Daljit Singh Chawdhary, a seasoned 1990 batch Indian Police Service (IPS) officer from the Uttar Pradesh cadre, has been appointed as the new Director General of the Border Security Force (BSF). He assumed this critical role on Saturday, following the premature repatriation of the former Director General, Nitin Agarwal, to his parent cadre in Kerala. Here are five key points to know about the new BSF chief:
1. Extensive Experience in Uttar Pradesh: Throughout his 34-year career, Chawdhary has held various positions in Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state. His extensive experience in handling complex security operations in such a high-stakes environment has prepared him well for his role at the national level.
2. Central Deputation and Leadership: Chawdhary has been on central deputation since 2017, serving as Additional Director General in the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) and Special Director General in the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). Most recently, he was the Director General of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), a position he held since January 23, 2024.
3. Educational and Physical Prowess: Not only is Chawdhary recognized for his administrative and operational capabilities, but he is also a renowned marksman and a qualified skydiver, skills that demonstrate his dedication to physical fitness and tactical proficiency.
4. Decorated Officer: Over the years, Chawdhary has been honored with several awards, including four Police Medals for Gallantry, a Police Medal for Meritorious Service, the President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service, and the Ati Utkrisht Seva Medal, acknowledging his outstanding service and leadership.
5. Role in National Security: The appointment comes at a critical time when the Jammu region along the India-Pakistan border has seen a spike in terror activities. With the BSF playing a pivotal role in securing India’s borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh, Chawdhary’s strategic acumen will be vital in enhancing the force’s operational readiness and response to threats.
Daljit Singh Chawdhary’s leadership is expected to strengthen the BSF’s capabilities in dealing with the challenges along India’s borders, particularly in light of recent security concerns.
His background and track record suggest a tenure that will focus on modernization, heightened security measures, and improved morale among the troops.
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