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The meaning of your responses in TAT

The TAT was originally designed to determine the degree to which people wrote about themes relating to achievement, affiliation, and power. Although there are a series of different TAT pictures, this one is somewhat related to each of these themes — although most people make up a story with achievement themes. For example, some people emphasize the nature of the experiment or scientific discovery (reflecting the writer’s interests in achievement and success); others may focus on the nature of the friendship between the two women (interests in affiliation); yet others may focus on the status differences of the two women (reflecting the writer’s concerns with status and power); By analyzing the words that you use, we can get a rough sense of your interest in each of these themes.


Here is a short analysis of your word use.

Need for Achievement. The typical person generally scores between 4.5 and 8.5, with an average of 5.7. The higher your number, the more you wrote about achievement-related themes.

Need for Affiliation. Because this picture typically elicits themes associated with achievement, most people don’t pay too much attention to human relationships in their story. In fact, the typical person scores around 1.2 on this dimension. Indeed, 30% of participants score 0.00.

Need for Power. Most people score between 0.8 and 2.7, with the average being 1.7. High scores on the need for power dimension hint that the writer is concerned with who is or is not in control and who has the most status.

One thing that is interesting about this kind of exercise is that language analyses can tell us many things about the writer that go far beyond power, achievement, and affiliation. 

Self-references: People who use a high rate of self-references tend to be more insecure, nervous, and possibly depressed. They also tend to be more honest.

Social words: Social words are words that make reference to other people (e.g., they, she, us, talk, friends). Generally, people who use a high level of social words are more outgoing and more socially connected with others.

Positive emotion words: The more that people use positive emotion words (e.g. happy, love, good), the more optimistic they tend to be. If you feel good about yourself, you are more likely to see the world in a positive way.

Negative emotion words: Use of negative emotion words (e.g., sad, kill, afraid) is weakly linked to people’s ratings of anxiety or even neurotic. People who have had a bad day are more likely to see the world through negatively-tinted glasses.

Big words (words with more than 6 letters): Use of big words is weakly related to higher grades and standardized test scores. People who use a high rate of big words also tend to be less emotional and oftentimes psychologically distant or detached.

Source: http://www.utpsyc.org

Do’s and Don’ts of SSB Interview

Do's and Don'ts of SSB Interview
In this post, we will discuss about what to do and what not to do while attending SSB Interviews. SSB Interview is not as strict or tough as any other interview, candidate may find is difficult just because the success rate at SSB interview is very less, it doesn’t mean that all other who do not make it once can not apply or eligible for SSB interview. There are certain things one must remember while entering in Services Selection Board.

Do’s and Don’ts at SSB Interview

  • On arrival introduce your self to the reception staff and show your documents.
  • Make as many friends as possible at the reception center itself.
  • Remember you are being judged by your own batch mates right from the word go. Behave like a perfect Gentleman.
  • Keep a record of all the Bio data, for you will need this to fill up your arrival info form.
  • Do not give any false statement.
  • Always dress up neatly and appear smart. Before you leave your room spend a minute in front of the mirror. A man / woman is judged by others, by what he wears and what he speaks.
  • At the railway station itself buy a city guide it will help you to know about the city and its places of importance, bus route, train timings etc.,
  • Always address the group as Gentlemen, or friends. His/her chest number allotted by the board, should be used. (During Discussion and test only.)
  • Know each individual of your group by name his qualification; this will help you during GTOs Task. Try and become popular with them.
  • Take initiative, be co-operative. Listen to others. As the time is at premium during discussions, speak up. Be bold and express your self clearly be brief and do not repeat what others have said. It is better to speak either first or second, so that you will have an opportunity to put forward your points.
  • During Psychological tests, Always write positive sentences/story it should bring out the officer like qualities (of which you have been taught.) 
  • During interview if you do not know any answer politely say “I am sorry Sir, I don’t Know.” 
  • Be calm, cool and attentive. Smile while you enter the interviewing room and also say thank you, at the time of departure. Your handshake should be firm. 
  • The interviewing officer is a qualified gentleman, never bluff, you will get caught and spoil you chances of success. 
  • Be confident, rehearse some favorite questions.


  • No lies/false hood please. 
  • You have no bad points except to over work to get perfection in any task under taken. 
  • Do not waste your time unnecessarily read some magazines. 
  • Don’t be tense take it easy, always think before you answer.
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What Is Your Greatest Weakness? – SSB Interview Question

SSB questions

The question “What is your greatest weakness?” is a popular and often dreaded question in job interviews, including SSB interviews. It is designed to assess your self-awareness, honesty, and ability to reflect on areas where you may need improvement.

What Is Your Greatest Weakness?

While it may be tempting to provide a clichéd response or attempt to spin a weakness into a strength, it is important to approach this question with sincerity and thoughtfulness.

