In a meticulously planned operation in Pulwama district, Major Ashish Dahiya of the Indian Army led his team to a significant success against terrorism. His valiant actions, combined with exceptional leadership and courage, have earned him the Shaurya Chakra.
Major Dahiya, who has been instrumental in the neutralization of four hardcore terrorists and the disposal of three Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) since June 2022, once again showcased his bravery during a high-risk mission. Acting on intelligence inputs, he spearheaded a search operation in a village in Pulwama.
During the initial sweep of the area, terrorists attempted to escape by firing indiscriminately and lobbing grenades. Major Dahiya retaliated with precise fire, critically injuring one of the fleeing terrorists. In the ensuing fierce firefight, a grenade blast inflicted splinter injuries on one of Major Dahiya’s comrades. Displaying selfless commitment, he crawled under heavy fire to rescue his injured buddy, moving him to a safer position and preventing further casualties.
Realizing the threat posed to his troops, Major Dahiya then advanced stealthily toward a hiding terrorist. At extremely close range and under intense hostile fire, he demonstrated exceptional composure and neutralized one of the longest-surviving, “A++” category terrorists in South Kashmir. His decisive action not only eliminated the immediate threat but also facilitated the safe evacuation of his injured colleague.
For his dauntless courage, leadership, and unwavering dedication to mission and men, Major Ashish Dahiya has been recommended for the Shaurya Chakra—one of India’s highest peacetime gallantry awards. Military officials have lauded Major Dahiya’s actions, highlighting how his unwavering bravery and exceptional operational skills epitomize the finest traditions of the Indian Army.
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