In a series of tragic events in Rajasthan’s Bikaner district, a head constable from the Border Security Force (BSF) and an Indian Army soldier reportedly took their own lives in separate incidents. According to local police, the first incident involved Indian Army jawan Santosh Panwar, aged 30, who was found hanged in his room on Wednesday evening. Panwar, who hailed from Maharashtra, was stationed at the Mahajan Field Firing Range in Bikaner at the time of his death. Following a post-mortem examination, his body was returned to his family on Thursday morning.
In a separate case, BSF Head Constable Banshilal, 44, was discovered lifeless in the basement of his residence on Thursday. Similar to the first incident, he also hanged himself using a rope. Authorities confirmed that his body was likewise handed over to his family post-autopsy.
The investigations into both suicides are ongoing; however, no suicide notes were discovered in either case, leaving authorities searching for answers to understand the circumstances surrounding these distressing events. Police officials, including SHOs from local police stations, are gathering information and examining potential factors that may have contributed to the individuals’ actions. Community responses and support systems are now being called into question, as the tragic loss of two servicemen raises concerns about mental health and well-being in the armed forces.