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Indian Air Force Airmen Recruitment Special Forces Maharashtra 2018


Aspirants from Maharashtra who are looking forward to joining the Indian Air force as an airman in Group Y non-technical security branch (Special Forces) can apply for the Indian Air Force Recruitment rally in Maharastra 2018. Indian Air Force offers opportunities for UNMARRIED MALE INDIAN/NEPALESE CITIZENS from designated Districts of State of Maharashtra to join as Airmen. The Recruitment Test for Group Y (Non-Technical) Indian Air Force (Security) IAF(S) Trade will be held at Sainik School, Sadar Bazar, Satara, Maharashtra as per the Selection Programme given below.

The Recruitment Test shall be conducted from 6 AM onwards as per the details given below. Candidates (from designated districts of State of Maharashtra) fulfilling the domicile requirements and eligibility conditions reporting up to 10 AM on 14 May 2018 at Sainik School, Sadar Bazar, Satara, Maharashtra (Rally venue) shall only be permitted to appear in the Recruitment Test.

Note: The Recruitment Test is not for selection as Commissioned Officers/ Pilots/Navigators.

Indian Air Force Airmen Recruitment Dates

Indian Air Force Rally Maharashtra 2018

  • Indian Air Force Airmen Date of Birth Block. Candidates born between 13 January 1998 and 02 January 2002 (both days inclusive) are eligible to appear in the Recruitment Rally.
  • Indian Air Force Airmen Educational Qualification. Candidate should have passed Intermediate / 10+2 / Equivalent Examination in any stream/subjects approved by Central / State Education Boards with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English.
  • Note – 1: Education Boards listed in Council of Boards of School Education (COBSE) website as members, as on date of registration shall only be permitted.
  • Note – 2: Exact aggregate % of marks before decimal as written in the marks sheet of 10+2/Intermediate/Equivalent OR calculated as per the rules of concerned Education Board shall only be considered (For example 49.99% should be taken as 49% and not to be rounded off to 50%).

Indian Air Force Airmen Domicile Requirement: To be eligible to appear in the rally at Sainik School, Sadar Bazar, Satara, Maharashtra, the candidates shall be required to
satisfy the following conditions:

  • The School / College / Institute from where candidates have passed the qualifying examination should be within the geographical/administrative limits of specified districts (as mentioned in paragraph 2 above) of State of Maharashtra. If the name of District is not mentioned with the name of Institution in the certificate / marks sheet of qualifying examination, the candidates shall produce „Domicile Certificate‟ issued by Revenue department, Tehsildar/SDM/DM or any official authorized by the State Government of Maharashtra.
  • Permanent Domicile of districts (as mentioned in paragraph 2 above) of State of Maharashtra who have passed the qualifying examination from anywhere in India shall produce the Domicile Certificate prior to commencement of examination from appropriate authority as given in sub-paragraph 5(a) above.
  • Sons of serving Air Force personnel {Officer/Airmen/NCs(E) and Unit cadre Civilians paid from Defence Estimates} whose father/mother is presently serving in any Air Force Unit/any other Organisation located in the designated districts of State of Maharashtra irrespective of their domicile status, shall be permitted to appear in the rally subject to production of latest SOAFP (Son of Air Force Personnel) Certificate (format available on AFNET CASB website).
  • Sons of Air Force personnel {Officers/Airmen/NCs(E) and Unit Cadre Civilians paid from Defence Estimates} whose father/mother is Retired/ Discharged/ Deceased and they are residing in the designated districts of State of Maharashtra shall be permitted to appear in the rally subject to production of proof of minimum stay of one year along with original and photocopy of Service Book/Discharge Book/Casualty Service Certificate/Service Particular Certificate (issued from DPO-3/DAV, as applicable) in case of Officers/Airmen/NCs(E) and a Certificate duly signed by OIC Civil Admin and countersigned by CO/C Adm O of the last served unit, in case of Civilians.

Indian Air Force Airmen Medical Standards: General Medical Standards shall be as follows: –

  • Chest: Minimum range of expansion: 5 cm
  • Weight: Proportionate to height and age.
  • Corneal Surgery (PRK/LASIK) not acceptable.
  • Hearing: Candidate should have normal hearing i.e. able to hear forced whisper from a distance of 6 meters with each ear separately.
  • Dental: Should have healthy gums, good set of teeth and minimum 14 dental points. (vi) Health: Candidate should be of normal anatomy without loss of any appendages. He should be free from any active or latent, acute or chronic, medical or surgical disability or infection and skin ailments. Candidate must be physically and mentally FIT to perform duty in any part of the world, in any climate and terrain.
  • Height, Leg Length, Visual Standards and Colour Vision are as follows: Indian Air Force Rally Maharashtra 2018 medical

Indian Air Force Airmen Body Tattoo: Permanent body tattoos shall not be permitted. However, tattoos only on inner face of the forearms (inside of elbow to the wrist), back (dorsal) part of the hand/reverse side of palm and for Tribals tattoos which are as per custom and traditions of their tribes may be considered. However, right to decide on acceptability/unacceptability of the individual shall rest with the Selection Centre. Candidates with permanent body tattoos shall submit two photographs (close up and distant view) with details of size and type of the Tattoo.

Download Current Affairs eBooks for the exam

Only Sikh candidates, whose religion prohibits the cutting of the hair or shaving of the face of its member, shall be permitted to grow hair and/or retain beard and mustache. Accordingly, those Sikh candidates willing to retain the same as per laid down specification are to get their photographs with beard and mustache.

  • Pay & Allowances: During training, a stipend of Rs. 14,600/- per month will be paid. On completion of training the starting gross emoluments at the minimum of scale of pay including Military Service Pay (MSP) will be Rs. 26,900/- per month plus Dearness allowance (as applicable) which, in subsequent years, may rise as per the career progression of the individual.  Special Force (SF) Allowance {IAF(S)} @ Rs. 17,300/- per month on completion of training will be applicable to Indian Air Force (Security) Trade. 
  • Perks:  Perks such as Ration, Clothing, Medical facilities, Accommodation, CSD (Canteen) facilities, Leave (60 days Annual and 30 days Casual in a Calendar year as a privilege, subject to service exigencies), Recreational facilities, Transport for school going children and Leave Travel Concession (LTC) are also provided as per the existing rules. Group Insurance Cover of Rs. 37.5 Lakhs at a premium of Rs. 2300/- per month for all airmen and facility of Group Housing Scheme are also extended.

