Command Hospital Air Force Bengaluru recently underwent a comprehensive evaluation for the prestigious Raksha Mantri Trophy, led by a team from the Directorate General of Armed Forces Medical Services (DGAFMS).
Under the guidance of Air Marshal Sadhna Nair, Director General of Health Services (Air Force), the hospital was rigorously assessed on various parameters of healthcare excellence.
During their visit, the evaluation team toured the hospital’s facilities and interacted with admitted patients, closely observing the standard of care and the operational efficiency of the hospital.
Command Hospital Air Force Bengaluru demonstrated exceptional performance, proving itself as a frontline contender for the Raksha Mantri Trophy.
The inspection highlighted the hospital’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards in military healthcare, with significant emphasis on patient care, medical expertise, and state-of-the-art facilities.
This recognition positions the hospital not only as a leader in military medical services but also as a critical component in the defense healthcare infrastructure of India.
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