In a prestigious ceremony, seven BSc Nursing graduates were commissioned as Lieutenants into the Military Nursing Service, taking up their new roles at INHS Asvini, the Indian Navy’s oldest Command Hospital.
Surgeon Rear Admiral Vivek Hande VSM, Commanding Officer of INHS Asvini, presided over the event, expressing his best wishes for a fulfilling career dedicated to healthcare and national service.
Established in 1756 as King’s Seamen Hospital, INHS Asvini boasts a rich history spanning over 250 years. It was officially commissioned into the Indian Navy on September 18, 1951.
Over the decades, the hospital has seen extensive advancements in its facilities and technologies, affirming its status as one of the premier Command Hospitals in the country.
Equipped with cutting-edge patient care systems, INHS Asvini continues to excel with a team of super-specialists and dedicated nursing staff committed to excellence in healthcare.
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