In a tragic incident early Tuesday in the Doda district of Jammu and Kashmir, four army personnel, including an officer, succumbed to injuries sustained in a fierce gunfight with heavily-armed terrorists. The encounter occurred in the Desa forest belt, approximately 55 km from Doda town, as reported by official sources.
The confrontation began late Monday evening when troops from the Rashtriya Rifles and the Special Operations Group of the J&K Police initiated a joint cordon and search operation at Dhari Gote Urarbagi. Following a brief exchange of gunfire, the terrorists attempted to flee the scene, leading to a relentless pursuit by the army personnel through challenging terrain and dense foliage.
The intense subsequent firefight resulted in critical injuries to five soldiers, four of whom, including the leading officer, later died from their injuries. This incident underscores the ongoing security challenges in the region, highlighting the bravery and sacrifices of the security forces engaged in maintaining peace and stability.
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