In a proud moment for the NCC Directorate Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, Cadets Arushi Rajput and Krish Singh Chauhan have excelled at the 67th National Shooting Competition, earning the prestigious title of National Shooters. Cadet Arushi Rajput has further distinguished herself by qualifying for the India Trials, a remarkable achievement that highlights her dedication and talent.
Their success is a testament to the National Cadet Corps’ role in nurturing young talent and providing a platform for cadets to excel in various disciplines. The cadets’ hard work, combined with the training and support from NCC, has brought them well-deserved recognition on a national stage.
To honor their achievements, Major General Anupinder Bevli, Additional Director General of NCC Directorate Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh, felicitated the cadets. The recognition underscores the importance of fostering excellence and motivating young individuals to pursue their aspirations with determination.
This milestone not only celebrates the cadets’ success but also reflects the NCC’s commitment to developing well-rounded individuals who contribute to both national security and India’s sporting excellence.