Indian Air Force Airmen Selection Procedure

  • Verification of Eligibility: Original Educational Certificates (10th Passing Certificate and 12th Passing Certificate & Marks Sheets) and other required applicable original documents like NCC ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ certificate, Son of serving Air Force Personnel (SOAFP) certificate (or) Discharge Book, Service Book, Service Particular Certificate/Casualty Service Certificate (or) Discharge Certificate (if discharged from Army/Navy/ Government Organisation), Consent Form (signed by parents if candidate below 18 years of age) and passport size colour photographs shall be required and scrutinized/verified at the examination venue prior to commencement of Physical Fitness Test to ascertain the eligibility prima-facie. Detailed verification will be carried out later in respect of candidates who pass Physical Fitness Test and subsequently the Written Test. Candidature of those who do not meet the laid down educational criteria shall be rejected during Initial verification of original certificates & mark sheets prior to conduct of Physical Fitness Test and also during detailed verification on clearing the Physical Fitness Test as well as Written Test.
  • Note: The original Passing Certificates / Marks Sheets will not be retained by the Selection Centre. The same will be returned to the candidates on completion of detailed verification.

Indian Air Force Airmen Group –  Y (Non-Technical) IAF(S) Trade

  • Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
    • 1.6 Km run – within 5 minutes 40 seconds: The Candidate is to run 1.6 Kms on a marked course, within timings.
    • Chin up – minimum 08: The Candidate is to hang from a bar with under-grip and pull his body upwards till the chin clears the bar. He is to lower the body until the elbows are completely straight and the body is in the ‘dead hanging’ position.
    • Push-up (plank type) – minimum 20 : The candidate is to place his palms flat on the ground directly underneath the shoulders with the elbows straight and locked. The body is to be straight and inclined to the ground with the body weight supported by the hands and the toes. The body is to be maintained straight when being lowered with only the elbows bent. The chest is to remain off the floor in the lowest position.
    • Bent Knee Sit Ups – minimum 20 : The candidate is to lie down flat on his back with fingers interlocked behind the head, with knees bent in a comfortable position. A partner is to stand on the candidate toes to prevent them from lifting. The candidate is to sit up to a vertical position touching the knees with his forehead and return to the starting position.
  • Written Test
    • All candidates who qualify PFT shall undertake Written Test on the same or subsequent day depending on the local conditions. The Written Test will be objective type and question paper shall be bilingual (English & Hindi) except for English paper.
    • Answers are to be annotated on OMR sheet. The detailed procedure shall be explained before conduct of the examination. Duration of the Written Test will be 45 minutes and shall comprise of English as per 10+2 CBSE syllabus and Reasoning and General Awareness (RAGA).
    • CANDIDATES ARE TO QUALIFY IN EACH PAPER SEPARATELY. Results of the Written Test shall be declared on the same day.
    • Adaptability Test-I. All candidates who pass the Written Test shall undertake Adaptability Test-I on the same or subsequent day depending on the local conditions. Adaptability Test – I is to assess the suitability of a candidate for employment in the IAF which involves deployment in varied geographic terrain, weather and operational conditions.
    • Adaptability Test-II. All candidates who pass Adaptability Test-I will have to undertake Adaptability Test-II as per policy in vogue. Adaptability Test-II is to select candidates who can adapt to the environment of Indian Air Force and are able to adjust to the military way of life.
    • Dynamic Factor Test (DFT). All candidates who pass Adaptability Test-II will have to undertake Dynamic Factor Test to assess the
      required qualities to function as IAF(Security) in Indian Air Force.

FOR ANY QUERY, CONTACT PRESIDENT, CENTRAL AIRMEN SELECTION BOARD, BRAR SQUARE, DELHI CANTT, NEW DELHI – 110010, TELEPHONE NO. 011- 25694209/25699606 AND e-mail : [email protected] / [email protected] OR COMMANDING OFFICER, 6 AIRMEN SELECTION CENTRE, AIR FORCE STATION,COTTON GREEN, MUMBAI, MAHARASHTRA-400033, TELE: 022 – 23714982 (Direct), Extn : 251 and E-Mail : [email protected]

Read the official notification

Note: Indian Air Force is the only organisation which recruits aspirants for Special Forces [GARUD Commandos] directly.

Indian Air Force Airmen Recruitment Special Forces Maharashtra 2018


Books for SSB/AFSB Interview Preparation [ 100% Recommended]

Adm Lanba Takes Part in Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) in Iran

IONS 2018
IONS 2018

The 6th edition of Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) and Conclave of Chiefs was hosted by Iran at Tehran from 23 to 25 April 2018. It was attended by The Chief of the Naval Staff Adm Sunil Lanba who lead a four member Indian delegation for the event.

Parallel to this Sympoium, the Exhibition of Technical Capabilities of Maritime Defense was being held by the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy at the venue of the symposium.

Idea Behind IONS

The IONS was conceived by the Indian Navy in 2008. The forum seeks to enhance maritime cooperation among navies of the littoral states of the Indian Ocean Region by providing an open and inclusive forum for discussion on regionally relevant maritime issues that would lead to common understanding on the way ahead.

The forum helps to preserve peaceful relations between nations, and thus is critical to building an effective maritime security architecture in the Indian Ocean Region and is also fundamental to our collective prosperity and to generate a flow of information between naval professionals that would lead to common understanding and possibly cooperative solutions on the way ahead.

History of IONS

The inaugural edition of IONS was held in February 2008 at New Delhi, with Indian Navy as the Chair for two years.

Subsequent seminars and meetings of the ‘Conclave of Chiefs’ have been held at the commencement of each two year IONS Chairmanship: United Arab Emirates in 2010, South Africa in 2012, Australia in 2014 and Bangladesh in 2016. In April 2018 the IONS Chairmanship rotates to Iran, and in 2020, to France.

A relatively young forum, barely in its 10th year of existence, it has grown into a formidable organisation with 23 members and 09 observers.

The Charter

IONS was conceived within the ambit of Article 52 of UN Charter, inspired by the initial successes of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and modelled on the lines of the West Pacific Naval Symposium (WPNS).

Under the IONS charter of business adopted in 2014, the forum has working groups on Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR), Information Security and Interoperability (IS&I) and maritime security (anti-piracy).

Members of IONS

There are 35 member navies of the IONS which have been geographically grouped into the following four sub-regions:

  • South Asian Littorals: India, Bangladesh, Maldives, Pakistan, Seychelles and Sri Lanka
  • West Asian Littorals: Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Yemen
  • East African Littorals: Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Eriteria, France, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan and Tanzania
  • South East Asian and Australian Littorals: Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Timor Leste.
  • Observer Countries: China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Madagascar, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Russia and Spain.


The 6th edition of IONS was held in Tehran. The idea of IONS was conceived by Indian Navy. As the founder nation, India will also be conducting commemorative activities in November 2018 at Kochi, for celebrating its 10th Anniversary this year.

The visit of the Chief of the Naval Staff aimed at consolidating bilateral naval relations between India and Iran and to explore new avenues for naval cooperation. Admiral Sunil Lanba also held bilateral discussions with the Commander IRI Navy, and other participating ‘Chiefs of Navy/ Head of Maritime Agencies’.

What Were The Activities Done During Gaganshakti 2018?

