
119 Infantry Battalion (TA) Adjudged Best Territorial Army Unit in Eastern Command for 2024-25

By SSBCrack

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119 Infantry Battalion (TA)

The 119 Infantry Battalion (Territorial Army) has been honoured as the Best TA Unit in Eastern Command for the year 2024-25, marking a proud moment for the formation and all its personnel.

The unit was awarded the prestigious Eastern Army Commander’s Banner in recognition of its exceptional performance, operational excellence, and unwavering commitment to service.

Lieutenant General RC Tiwari, Army Commander, Eastern Command, presented the banner and personally congratulated all ranks of the battalion for their dedication and professionalism.


He commended the unit’s outstanding achievements and urged the troops to continue striving for excellence across all spheres of military duty.


This recognition stands as a testament to the hard work, discipline, and operational readiness of the Territorial Army, which continues to play a vital role in augmenting the Indian Army’s strength and supporting national efforts in diverse areas.

119 Infantry Battalion TA

The 119 Infantry Battalion (TA) has set a benchmark for other units to emulate, reflecting the core values of the Indian Army and the spirit of #NationFirst.


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