In a shocking incident, an Army Major and his fiancée have alleged custodial torture and molestation at the Bharatpur police station in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. The state’s Director General of Police (DGP) has ordered a Crime Branch investigation to ensure a thorough and impartial inquiry into the matter.
The incident reportedly took place in the early hours of Sunday when Major Gurvansh Singh, currently posted in West Bengal, and his fiancée Ankita Pradhan, a local tech professional, visited the police station to lodge a complaint.
They had approached the police after allegedly being abused and assaulted by a group of hooligans. However, according to Army sources, their visit to seek help turned hostile when the police personnel on duty responded with abuse and refused to take immediate action.
The couple claimed that the police insisted on a written complaint and, when they requested to speak to higher authorities, the situation escalated. Ankita was allegedly taken into a separate room by a female officer, where she was stripped, molested, and assaulted.
Major Singh was reportedly manhandled and detained for over 10 hours before being released after intervention by Army officials.
In response, the police have denied the allegations. Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Prateek Singh stated that the couple was intoxicated and uncooperative, accusing them of misbehaving with the police personnel.
The police claim that Ankita attacked a female officer and damaged property at the station. They also said that two liquor bottles were found in the couple’s car and that both refused to take a breathalyzer test.
Following the serious allegations, the Odisha DGP ordered a Crime Branch investigation to ascertain the truth behind the incident. The probe will look into the behavior of the police personnel involved and the accuracy of the accusations made by both parties.
The case has attracted widespread attention, with many calling for a swift and fair investigation to ensure justice for all involved.
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