Gaganshakti 2018
Gaganshakti 2018

The Indian Air Force conducted pan India Exercise Gaganshakti 2018 from 08-22 April 2018. The aim of the exercise was real time coordination, deployment and employment of air power in a short and intense battle scenario.

For an exercise of such scale, the planning process started almost nine months back. During Gaganshakti 2018, lAF exercised its entire war fighting machinery to validate its concept of operations and war waging capability. The focus of the exercise was to check the viability of our operational plans and learn meaningful lessons.

Phases of the Exercise

The exercise was conducted in two phases so that all Commands get adequate opportunity to test the efficacy of their preparedness.

Phase-I of the exercise involved activation of Western, South Western and Southern Air Commands, with affiliated Army and Naval components.

Phase-II of the exercise involved activation of Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Air Commands.

Re-deployment for Phase-II involved relocating the forces so as to be effective at the new Iocations within a short span of 48 hours. This was made possible by round the clock operations of heavy lift transport aircraft like C-17 and IL-76 as well as by employing a large number of tactical airlift aircraft like C-130 and An-32 aircraft.  IAF also used civil chartered flight and trains for mobilisation of resources.

During the exercise, all types of combat missions, encompassing all air campaigns, were conducted.

Surge Operations

Fighter aircraft undertook surge operations i.e. generating maximum number of sorties in a 24 hours cycle. These included long range missions with concentrated live and simulated weapon releases across all air to ground ranges in India, creation of Air Defence umbrella to facilitate operation of ground forces and Counter Surface Force Operations in support of Army in various sectors.

Maritime Operations

During both phases, Maritime Operations involving long range maritime strikes with Maritime reconnaissance support by Indian Navy aircraft were also practiced.

Upgraded Aircrafts and Weapons’ Operations

The efficacy and integration of indigenous LCA aircraft and Akash Missile system in the operational matrix of the IAF was also checked out. In addition, capabilities of upgraded Mirage-2000 and MiG-29 aircraft were tested for the first time in an operational environment. All types of aerial weapons, including standoff and precision weapons were employed to validate their use in the Air Operations Matrix.

Combat Support Operations

Combat Support Operations involved missions by force enablers like AWACS and Air to Air refuellers, Special Ops comprising a Battalion Group paradrop, Special Ops with Garud Commandos, Combat Search and Rescue for effective extraction of downed aircrew behind enemy lines, sea rescue and operations from Advanced Landing Grounds.

The transport aircraft also undertook mass casualty evacuation missions in all Commands employing C-17, C-130 and An-32 aircraft. Helicopter missions included Special Heliborne Operations, casualty evacuation, strike missions against enemy formations and Inter-Valley Troop Transfer.

Joint Operations

For joint operations, lAF’s joint command and control structures with Indian Army and Navy, such as Advance HQ of IAF co-located with Army Commands, Tactical Air Centres, Maritime Air Ops Centre and Maritime Elements of Air Force etc, were activated.

Army troops and combat vehicles were deployed to simulate Tactical Battle Areas in all Commands and some of the Army exercises were dovetailed with air operations for simulation of realistic battlefield environment. Ships were deployed, both in the Arabian Sea as well as in Bay of Bengal, for anti-shipping strikes by IAF maritime aircraft operating from bases on the east and west coast, as well as from island territories.

During the exercise, more than 11000 sorties were flown, which include approx 9000 sorties by fighter aircraft.

Men Deployed

To sustain the tempo of operations on such a large scale, on a 24 x 7 basis, the training status of entire IAF was enhanced, especially the aircrew.  All qualified and medically fit crew upto 48 years of age were made proficient and current by giving them re-validation training on combat assets, employed during the exercise.  Even the technical manpower focused on their primary tasks and rehearsed their SOPs/practices in the run up to the exercise.  Over 1,400 officers and 14,000 men were pulled out of training establishments and deployed for the exercise, to augment existing resources.

AAI Coordination

Intense operations of this magnitude, in a short span of time, involved very close coordination with Airport Authority of India for airspace coordination. It was an endeavour of the IAF to conduct this exercise with negligible disruptions of civil traffic anywhere in the country. IAF had also activated a number of civil airfields to support combat operations during the exercise.

All operations were conducted in a Network Enabled scenario with a very high reliability of communications, networked air defence systems employing op enabling software.

A major highlight of the exercise was a very high availability and reliability of all combat assets including aircraft, missile systems and radars. High tempo operations also enabled the IAF to ascertain sustainability of the logistics chain.

Other Missions

The exercise also focused heavily on base security aspects. Simulated drills involving infiltration into operational area by various means were practiced. Dedicated contingencies were conducted towards sustaining operations in a Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear attack scenario. Different techniques for repairing runway after bomb damage were practiced in addition to restoration of essential services and mass casualty evacuation at forward bases. Extensive coordination with Territorial Army Units and Local Civil Administration was undertaken to refine response during various security and administrative contingencies.

The Outcomes

IAF was able to achieve 80% serviceability of aircraft while radars and surface to air guided weapons maintained a serviceability of 97%, which included some of the legacy systems that were over 40 years old. Focused effort enabled a dispatch rate of more than 95% for the Combat Assets, 100% availability of Combat Support Systems and almost 100% dispatch rates of Combat Enablers.

This had been possible due to good planning and dedicated efforts of our airwarriors as well as continuous support by DPSUs that is HAL, BEL and DRDO. Flight line unserviceabilities were promptly rectified by dedicated maintenance crew.  The logistics stamina of the IAF and the ability to sustain continuous operations through day and night was put through a rigorous assessment.  Contingencies such as repair of battle damaged aircraft and relocation, of essential services due to enemy air action were also practiced.


Exercise Gaganshakti 2018 provided IAF with an excellent opportunity to practice its war time drills and undertake operations in realistic scenario. Activities were undertaken in a cohesive manner to achieve the stated objectives of the Indian Air Force, in case of any contingency. The exercise also enabled the IAF to validate operational efficacy of new platforms and refine existing Standard Operating Procedures. Joint operations with Army and Navy, conducted during the exercise, would help in achieving better operational synergy between the three services, in application of combat power.

1940’s Dakota DC-3 Aircraft To Be Inducted in IAF’s Vintage Aircraft Flight

Dakota Aircraft

A Douglas DC-3 ‘Dakota’ aircraft of 1940’s will be inducted in to the Vintage Aircraft Flight of the Indian Air Force on 4 May 2018. A large fleet of Dakota DC-3 served in the IAF till 1988.

Dakota Aircraft
Dakota Aircraft

Dakota’s Service Record

It was one of the most versatile transport aircraft of its time. Dakota were introduced in the 1930s. As part of the 12th squadron of the then Royal Indian Air Force (RIAF), Dakotas were the main workhorse in Ladakh and Northeast region. And, they intervened in time to save the Valley of Kashmir in 1947.

Dakota is the reason why Poonch is still with us. They also helped in hastening the fall of Dhaka and liberation of Bangladesh.

