nov/Dec 2013 onward.
  2. SSB interview of five days.
  3. Recommended candidates would undergo medical testing lasting 3 to 5 days.
  4. All merit in candidates will be appointed for training in the order of merit.
  5. Basic military training for 1 year at OTA Gaya (Officer Training Academy Gaya).
  6. 3 Years of technical training at CME Pune, MCTE Mhow and MCEME Secunderabad.
  7. Post commission training of 1 year at CME Pune, MCTE Mhow and MCEME Secunderabad.

Other information TES-30th 10+2 Army

  • Vacancies : 85
  • Type of Commission : Permanent 
  • Training Period :  5 years

How to Apply for TES-30th Indian Army

  1. Candidates must apply online from joinindianarmy.nic.in and can do so from 18th May 2013.
  2. After submitting online application, candidates are required to obtain two copies of the application printout and the Roll Number generated by the system.
  3. Send one copy to  “Additional Directorate General of Recruiting (Rtg-6), TES Section, West Block-III, R.K puram, New Delhi- 110066”, duly Signed and affixed photograph attested by a gazetted officer of Central/State Govt. Photocopies of Class 10th Certificate/Mark sheet showing date of birth and 12th Class Certificate along with mark sheets duly attested by Gazetted officer.
  4. Write “Online application 10+2 TES and the Roll No…. and PCM %age” boldly outside the envelope.
  5. The second copy of the printout of application form along with the Roll No and all the above certificates in original are to be carried to the Selection Centre by the candidate for the SSB interview.
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