In a tragic incident in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district, an Army jawan reportedly took his own life late Tuesday by shooting himself with his service rifle. The deceased, identified as Havaldar Indesh Kumar, was performing sentry duty at his camp located in Anjanwali village within the Manjakote area. Authorities have stated that the motives behind this heartbreaking incident are currently unknown. In response, local police have commenced inquest proceedings to thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the case.
This incident in Rajouri follows a separate, disturbing event that occurred just a few days earlier in Udhampur district. On Sunday, another police officer shot a colleague using an AK-47 assault rifle before turning the weapon on himself. This tragedy unfolded while the two officers were traveling from Sopore in northern Kashmir to the Subsidiary Training Centre in Talwara, Reasi district, located in Jammu. Udhampur Senior Superintendent of Police, Amod Ashok Nagpure, provided confirmation of the events, describing it as a case of fratricide and suicide. Initial investigations suggest that the accused constable’s actions were deliberate, leading to the loss of life of both himself and his colleague.
These incidents highlight a concerning trend within the security forces in the region, drawing attention to the mental health challenges faced by personnel stationed in conflict zones. The authorities continue to explore the factors that may be contributing to such tragedies.