Built in 1944, the aircraft served in military with the RAF and was also operated by various civil airlines. The Dakota has played a sterling role in the history of the IAF.

To honour the first Dakota which transported troops of the 1st Sikh Regiment to Srinagar on 27 Oct 47, during the Kashmir conflict, the IAF has allocated the aircraft with a registration number ‘VP 905’

It was the finest aircraft ever designed and the most rugged. It has operated from every airfield. It can fly in the day, at night; in hostile mountainous areas. It can land on short runways as well as on grass or dirt airstrips.

It is reported that during WW II when a Dakota landed in a jungle, a quarter of one of its wings got shorn off. It could not take off. So the pilot and the crew decided to cut off a quarter of the other wing as well. It worked and the plane flew home – they named it the DC 2½.

MP’s Gift To IAF

The aircraft was obtained from scrap in 2011 and was restored to flying condition in UK by Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) Mr. Rajeev Chandrasekhar for gifting it to the IAF. His father Air Commodore (retd) MK Chandrasekhar was a Dakota pilot in the IAF. It is believed that the aircraft belonged to the MP.

Incidentally, he first made this offer to the UPA Government, but failed to get a positive response and it was only last year that a green signal came from Prime Minister Narendra Modi and then Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar.

The defence ministry has agreed to receive the gift, with the rider that the aircraft be formally handed over in India. The defence minister of the earlier government had turned down the proposal saying that there was no precedent of accepting a vintage aircraft for the IAF as a gift.

After buying this aircraft from Ireland in 2009, he has now made the aircraft airworthy in London, where it is waiting to begin its flight to India.

The Crew and MP
The Crew and MP

Restroing the Vintage Aircraft

The aircraft was obtained from scrap in 2011 and was restored to flying condition in UK. Subsequently, the IAF signed a contract with M/s Reflight Airworks Ltd London for upgrading its navigational systems. The CAS ceremonially accepted the aircraft into the IAF from Mr. Rajeev Chandrasekhar on 13 Feb 2018.

After successfully completing all test flights, after its restoration, the aircraft commenced its journey from the UK on 17 Apr 2018.

It was flown to India by a joint team crew of the IAF and M/s Reflight Airworks Ltd. The ferry to India by making en-route halts at France, Italy, Greece, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman, was completed on 25 Apr 2018 at Jamnagar.

Controls of Dakota
Controls of Dakota

Induction Ceremony on 4 May

To honour the old war horse in its new residence, the induction ceremony of Dakota VP-905 is scheduled on 04 May 2018 at Air Force Station Hindon. The ceremony will include the representatives from the OEM, dignitaries from the High Commission of the UK and the proud veterans of the IAF who have operated this magnificent flying machine.


An aircraft of this generation being flown to India from across the World after its restoration, is an unprecedented event in the history of the IAF and joins our vintage flight which was raised in Palam in 1988. The Present day heritage aircraft in Vintage Flight are Howard and Tiger moth with plans afoot to add a wider variety of military aircraft which forms a part of our rich ancestry.

Recommended For Indian Army TES 39 Entry


Greeting future GC’s and LC’s!!! This is your friend Rishabh Pandey and I’ll be sharing my experience for Army TES SSB for 39th course in the next few paragraphs. It could be long but I can assure you that it will be worth reading. I hail from a defence background and living in Kanpur since the last 5 years. I have done my schooling from St. Aloysius’ High School, Kanpur. I always wanted to become the first generation officer from my family and therefore started my preparation for SSB right after my class 12th. I went through a few SSB books (had like-minded friends, each one would buy a different book and then we would exchange them among ourselves). I had watched YouTube videos just to get some idea of the procedure, while browsing I came through the video tutorial package by Cdr. Natrajan sir and ordered it. To my surprise it was much better than my expectations and took coaching to quench my curiosity and get more hands-on approach. During this 3 months tenure of preparation I collected every vital information and practiced for psychological test and went confidently for my first ssb for Navy Tech (10 + 2) Btech Entry in NSB Coimbatore. I did exceptionally well in all the task but couldn’t perform well in my interview due to anxiety and this performance later affected my GTO Day 2 tasks. I knew I ruined it and won’t be making it this time. I took a one week break and tried recollecting and re-evaluating my performance I interacted with commander Natrajan sir and told him about my experience. Other than this there were many seniors who helped me figuring out my weaknesses and improving them. (Thanks to Apoorva, Pratik, Pranjal, and Amit)

I took their words as instructions and started building up the GENTLEMAN in me. Apart from this, I practiced for psychological tests and made a whatsapp group of friends with whom I discussed the responses. I got a gap of about 6 months (Aug – Feb) for my next SSB which was for Army TES.

I was happy on receiving the call letter but it later changed to disappointment when I saw I had to report to Allahabad, the centre well known for rejection. I was not sure if I should waste an attempt.(Yes, I was scared). I decided to take a chance as it would be a test of my preparation.

Day 1 : Stage I (Screening Test)

The day started at 0600 Hrs. I Reported at MCO Allahabad with my luggage and documents. Saw a huge number of boys neatly dressed. Interacted and made some friends. Bus took us to the Selection Centre where documentation took place. A total of 251 candidates reported of which 3 were already recommended. Verbal and Non Verbal Tests were conducted and I attempted maximum questions in both the tests. We were given a short break after which PP & DT was held. We were shown a hazy picture where two human figures could be seen, one of them sitting on a raised platform and the other one on a mat (or ground).

Then for the discussion, they made a group of 20 candidates (mine was a repeaters batch and I was the youngest repeater there (i.e C/O only once).There was a fish market situation as everybody was seeking to take the initiative. I decided to keep calm and waited for the exact moment (when there is least noise) and made my entry to the discussion with 2-3 solid points. With more and more chaos the assessors divided the group into two parts and in this way the discussion concluded in less than 5 minutes.

We then came out of the Capt. Manoj Pandey Hall and were given refreshments. I had a mixed feeling and wasn’t that confident of getting screened in. In order to release my anxiety I decided to have a casual walk observing the faces and hearing from other candidates. The time went really fast and we were called again to the hall where the results of Stage I screening test were to be declared.

A total of 18 candidates were screened in out of which 8 were fresher’s and 10 were repeaters (Including 2 NDA-140 recommended candidates). Yes, I was among them! And was allotted chest number 14 after which we were briefed about the rules and regulations and made to fill up the PIQ and few other forms. The day ended at 1800 hrs.

We were allotted our barracks where we kept our luggage and congratulated each other for clearing Stage 1.TES 39 SSB Interview Story

My Advice for Stage I:

Assume yourself as the central character. Try to make the story on some social issue, reflecting some moral values.Try to tackle the situation (or problem) by yourself instead of pushing the responsibilities to some ‘NGO’. If you couldn’t complete your story or wish to make some changes, do it wisely while narrating without altering your original theme/motive. Be loud and clear during your narration and do not stop or stumble in between. Confidence is the key to clear Stage 1.

