Lieutenant General Harbinder Singh Vandra, Chief of Staff of the Sapta Shakti Command, recently visited the Sarvada Agrani Brigade, where he had the opportunity to observe the operational innovations being implemented by the brigade.
During his visit, Lt Gen Vandra expressed appreciation for the brigade’s professional excellence, noting their advancements in operational tactics and technologies. He commended the troops for their innovative approaches to enhancing combat readiness and effectiveness.
The Chief of Staff emphasized the importance of maintaining a high state of operational readiness and mental robustness. He exhorted the troops to continue their rigorous training and preparedness routines, ensuring they are well-equipped to meet any challenges that may arise.
Lt Gen Vandra’s visit highlights the Sapta Shakti Command’s focus on fostering innovation and excellence within its units. The encouragement from such high-level leadership is crucial in motivating troops to push the boundaries of their capabilities and maintain the highest standards of service in defense of the nation.
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