The Military Hospital, Dehradun, is hosting a groundbreaking free Cataract Screening and Operative Camp for veterans from 24 to 29 December 2024. This unique initiative, led by Brigadier Sanjay Kumar Mishra and his expert team from Research and Referral Hospital, Delhi, reflects the Indian Army’s unwavering commitment to the well-being of its veterans.
Highlights of the Camp
- Comprehensive Eye Care for Veterans:
- The camp provides free cataract screening and surgeries, ensuring that veterans receive the highest quality eye care without any inconvenience.
- Advanced equipment and cutting-edge techniques are being used to deliver efficient and precise medical interventions.
- Impressive Progress:
- In just two days, 30 cataract surgeries have been successfully completed, setting the tone for a highly productive and impactful event.
- Expert Leadership and Team:
- Brigadier Sanjay Kumar Mishra, along with a skilled team of ophthalmologists and medical professionals, is spearheading the camp, ensuring exceptional medical outcomes.
A Tribute to Our Veterans
This initiative underscores the Indian Army’s commitment to caring for those who have dedicated their lives to the service of the Nation. By providing state-of-the-art medical care, the Army ensures that its veterans continue to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
Commitment to Excellence
The first-ever camp of this kind not only showcases the Army’s capability to organize specialized medical programs but also highlights its focus on minimizing inconvenience while maximizing care for its esteemed veterans.
With initiatives like this, the Indian Army continues to honor its legacy of service, ensuring that those who served the Nation receive the respect and care they truly deserve.