Day 2 : Psychological Tests :

I had practiced a lot for this particular day.We reported to the CHM at 0730 hrs who took us in Vikram Batra hall where the psychologist briefed us about the tests.

TAT : 11 Pictures + 1 Blank Slide was shown for 30 seconds each. And we were supposed to write stories in 4 minutes of time.(Similar to PP&DT)

My advice :

I had prepared my Blank Story beforehand (about a birthday party I organized) . Preparing the blank story really helps and you can utilize those extra 30 seconds in completing/concluding your incomplete stories. Make sure it is something realistic and reflects your personality. Won’t recommend you to write the story of your ‘SSB Struggle’. Don’t seek pity and don’t try to beg ‘recommendation’ by forcing him/her them to see your hard work (instead of show them by your ACTIONS).

  • WAT : Attempted 58 / 60 words in 15 Minutes
  • Skipped 2 words ‘Recommendation’ & ‘Dames’
  • Words were quite easy and I made simple observational sentences which reflected my personality. Speed and accuracy matter.

My advice :

Listen to psychologist’s instructions carefully. Make sure you don’t miss out the sequence as it may reflect your careless attitude and may spoil the whole test. So be conscious and cautious. Write your natural response which comes at first shot.

  • SRT: Did all 60/60 in 30 min

My advice:

  • Don’t over assume the problem.
  • Be honest in every response, react logically.
  • Know your limits, You can’t fight 4 men alone (that happens only in south indian movies) , or use a public vehicle in a curfew.
  • Be aware of rules and certain protocols of the society.
  • SD : Practised it beforehand, improved my timing.

GTO Day 1 :

18 of us were divided into 2 groups of 8 and 10.(The later consisted of repeaters)

Group Discussion :

My participation was good in both the GD’s, I gave solid points which were often accepted by the group. I promoted the one who weren’t able to put their points and spoke for about 3-4 times in the complete discussion. Provided counters where ever necessary.

My advice :

Discussion is a two way process, even if you have less information of a topic listening will help you take a stand in the discussion and counter/support the points.

  • Reading helps a lot: Facts and figures can add value to your points.
  • Learn to CONTRIBUTE and not to COMPETETE while working as a group.

My group members were excellent and competitive, I smartly snatch opportunities to show my skills and ideas, most of the members agreed to my idea which made me confident and helped me perform better in next GTOs test.

  • GPE, Lecturrete topic : Swach Bharat Abhiyan : Spoke fluently for 3 minutes
  • Snake Race : Chose the war cry : “Hamari Shan- Hindustan” , Lecturette topic : Swach Bharat Abhiyan : spoke fluently for 3 minutes
  • Individual Obstacles :Did 11 out of 10 (Repeated the commando walk) , PGT and FGT were held on the same day.
  • Interview of some candidates took place.

Day 4 : GTO 2 & interview

Command Task

To my surprise, none of the group members called me as a subordinate for the command task. Next time anyone says the more you are called as a subordinate the higher is your chance for getting recommended, show them this post).

I got a difficult structure but managed to clear it halfway when the GTO shouted at me “Gentleman, hurry you have last 60 seconds !!!”.He was trying to pressurize me but I didn’t lose my cool. He made all the structures white and I was able to cross the structure along with my two subordinates.

After completion of Command Task, GTO sir briefed us and wished us all the best for the next tasks. After which we had lunch and it was announced that I have to report for the interview at 15:00 Hrs and Deputy President will take my interview. I had my lunch and went back to the barrack along with my friends. They were asking me to prepare for the GK questions which he was commonly asking. I took a shower and dressed up smartly and reached the waiting hall. Deep inside I was getting nervous as I wasn’t prepared for the GK questions which he was commonly asking. I stood up and walked up to the mirror and spoke to myself, “Be cool Pandey Ji, Anxiety has already been the reason for your last failure, let’s try something new!!!” As soon as I finished my sentence the buzzer rang and my chest number was displayed on the screen. I gave a final look in the mirror , adjusted my tie and walked towards the door, knocked, opened and wished him good afternoon. He stood up and gave a handshake and asked me “So Rishabh for how long have you been waiting in the waiting room ?” I wasn’t aware of the time right now but i confidently said for the last 45 minutes sir.” He then asked questions about my city Kanpur, my journey and details of the train, the average speed of the train. He then went on with my PIQ , my interview lasted for around 50 minutes. I was asked 2 sets of rapid fire questions which i answered in sequence. I was not asked any technical questions.

My advice :

Be truthful and precise to your answers.”When you say the truth you don’t have to remember anything.”

  • Positive Body language, etiquettes and smile is a MUST.
  • Feel comfortable and listen to his questions carefully.
  • Prepare your PIQ well. Interview will be around this.
  • You must be able to justify your answers.
  • Confidence doesn’t come when you have all the answers. But it comes when you are ready to face all the questions.
  • This was the last night together for the group (As tomorrow was the judgement day).We were working as a team for the last 4 days. They gave me the nickname ‘Pandu’ we made a great bond of brothers which will last forever.

Conference day

Before the conference I made sure that I know all the answers of the questions which I didn’t answer in the interview. I had to wait for 7 minutes before entering the conference hall. This time I was not at all nervous. As I entered the hall I found that all the officers were in uniform and were difficult to distinguish. I was smiling and kept the same smile throughout. I was asked GK question which I was not able to answer in my interview and were given 2 SRT’s to solve, they asked me to rank my position in the group, and asked who all will get recommended and why ? He asked if you could remove a person from your group who would it be? I gave logical answers and justified them whenever asked.

He then asked for any suggestions and wished me all the best. I thanked them and confidently walked out of the hall. I was satisfied with my overall performance. I met my friends in the waiting hall who were waiting to hear my experience inside the conference hall.

The Dy. President came for the motivating closing address. He told us about the 15 Officer Like Qualities and wished us Good Luck for the results.

After which the results were declared , officer came in and declared the chest no. of recommended candidates who had to stand up walk forward and shout their name, date of birth and roll number. Heart beats could be heard in the room.

  • Chest no. 11 (Shubham) , Chest no. 13 (Ajinkya) and Chest no. 14 (Rishabh)

I went numb for few seconds but somehow overpowered my legs to stand up, cried my name in a broken voice, barely managed to speak out my date of birth and by the time I reached my roll number I started crying. Everyone congratulated us, I felt sad for the rest of my friends.

I really appreciate the fighting spirit of repeaters. And I wish to say that,”You have the patience, the strength and the passion to achieve your ambitions, your goals and your dream. All you need to do is TRY.

If a stone is broken by the last stroke of hammer, it doesn’t mean that the past strokes were useless. Success is the result of continuous and persistent efforts.Keep trying and don’t stop till you get enough!

Looking forward to read your story on SSBCrack.

Jai Hind !!!

