In a heartfelt event, General Anil Chauhan, Chief of Defence Staff, officially launched the book ‘Drills, Thrills, and Spills: An Army Wife’s Tales’, authored by Mrs. Jyoti Barmola Mamgain. Mrs. Mamgain, an Army wife and accomplished professional event manager, has previously been honored with the prestigious AWWA Award of Excellence for her contributions.
The book is a tribute to the indomitable spirit of Army wives, illustrating how they transform adversities into adventures and limitations into opportunities while accompanying their spouses through the unique challenges of life in the Indian Armed Forces.
Through her engaging anecdotes, Mrs. Mamgain highlights the resilience, adaptability, and camaraderie that define the lives of these women, shedding light on an often-overlooked aspect of military life.
The event marked not only the release of a significant literary work but also celebrated the strength and sacrifices of the women who play a vital role in the Armed Forces’ ecosystem.
Mrs. Mamgain’s writing serves as an inspiration, offering readers a glimpse into the dynamic world of Army families and their incredible ability to thrive under ever-changing circumstances.
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