On January 11, 2025, Shri Daljit Singh Chawdhary, IPS, Director General of the Border Security Force (BSF), began his four-day visit to the Meghalaya Frontier. He was warmly welcomed at the Frontier Headquarters by Shri H.S. Dhillon, Inspector General, Meghalaya Frontier.
Key Highlights of the Visit:
- Visit to LPAI Dawki:
Shri Daljit Singh Chawdhary, accompanied by Shri H.S. Dhillon and other officials, visited the Land Port Authority of India (LPAI) facility in Dawki, where Shri TC Chacko, the Land Port Manager, briefed them on the operational framework and functioning of the facility. - Troop Interaction and Address:
On January 12, Shri Chawdhary visited the Area of Responsibility (AOR) of the 4th Battalion BSF. During a Prahari Samelan, he addressed the troops, focusing on critical topics such as health, stress management, and the prevailing security situation along the Indo-Bangladesh border. His interaction aimed to boost morale and ensure operational readiness among the personnel. - Engagement with BGB Leadership:
Later on the same day, Shri Chawdhary visited the Integrated Check Post (ICP) at Dawki, where he was received by Brigadier General Md Shahidul Islam, Commander of the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) North-East Region, Sarail. A guard of honor was presented, followed by informal discussions between the leaders. These talks emphasized enhancing cross-border cooperation and addressing mutual security concerns.
This visit highlights the BSF’s focus on fostering strong ties with its Bangladeshi counterparts, ensuring seamless border management, and enhancing the welfare and readiness of its troops. The engagements at both operational and leadership levels underscore the commitment to regional security and collaborative problem-solving.