Cracked AFSB Interview In 1st Attempt To Join Indian Air Force


Do you think you have seen it all?  think again!!! Well, guys, I was always interested in reading out experiences here and never thought I would get a chance to write mine one day, that too in a mere age of 17 years.

For the introduction part, I am Anirudh Rawat, from Bulandshahr, U.P . I always wondered to join Indian armed forces as an officer. Things that interested me is simply my father’s uniform, my choice of taking up a career full of adventure, challenges, and satisfaction. Many people asked me how I handle my studies as well in between, my answer being “ I am an air force brat, I can handle everything”. many people don’t understand  “we wear phrase military brat as a badge of honor. “  coming back, I was preparing for IIT  as well so cracking NDA written exam was not a big deal for me, I did it easily.

I believe if someone analyses earlier test papers, one can easily crack written exam. I did same. I was called up for SSB on 29 January 2018 by 2 AFSB Mysore for NDA 140 Course. I bought up the book ”Let’s Crack SSB interview”  by SSBCRACK, I went thoroughly, it helped me a lot in getting a fair idea about the whole procedure and what qualities are expected from a candidate.

For preparation I also went to take guidance from COL(retd) L.S. Nirban Sir, I took all help from him. For you all I’ll be telling you to know what happened to me in these five days.

Day 1:

Around 170 candidates reported on Mysore railway station, from there we were taken to service selection board. I was given chest number 07 before screening test than it was changed to 05 after getting retained.

Let me tell you guys OIR plays a key role in getting you screened in your performance in it means a lot.

Generally, the candidate with the outstanding rating is easily retained for further testing than others. As I was well aware of this fact  so I brought up a book “ Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning”

I practiced around  70 question from it every day for a month. In our OIR  test, there were 2 papers having 50 questions each and the allotted time was 27 minutes for both, I was able to solve them in time and without panic. Then our PPDT   was conducted, in which we were shown a picture of man in pain, and other in neutral mood, I made a realistic story related to being injured in NCC camp, in discussion part, I narrated well and confidently but while discussing, it was like world war three , no one was ready to hear another person,  7 to 8 were shouting at the same time , I was not part of that crowd  , I spoke for two times only when there was a little silence and I asked others politely to nominate me to narrate the group story at the end, and in that too I was not nominated .

All those who were shouting were screened out and I was screened in.

The day was not over yet, we were routed to candidates mess and accommodation, thereafter having lunch and some rest, our psychology test was conducted, you know AFSB is somehow a little different from other SSB.

Talking about the psychologist test , I would say , it went good ,it is something that I suppose , I wrote all TAT , I made realistic stories and  I never mugged up old stories that’s why I gave all my genuine ideas and my first thinking , if someone tries to be smart in here , probably he will end by not getting selected , psychologist faces thousands of candidates like us, so they know everything. so will it be considered a smart move to write mugged up things ? unquestionably the answer would be NO!

In WAT , I made 57 sentence and I wrote all observational thinking , I didn’t try to bluff here , like one of the word was “Impossible” I wrote mission impossible 5 is Oscar winning movie. Same like, I believe one should enjoy these tests.

In SRT , I could write only 40, and in SD part , I wrote the feedback as it was given by my parent  and my two close friends Divakar,  Mridul.

I wrote nothing but the truth.

Yes , there is confusion about a blank slide in TAT  the most, friends  I wrote my own life story with some imaginary character in it , I wrote about a character who liked playing badminton and maintained  a balance between his studies too. It was a very normal story.

We all were tired like hell and were informed about the schedule of GT in the night, I couldn’t sleep even.

I thanked god , in the night for giving me a chance to at least show my potential. In the night we all candidate talked to each other to have a good discussion tomorrow, I initiated this conversation, so as to increase bonding with them, all agreed and then we went to sleep.NDA AFSB Interview


On this day we were woken up by some patriotic songs, which were being played in AFSB Mysore every morning sharp at 5 am , we assembled around 6:30 am , waited for some time for further instruction , then our group was taken into a room , having some clay model in middle, then group discussion was conducted, our first topic was” Board Examination for 10 class student “ . I gave logical , observation, and statistical points which are not easily opposed, our second topic was “ India and USA Relations ”, a topic that everyone  would love to discuss upon .

Then after it, group planning exercise was conducted , that went awesome, I gave such points that are actually   applicable in real life, I didn’t spoke any hypothetical point. This time group nominated me to explain the group plan . In writing part I wrote in the same manner written in book lets crack ssb interview “.

Then we were taken to the ground for further testing , there  PGT, group obstacle race , HGT , lecturette   were conducted  , I believe , in PGT , and HGT , most of the time , not all the time , group proceeded according to my idea , that’s how  it  must have gone in my favour, I spoke about “dictatorship “ in lecturette , I added touch of humor as well, I believe book by SSBCRACK and guidance from  Sir L.S Nirban   played an important role, in all testing done at AFSB. We went back then, I had my interview scheduled on the same day, by the time I reached in my room, already announcement was being made about chest no 5 should report to the waiting room immediately, I didn’t want to go in the same dress, so I changed to formals then reported.

My interview started well, with some basic questions regarding the meaning of my name , who gave it, like these , I knew answers , so these question didn’t trouble me up. I was totally prepared for series of question interviewer was going to asked, he asked 6-7 question without taking a breathe and I answered them all, in same order without  taking a breathe as well.

My whole interview was revolving around my family, my two close friends , whom  I mentioned above , he asked me only few questions regarding  current affair , like India and Israel relation and current news, I could  answer them , because I was prepared for them. I enjoyed my interview the most, it lasted for around 45 minutes, I came out of the room with satisfaction, I was happy with it. We went out in evening, we visited Mysore palace, and Zoo as well. This is how my second day went.

ssb spcyh

Day 3:

Again a sleepless night went, next day of GT was satisfactory, I completed  8 obstacle in individual obstacles task . one of my friend did 10+ 4 obstacles, he was  so physically fit. Then FGT and Command task were conducted , I was called by 3 others as a  coordinator , what I noticed is my task was tougher  than theirs , I don’t know what that indicates , but still it was noticeable by my coordinator as well.

I was given situations as well in between command task , like if I didn’t have a rope, how would I proceed , GTO  asked me few funny questions as well ,like who is my favorite actress ? I answered Shraddha Kapoor, then he asked me reason for it as well,  I answered she is young , extremely beautiful   , and acts very amazingly in her movies. This is how all the Group testing were completed, in evening we went to some nearby temples , I thanked god for everything and prayed for future as well , then we came back.

Day 4:

It was totally free for chest number  1 to 8 , we all had nothing to do, so we played table tennis, watched movies, played tennis, basketball , carom all day. Then we went to city market in afternoon.

Then in the night we talked to each other till 2 AM, discussing about each others school experiences then we went to sleep.