What Is Your Greatest Weakness?

When addressing this question, it is essential to strike a balance between acknowledging a genuine weakness and demonstrating your proactive efforts to overcome it. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective response:

ssb psychological tests practice book
  1. Be self-reflective: Take some time before the interview to self-reflect and identify an area where you genuinely struggle or have room for improvement. It could be a skill, a personality trait, or a specific behavior.
  2. Choose a relevant weakness: Select a weakness that is relevant to the position or field you are applying for. This shows that you understand the requirements of the role and are actively working to develop yourself professionally.
  3. Focus on improvement: Once you have identified a weakness, emphasize the steps you have taken or are taking to address it. This could include training, seeking mentorship, or actively working on personal development.
  4. Demonstrate a growth mindset: Show that you view weaknesses as opportunities for growth and learning. Discuss how you are open to feedback, willing to learn from mistakes, and actively striving for self-improvement.
  5. Avoid generic responses: Steer clear of generic answers such as “I’m a perfectionist” or “I work too hard.” Interviewers have likely heard these responses before and are looking for genuine self-awareness.
  6. Be honest but tactful: While it is important to be honest about your weaknesses, be tactful in your delivery. Frame your weakness in a way that shows your commitment to improving and highlights your strengths.
  7. Practice your response: Take the time to practice answering this question before your interview. This will help you feel more confident and articulate during the actual conversation.

Remember, the purpose of this question is not to expose your flaws but to evaluate your self-awareness and growth potential. By approaching it thoughtfully and showcasing your willingness to learn and improve, you can provide a compelling and genuine response.

What Skills are Judged in SSB Interview Group Discussion


SSB Interview Group Discussion

Group discussion is the first and foremost test in GTO series. Being the first test in GTO, group discussion is the most important for candidate to show his OLQs effectively. This is also your first chance to create a good impression in front of Group Task Officer. As always, first impression is the last impression

A Group Discussion can be defined as a formal discussion involving ten to 12 participants in a group. It is a methodology used by an organization to gauge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members. In this methodology, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss the it among themselves for 15-20 minutes.

Also Read: OLQs to Show During Group Discussion

Qualities Judged during Group Discussion

  • How good you are at communication with others.
  • How you behave and interact with group.
  • How open minded are you.
  • Your listening skill.
  • How you put forward your views.
  • Your leadership and decision making skills.
  • Your analysis skill and subject knowledge.
  • Problem solving and critical thinking skill.
  • Your attitude and confidence.

SSB Interview Group Discussion
SSB Interview Group Discussion during GTO

Do’s and Don’ts of Group discussion

  1. Make eye contact: Do not look at the evaluators only. Keep eye contact with every team member while speaking.
  2. Try to Initiate the GD: Initiating the GD is a big plus. But keep in mind, Initiate the group discussion only when you understood the GD topic clearly and have some topic knowledge. Speaking without proper subject knowledge is bad impression.
  3. Give chance to others to speak: Do not interrupt anyone in-between while speaking. Even if you don’t agree with his/her thoughts do not snatch their chance to speak. Instead make some notes and clear the points when it’s your turn.
  4. Be clear: Speak politely and clearly. Use simple and understandable words while speaking. Don’t be too aggressive if you are disagreeing with someone. Express your feelings calmly and politely.
  5. Keep the discussion on track: If by any means group is distracting from the topic or goal then simply take initiative to bring the discussion on the track. Make all group members aware that you all need to come to some conclusion at the end of the discussion. So stick to the topic.
  6. Positive attitude: Be confident. Do not try to dominate anyone. Keep positive body language. Show interest in discussion.
  7. Speak sensibly: Do not speak just to increase your speaking time. Don’t worry even if you speak less. Your thoughts should be sensible and relevant instead of irrelevant speech.
  8. Be a good listener: Speak less and listen more! Pay attention while others are speaking. This will make coherent discussion and you will get involved in the group positively. You will surely make people agree with you.
  9. Keep it simple: Some basic subject analysis is sufficient. No need to mention exact figures while giving any reference. You have limited time so be precise and convey your thoughts in short and simple language.
  10. Formal dressing: Do not take it casually. No fancy and funny dressing. You should be comfortable while speaking in group. Positive gesture and body language will make your work easy.

As in a football game, where you play like a team, passing the ball to each team member and aim for a common goal, GD is also based on team work, incorporating views of different team members to reach a common goal.

How do you face SSB interview GD, do share your success tips in the comment box below.

Also Read

  1. How to Tackle Group Discussion In PPDT
  2. Important Lecturette and GD Topics in SSB Interview
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The Editorial Team of SSBCrack consists of a group of Professional writers and aspirants. Their main aim is to provide up to date information regarding SSB Interviews and sharing quality information about Indian Defence to help aspirants. Mail us to join our editorial team now.

