Group Captain Ajay Dasarathi has assumed command of the renowned Suryakiran Aerobatic Team (SKAT), succeeding Group Captain GS Dhillon. This transition marks the beginning of a new chapter for the elite team, known for its precision and excellence in aerial demonstrations.
The Suryakiran Aerobatic Team, established on May 27, 1996, as part of the Indian Air Force’s No. 52 Squadron, has captivated audiences with its stunning performances.
Initially operating HAL HJT-16 Kiran Mk.2 trainer aircraft, the team made its debut during the golden jubilee celebrations of the Air Force Administrative College on September 15, 1996.
After being briefly disbanded in 2011, SKAT was revived in 2015 with a more advanced fleet of BAE Hawk Mk.132 aircraft, allowing for even more intricate and colorful aerial displays.
These Hawks are equipped with smoke canisters that create vibrant trails, adding to the spectacle of the team’s performances.
As the new leader, Group Captain Ajay Dasarathi will carry forward the legacy of precision flying, teamwork, and aerial excellence, ensuring that the Suryakiran Aerobatic Team continues to inspire and amaze both national and international audiences.
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