Day 5: day of the conference:

Before the conference we were shown some motivational videos and images in hall. My conference lasted for around  1 min , or less than that, by the time I settled on chair , question were over , and soon were my answers, they just asked me about my stay, places I visited , and who gives me support in the family? For the latter question, I said my sister, she is extremely close to me. This is how my conference ended.

Then we waited for around 6 hours to know our results, we were taken in hall, when one officer  in dress, who was my interviewer as well, gave a closing speech and then announced the result.

When he called chest number  05 , my chest number , I became senseless , I wasn’t  happy, I wasn’t crying, I was still,  when I actually realized , Anirudh you are in  recommended candidates list , I wanted to shout like hell, in total 7 NDA candidates were recommended out 170 that reported. I think “get unless you lived it, you won’t it “  ,I wanted to call my parent , tell them the result, but we were given this opportunity to tell them after our form filling , which took around 6 hours of time. There were stack of forms, by the time I could tell my parents about the result, they got to know it from my conference out friend.

So they were quite steady in their reactions, I believe it was not only my hard work that was payed but my parent’s hard work as well.

my mom who did everything for me, I owe her something that I won’t be able to repay I know, my father whose unparallel support made me capable of showing there my real personality with confidence .my sister who gave me support at every instant, in every situation, my grandparents as well , their blessings that worked out for me and guidance are given by COL . L.S. Nirban sir, and SSBCrack website and book.

Now my medicals are over as well, I am waiting for the merit list, let’s hope for the best.

I little advice for everyone, you need to go there prepared, planned and focused, because I believe goal without a plan is merely a wish.

I believe, for aspirants, a little guidance helps a lot, so please feel free to ask me any question regarding SSB  @relevant01 on Instagram, because as an aspirant it helped me a lot, I contacted many recommended candidates whose stories were posted on this SSBCrack platform only.

Thank you, everyone, for wishing you a success.

Military Nursing Service BSc 2018 Written Test Result – 545 Candidates Qualify


Indian army official website has published the written test result of Military Nursing Service written exam which was held on 04 Feb 2018. There are total 545 candidates who have cleared the MNS BSc written exam and will be called for the personal interview soon. The list has roll numbers of all the successful candidates and their allotted interview centers. 

BSc MNS result 2018

Click here to check the result


NCC 44 SSB Dates Men and Women


NCC candidates who have applied for the NCC 44 Special entry can check their list of allotment centre and also required to select the SSB interview date soon. Indian army official website www.joinindianarmy.nic.in has released the SSB dates for the course commencing in Oct 2018.

The candidate has to select SSB interview date from given dates and care should be taken while selecting the dates as no date of change will be permissible after selection. Try to select the dates as soon as possible otherwise, it will be selected automatically.


NCC 44 SSB Dates Men


  1. GOT TO ARMY WEBSITE joinindianarmy.nic.in

NCC 44 SSB Dates


ssb book
SSB Book for NCC 44

NCC 44 SSB Dates Women


  1. GOT TO ARMY WEBSITE joinindianarmy.nic.in

NCC 44 SSB Dates women


NCC 44 SSB Dates battle

After date selection you will receive SSB CALL-UP LETTER in your mail id , take print out of the same and report to Centre.


14 Psychological Tricks Everyone Can Use In SSB Interview


Being a repeater in an SSB group requires a lot of guts. Especially, when it is just your first or second time. You won’t get a chance to speak, you won’t get a chance to pitch in your idea and what not that you finally succumb to they overpowering you and you just feel like sitting in a corner. But not when you know how to influence the group. Here we bring you 14 psychological tricks that you can use during the selection process to make your presence felt:

  1. Just continue to say what you are saying:

During the GD or GPE, you will literally beg others to give you a chance to let speak. But no one will show you mercy. Instead, what you can do is just continue to speak what you are speaking fluently without stopping until everyone stops and listens to you for a moment. That is your time to pitch in the most critical points to the group. Mission Accomplished!

  1. Say and Withdraw:

Use this strategy to put in your points in GD and GPE. Wait for that moment when the group is mostly silent and then put in your points quickly and withdraw before anyone interrupting you. Repeat this for 4-5 times in a task. This is the best strategy one can use for any GD in a repeaters group.

  1. Reciprocate Actions:

While performing outdoor tasks, try to reciprocate and appreciate the ideas of others in the group. This will make you look that you are cooperative and a team-worker. On the other hand, do not be the one who only works his own and doesn’t listen to others.

  1. Agree to make them shut up:

When in GD, GPE or any outdoor tasks, you realize that a particular candidate is not giving you chance to speak and is being aggressive, just agree to his points and say that while his points are good, I have a better idea to execute the same task.

  1. Save statistics for later:

Although data and statistics are always accurate, people tend to believe in stories and overlook the figures. So when you are giving someone some data, give it with a story first and sneak in your data in the middle of your story.

Download important ebooks

  1. Argue Calmly:

When there is a clash of opinion in GD or GPE, it leads to an argument. When arguing with someone, act much calmer than them. This can cause them to say something particularly irrational which you can use against them. Do it when in GD or other group tasks.

  1. Present Figures:

When you feel that people around you are starting to create a mess, present figures as statistics in your group to make them calm down. This means, while the figures might not be exact but it looks realistic. Do not go too far away with this. breaking the code of ssb psychology

  1. Never nominate:

There are two golden rules of GPE: nominate yourself for the final group plan or do not nominate anyone, second, never contradict the group story. Once the story has been given, GTO asks whether this is the group story, just say “yes sir”. No point contradicting now, except, it is a negative point for you.

  1. Fulcrum and effort:

The whole series of outdoor tests are based on the principle of the cantilever. You just need to search for two things here: the end which will restrict the motion of material (effort) and the point where the weight of your material lies (fulcrum). You either need to make effort or fulcrum or both by yourself, so, always try to find the fulcrum and effort in every obstacle.

  1. BRIEF for Lecturette:

There is a framework to attempt Lecturette. Of any topic that you choose, always try to deliver it in BRIEF, meaning Background on the topic, Reason for choosing the topic, Introduction to the topic, End the topic, Follow-up/Conclusion. Take 30 seconds for each of the acronyms and you would be done in 3 minutes.

  1. Give complete actions in SRT:

While writing SRT responses, follow this pattern to show a complete response:

He did this, did this, did this and achieved this.” Follow this pattern for every response depending on the number of actions performed by the characters.

  1. Format for WAT:

Just like SRT, there is a format to attempt WAT words too. While making a sentence, try to keep it in this framework: “I strongly believe that _________________”. For eg, the word “Blood” is given. One possible response could be: “I strongly believe that… blood donation is a noble cause” Just remove the prefix “I strongly believe that” before writing down your response.

  1. The interviewer is your friend:

During the interview, think of the interviewer as your old friend or a close relative. This will make you more open to him and you can be more confident. But mind you, this is still the same interviewer, so, focus that you think before you speak every word.