What To Do In Progressive Group Task PGT

progressive group task

PGT Progressive Group Tasks in SSB Interview is one of the very important task in GTO series, in which group has to cross some obstacles set one by one, GTO will ask you the time you need to cross all the obstacles, now don’t be a hero and say you will do it in 10 mins, be practical and calculate the difficulty of an obstacle when GTO showing you all the obstacles one by one, also do not start thinking about the obstacle, first listen to the GTOs instructions carefully he may give you many hints while showing an obstacle so be care full and stop dreaming of something else.


Progressive Group Task
Progressive Group Task

GTO tells you rules and regulation which has to be followed during task, listen to it carefully because in Armed forces rules are regulation has more importance and if you break the rule you will loose your chances.

Now you might have seen some of the candidates started jumping and flying over the platform and started shouting and alone going to make a route to cross without any fool proof plan, they not only confuse others but also waste the time of the group.Also you may find some of the candidates giving a very good and workable solution to solve an obstacle but hardly you will follow that because all of you want to solve it from your own way.

Remember there are more than one method to solve an obstacle, that is why it is called Group Task, task is something which can be performed in different ways. You may find out a good and easy way to solve an obstacle or you may not. Also, you should apply whatever is the ideas are coming to group members because you will get a correct idea after attempting something with plank, balli and rope.

Try to use as many as ideas you can apply, working in group only solve the difficult problem.
Sometimes all of you get stuck in between and no one getting a good idea, this is the time you can show your quality, this is the where you can think fast and can be a real hero. Use all the material provided to you, sometimes we use only rigid material and do not think about rope, rope is a very useful material given to you so try to use it.

Sometime all of you get stuck in the middle of an obstacle and you are not able to get the method to cross it, never choose to go back and start again find the way from there it self, there is always a way to cross.

PGT shows how you work in a group and how you face the difficulty along with the group, you will be a winner if you help the group with your mental power not the physical power and you will be a looser if you confuse the group and waste their time. Follow the rules, give an idea it will help the group to cross the obstacles in time.
Also Read:

Command Task Obstacles in SSB Interview


ssb interview command task in GTO

In SSB Command Task, a leader can pick up a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 persons out of the group excluding himself. But normally 2 persons plus the leader will do. A plank and a balli is given to help out. The difficulty of your command task depends on your past performance, if you get a difficult command task, that says that you are going good in GTO.

How Command Task is Conducted

  • Group Officer will call each candidate in a random fashion.
  • He will ask few basic questions mostly based on your PIQ form, may be to cross check what you have written.
  • He can also ask you about your previous attempts and what do you feel about present attempt.
  • Then he will give instructions on your command task and ask you to call any 2 subordinate for help.
  • As soon as your subordinates report you, your Command task will begin.
  • You will get around 10 -15 mins to complete your command task, it also depends on the difficulty level of command task.
Command Task Obstacles in SSB Interview
Command Task

Tips for Command Task

  • There is always a solution, do not panic if you are not getting any idea. Just keep trying.
  • Talk loud and clear while addressing your subordinates. 
  • Don’t ask for help, use your brains.
  • Treat your subordinates well.
  • Make sure you lead from the front, don’t send your subordinates to test an unstable plank. Instead, you must take the risk.
  • Try to use all helping material wherever possible.
What kind of Command Task you have faced, do share your thoughts and tips on command task in the comment box below.
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bannerfans 4678671+(1) About SSBCrack Editorial Team

The Editorial Team of SSBCrack consists of a group of Professional writers and aspirants. Their main aim is to provide up to date information regarding SSB Interviews and sharing quality information about Indian Defence to help aspirants. Mail us to join our editorial team now.

Individual Obstacles task


One more interesting test in the GTO series to show your individual ability, one should face  obstecles in this test individually, these obstacles are 10 in number and the time given to 3 mins only.These 10 obstacles are usually in an ascending or a progressive order in as much as the higher or farther one goes , the more difficult the obstacles will be.

Total Marks : 55
Time            : 3 mins
Obstacles     : 10
these obstacles starting from the one which carries 1 mark right up to the 10th obstacle which carries 10 marks.

Objective of the test is to check:

1 Ability
2 Physical toughness
3 Courage
4 Planning
5 Obstacle Tackling sense

What is the Procedure?

1  GTO show the obstacles one bye one to the group before conducting the test .
2  Candidates needs to check the obstacles and plan simultaneously according to their ability.
3  GTO later starts with first candidate, first candidate has to run and stand in front of the obstacle he          wants to attempt first.
4  To start the task GTO blow the whistle once.
5  After 2 and half minutes, he will shout next. This means the next candidate should go to the obstacle  from where he wants to start.
6  After 3 mins, GTO will again blow the whistle and this indicates the time up for the 1st candidate.
7  This way the rest of the candidates continue till last .

