Pune is set to host the prestigious Army Day Parade on January 15, 2025, marking a significant occasion as it will be the third time the event is held outside of New Delhi. This development comes in the wake of successful parades in Bangalore and Lucknow in 2023 and 2024, respectively. The announcement was made during the launch of the parade’s promotional video at the ongoing International Film Festival of India (IFFI) taking place in Goa.
Army Day, celebrated annually on January 15, pays tribute to the historic moment in 1949 when General KM Cariappa became the first Indian Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army, succeeding General Sir FRR Bucher, the final British Commander-in-Chief. This year’s parade promises to honor this rich legacy with a blend of tradition and modern innovations.
The promotional video featured Bollywood stars R. Madhavan and Rakul Preet Singh, who spoke passionately about the courage and commitment of Indian soldiers while inviting citizens to partake in this grand celebration. Their presence aims to inspire national pride and encourage public attendance at the event.
The decision to hold the parade in Pune is part of a broader governmental strategy to increase accessibility of national events to citizens across India, fostering a sense of participation and connection. Pune, with its deep-rooted military heritage, is home to key military establishments, including the Southern Command of the Indian Army, the National Defence Academy (NDA), and the College of Military Engineering (CME), making it a fitting host for such a significant occasion.
This year’s parade will take place at the Bombay Engineering Group and Centre and will feature an impressive array of elements that showcase both historical significance and contemporary advancements. Attendees can look forward to marching contingents, mechanized columns, and exhibitions of cutting-edge defense technologies including drones and robotics. Additionally, the event will include captivating demonstrations of combat skills and martial arts, underscoring the Indian Army’s operational capabilities.
As excitement builds leading up to the event, the celebration of Army Day in Pune is poised to be an unforgettable experience, uniting citizens in honor of the nation’s armed forces and their unwavering dedication to safeguarding the country.
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