  1. Qualities you’d like to improve:

When the IO asks this question, do not straight away say to him what you lack. Instead, tell the qualities that you lack but are highly trainable, like you can say – “sir, I want to develop a great stamina and a chiselled body.” Or you can also say “sir, I’d like to polish my communication skills with more use of good vocabulary”. Although these are the qualities that you may lack, these are highly trainable and you can achieve this with little or more practice.


The whole SSB testing is designed based on testing the psychology and personality of a candidate. Within this psychology-based testing, you can apply the common psychology to turn the winds in your favour. Good luck.

NDA 1 2018 SSB Interview Dates and Result – NDA 141 Course


NDA 1 2018 written exam was conducted on 22nd April 2018, Sunday across the country and lakhs of aspirants attempted this exam to join the prestigious national defence academy and naval academy. NDA 1 2018 was conducted by the Union Public Service Commission on 22nd April 2018 for admission to the Army, Navy and Air Force wings of the NDA for the 141st Course, and for the 103rd Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) commencing from 2nd January 2019.

IMPORTANT: SSB Centre and Batches-NDA-141& NA-103 Course. Option for choosing SSB dates for Army, Navy, Air Force and Naval Academy candidates will remain open till 08 Jul 18 (FN). Candidates to logon to their profiles and choose dates.



First Choice SSB Date
Army Download
Air Force Download
Navy Download

FLASH: Candidates who have qualified the UPSC written examination for NDA & NA(I) – 2018 held on 22 Apr 2018 are required to register themselves on this website (if not already registered).They are advised to use the email ID given in the UPSC application.

Many aspirants are asking us about the NDA 1 2018 result date and SSB interview dates. Candidates are required to report for SSB interview on the date intimated to them in the call-up letter for interview. Requests for postponing interview will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and that too if it is administratively convenient for which Army Headquarters will be the sole deciding authority. Such requests should be addressed to the Administrative Officer of the Selection Centre from where the call letter for the interview has been received. No action will be taken on letters received by Army/Navy/Air HQs.

NDA 1 2018 Result

  • NDA 1 2018 written exam was conducted on 22nd April 2018, UPSC has published the written exam result of NDA 1 2018. Candidates who are waiting for the NDA 1 2018 result can check the list linked below for their result, download the NDA 1 2018 result pdf file and serach for your NDA roll number. There are aroung 8200+ candidates who have cleared the NDA 1 2018 written exam and will be facing NDA 1 2018 SSB interview soon. 
  • On the basis of the result of the written part of the National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination (I) 2018 held by the Union Public Service Commission on 22nd April 2018, candidates with the under mentioned Roll Nos. have qualified for Interview by the Services Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence for Admission to Army, Navy and Air Force Wings of the National Defence Academy for the 141th Course and for the 103rd Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC) commencing from 2nd January, 2019. Result of two (02) candidates has been withheld.The result is also available at Union Public Service Commission’s Website http://www.upsc.gov.in .
  • Click to check NDA 1 2018 Result PDF

FLASH: Candidates who have qualified the UPSC written examination for NDA & NA(I) – 2018 held on 22 Apr 2018 are required to register themselves on this website (if not already registered).They are advised to use the email ID given in the UPSC application.

NDA 1 2018 Result and SSB Dates

  1. SSB interview for the candidates qualified in the written examination will be held during the months of August 2018 to September 2018 or as suitable to Recruiting Directorate. For all queries regarding Merit list, joining instructions and any other relevant information regarding the selection process, please visit our website join Indian army.nic.in. 

NDA 1 2018 Dates

S.No. Event Dates
1 NDA 1 2018 Written exam 22nd April 2018
2 NDA 1 2018 Result 15th June 2018
3 NDA 1 2018 SSB dates July – Aug 2018
4 NDA 1 2018 Merit  Dec 2018

What to do after NDA 1 2018 Result

  1. Feel good and confident about yourself for clearing an exam like NDA 1 2018. Do not waste time and start preparing for your SSB interview by looking for a coaching academy and just start by buying an SSB interview book to get the understanding of complete SSB interview. You can read tips and stories on SSBCrack, you can reach recommended candidates, you can join our Instagram for day to day SSB interview practice and motivation.
  2. Keep yourself with good company, keep your thinking positive and make every day productive. Try to learn about 15 OLQs and inculcate them in your life, even if you don’t have them, you can fake them and act like you have them, you fake it till it becomes your habit.
  3. You can not clear SSB interview by luck or without preparation, if someone has told you that you can crack SSB interview without preparation, they are fooling you or they might be from those lucky 0.001% candidates who do that.

NDA 1 2018 Vacancies

  • National Defence Academy: 360 (208 for Army, 60 for Navy and 92 for Air Force) 
  • Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme) : 55
  • Vacancies are provisional and may be changed depending on the availability of training capacity of National Defence Academy and Indian Naval Academy.
  • Admission to the above courses will be made on the results of the written examination to be conducted by the Commission followed by intelligence and personality test by the Services Selection Board of candidates who qualify in the written examination.

NDA SSB Interview Procedure

  • The two-stage selection procedure based on Psychological Aptitude Test and Intelligence Test has been introduced at Selection Centres/Air Force Selection Boards/Naval Selection Boards. All the candidates will be put to the stage-one test on the first day of reporting at Selection Centres/Air Force Selection Boards/Naval Selection Boards. Only those candidates who qualify at stage one will be admitted to the second stage/remaining tests.
  • Those candidates who qualify stage II will be required to submit the Original Certificates along with one photocopy each of : (i) Original Matriculation pass certificate or equivalent in support of date of birth, (ii) Original 10+2 pass certificate or equivalent in support of educational qualification.
  • Candidates who appear before the Services Selection Board and undergo the test there, will do so at their own risk and will not be entitled to claim any compensation or other relief from Government in respect of any injury which they may sustain in the course of or as a result of any of the tests given to them by the Services Selection Board whether due to the negligence of any person or otherwise. Parents or guardians of the candidates will be required to sign a certificate to this effect.
  • To be acceptable, candidates for the Army/Navy/Naval Academy and Air Force should secure the minimum qualifying marks separately in (i) Written examination as fixed by the Commission at their discretion and (ii) Officer Potentiality Test as fixed by the Services Selection Board at their discretion. Over and above candidates for the Air Force, and all the SSB qualified candidates as per their willingness, eligibility, and preference for Air Force, should separately qualify the PABT/CPSS.

What to do after NDA 1 2018 results?

Succesful candidates are requested to register themselves online on the Indian Army Recruiting website join Indian army.nic.in within two weeks of the announcement of written result. The successful candidates would then be allotted Selection Centres and dates, of SSB interview which shall be communicated on registered e-mail ID. Any candidate who has already registered earlier on the site will not be required to do so. In case of any query/Login problem, e-mail is forwarded to [email protected].”

How should I prepare for NDA 1 2018 SSB interview?

NDA pune
Your Final Destination, the NDA