Important points:

1  Wear proper sport shoes with good grip.

2  Make plan in advance to do obstacles.

3  Run fast between obstacles and do not waste much time/energy in running.

4  If possible try to attempt task first which has more points, they look difficult but tackle them with proper planning and courage.

5  While attempting do not get double minded, just go for it.

6  After completing 10 obstacle you can repeat again to get more marks .

Type of Obstacles:

1 Jumping from a small plank

2 High Jump

3 Long Jump ( over drums or wires )

4 Balance beam

5 double ditch

6 Monkey crawling

7 Tarzan swing

8 Tiger leap

9 Barma bridge

10 Commando walk

In Air force 2 obsracles are different ” Hanging Tyre ” and ” “rope climbing” [25 -30 feet]

Instructions for Situation Reaction Test

candidates writing TAT in SSB

Situation reaction test is a part of psychological testing in SSB interview. Candidates are required to write their responses for the set of 60 situations written on a booklet. Time given for this whole exercise is 30 minutes only. So, here are some tips and instruction candidates must follow during situation reaction test.

Instructions for SRT-Situation Reaction Test

  • You will be given an illustration set followed by practice set.
  • Fill up tour particulars in the answer sheet provided to you.
  • This is again a test of imagination { Idea writing test } most commonly known as SRT.
  • You have to write your answers in page No. 10, 11, 12 and 13 of your answer sheet.
  • Write your answer in English / Hindi in space provided in your answer sheet.
  • Do not turn over the page until you are told to do so.
  • In this test a number of situations are presented to you. We would like to know how you would feel, think and act in this situations.
  • There are no right or wrong answers with respect of these situations. Every one is likely to read these situations in his own way. We would like to know your reactions to these situations.
  • Do not spend too much time in thinking out the answer to the situation. Write quickly the answer that comes to your mind first.
  • You are to write your answer in answer sheet provided to you. Please do not write anything on test booklet.
  • You will be given 30 minutes to do the test, which contain 60 situations. Try to answer all questions in given time. To make your answer of time – Hall Time, Last 5 min and last min will be announced.
All these are basic instructions for candidates during SRT, one must listen to instructions and adhere to them carefully.

OIR Test Verbal and Non- Verbal Questions in SSB Interview


Many defence aspirants were asking for the OIR Test Online course for the SSB interview screening test preparation that happens in State-1 at SSB. Finally, SSBCrackExams has published the Officers Intelligence Rating Test OIR Test Online Course with full lectures, study notes, questions and answers including mock tests. Just going through these lectures and questions will be enough to clear the OIR test at SSB Interview. This is the first test in the SSB Procedure where the intelligence level of a candidate is tested.

On the basis of Officer Intelligence Rating OIR test, the Assessors will rate each and every candidate and it may even affect your chances of getting recommended even if you get screened in. This is a simple test and any person with average intelligence can easily solve it within the allotted time. Even if you are not able to complete or perform well in Officer Intelligence Rating OIR Test, there is nothing to worry about as you still have chances of getting recommended if you perform well in PPDT.

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Group Planning Exercise 2 GPE SSB Interview

Group Planning Exercise 2

GPE is one of the very important parts of the GTO series. It is conducted next after GD, so being an initial test, GTO selects particular candidates who show their good planning abilities and a good sense of decision-making in GPE. Those candidates are tested by GTO with more interest in the latter part of the test. Here at SSBCRACK, we present one more GPE for you. We got very fewer responses in the last GPE, so we hope we will come out with more and more ways to solve the exercise, this GPE is very interesting hope you will like it.

Group Planning Exercise 2 Details

You are a group of students (as many as in the group) of Shyamgarh college returning from Dinapur after winning the Dinapur District Volley Ball Championship. The victory celebrations in your college are to start at 7.30 PM. As you mini -bus stopped at the petrol pump – cum – garage to get the headlights of the minibus repaired, you saw the attendant lying in a pool of blood. He told you that some anti – social elements had beaten him up and left him dead before looting all the cash and cutting off the telephone wires. He had managed to overhear their conversation. They planned to exchange large consignment of drugs in return for Arms from a foreigner near the Rock at 6.45 PM. They had also removed the fish plates of both railway tracks on the bridge. You know that an express train crosses the bridge at 6.30 PM. Also two of their men were hiding near the ferry to kill Tota Ram of Badli Village who was a police informer. The ferry has a motor boat with a speed of 20 Kmph which the two men have planned to use for their escape later. After telling this the pump attendant falls unconscious. Just then one of your friends comes running from the mini- bus and tells you that he has to take the mini – bus back to the office of Dinapur College where your Silver Trophy and the medals have been left behind. The time now is 5.30 PM. What will you do?


Group Planning Exercise 2 Map


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