In a ceremonial event, Major General Kaushik Mukherjee, SM, took over the reins of the prestigious Ace of Spades Division from Major General Gaurav Rishi, SC, SM. The division, known for its operational excellence and critical role in national defense, marked the occasion with a commitment to uphold its illustrious legacy.
Addressing the troops, Maj Gen Mukherjee emphasized the importance of operational excellence and combat readiness, urging all ranks to remain steadfast in their dedication to duty and preparedness for any contingency. His vision reflects the division’s core ethos of vigilance, resilience, and adaptability in safeguarding national security.
The outgoing commander, Maj Gen Gaurav Rishi, SC, SM, was lauded for his exemplary leadership and contributions to the division’s successes during his tenure. The seamless transition of command underscores the division’s tradition of professionalism and unity.
The Ace of Spades Division continues to stand as a beacon of valor and commitment, inspiring confidence in its ability to meet any challenge in service to the nation.
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