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Cut OffNDANDA 1 2024 Cut Off Marks, NDA 1 Expected Cut Off Marks,...

NDA 1 2024 Cut Off Marks, NDA 1 Expected Cut Off Marks, NDA Previous Years Cut Off

Understanding the expected and previous year NDA Cut Off marks provides valuable insights into the competition level and helps candidates assess their chances of success.

The NDA (National Defence Academy) Cut Off marks play a crucial role in determining the eligibility of candidates for further selection processes and provisional appointments. Aspirants who aspire to join the prestigious Army, Navy, and Air Force wings of the NDA must achieve marks equal to or higher than the NDA Cut Off marks.


In this comprehensive analysis, we will delve into the expected and previous year NDA Cut Off marks, understand the factors affecting the cut off, and explore the trends over the past years.

NDA 1 2024 Cut Off

The NDA 1 Cut Off marks for the written exam will be released by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) on their official website, upsc.gov.in. These cut off marks are the minimum scores that candidates need to achieve to move forward in the selection process and secure provisional appointments. The NDA 1 Final Result 2023, released by UPSC, revealed that the cut off for the written exam out of 900 marks was 301, with a minimum of 25% marks in each subject. The marks secured by the last recommended candidate in the final stage out of 1800 marks were 664. These numbers provide insights into the level of competition and the marks required for success.

NDA Cut Off 2024 Overview

The UPSC has uploaded the NDA 1 Cut Off marks for the written exam and final exam on their official website. Here are the key highlights of the NDA Cut Off marks:

StageExpected cutoff
Written Exam320-340 (with at least 25% in each section)

NDA 1 2024 Solved Question Paper

NDA 1 Cut Off 2024 Expected

The Union Public Service Commission will release the NDA 1 Cut Off 2024 along with the marks of the recommended candidates on their official website, upsc.gov.in. While the official cut off is yet to be announced, experts have predicted the expected cut off marks for the written exam and the marks obtained by the last recommended candidates. These expected cut off marks can serve as a benchmark for candidates to assess their chances of clearing the exam. Here are the expected NDA 1 Cut Off 2024 marks:

Minimum Qualifying marks320 – 340
Section cut off25% in each subject

Previous Years’ NDA Cut-Off Marks

Here we will discuss NDA Exam cut-off marks based on previous trends NDA 1 2024 Expected Cut-Off Marks will be updated very soon.

image 28
NDA & NA (II) 2023 To Be UpdatedTo Be Updated
NDA & NA (I) 2023 301664
NDA & NA (II) 2022 316678
NDA & NA (I) 2022 360720
NDA & NA (II) 2021 355726
NDA & NA (I) 2021 343709
NDA & NA (II) 2020355723
NDA & NA (I) 2020355723
NDA & NA (I) 2019342704
NDA & NA (II) 2018325688
NDA & NA (I) 2018338705
NDA & NA (II) 2017258624
NDA & NA (I) 2017342708
NDA & NA (II) 2016229602
NDA & NA (I) 2016288656
NDA & NA (II) 2015269637
NDA & NA (I) 2015306674
NDA & NA (II) 2014283656
NDA & NA (I) 2014360722
NDA & NA (II) 2013360721
NDA & NA (I) 2013333698
NDA & NA (II) 2012335699

How to Check NDA Cut Off 2024?

Candidates can download the UPSC NDA Cut Off 2024 from the official website of the UPSC or through direct links provided. It is essential to check the cut off marks to determine if one has qualified for further rounds. Here are the steps to download the NDA Cut Off 2024:

  1. Visit the official UPSC website at upsc.gov.in.
  2. On the homepage, click on the “NDA 1 or NDA 2 Cut Off” tab.
  3. The NDA Cut off will appear on the screen.
  4. Download and print a copy of the cutoff PDF for future reference.

Factors Affecting NDA Cut Off 2024

Several factors influence the NDA cut off marks. These factors vary from year to year and impact the level of competition and the minimum qualifying scores. Some of the key factors affecting the NDA Cut Off 2024 are:

  1. Number of Test-Takers: The number of candidates appearing for the exam influences the competition level and, in turn, the cut off marks.
  2. Vacancies: The number of available vacancies affects the cut off marks. Higher vacancies may result in a lower cut off, while lower vacancies may lead to a higher cut off.
  3. Difficulty Level: The difficulty level of the exam plays a crucial role in determining the cut off marks. If the exam is more challenging, the cut off may be lower, and vice versa.
  4. Marks Obtained in the Exam: The overall performance of candidates in the exam affects the cut off marks. Higher marks obtained by candidates can result in a higher cut off, while lower marks can lead to a lower cut off.

NDA Previous Year Cut Off for Written Exam

Analyzing the previous year’s NDA Cut Off marks can provide valuable insights into the trends and competition levels over the years. It helps candidates understand the increase or decrease in cut-off marks and predict the expected cut-off for the current year. Here are the previous year’s NDA Cut Off marks for the written exam:

YearNDA 1 Cut Off MarksNDA 2 Cut Off Marks

NDA Previous Year Cut Off for Final Selection

The NDA cut off marks for the final selection are determined out of 1800 marks, with 900 marks for the written exam and 900 marks for the SSB Interview. Here are the previous year’s NDA Final Cut Off marks:

YearNDA 1 Cut Off MarksNDA 2 Cut Off Marks

NDA Cut Off Trends: 2016-2022

Analyzing the NDA Cut Off trends from 2016 to 2022 provides a comprehensive understanding of the competition levels and the minimum qualifying scores. Here is the trend of NDA Cut Off marks over the years:

YearNDA 1 Cut Off MarksNDA 2 Cut Off Marks


The NDA Cut Off marks are essential for candidates aspiring to join the prestigious National Defence Academy. Understanding the expected and previous year NDA Cut Off marks provides valuable insights into the competition level and helps candidates assess their chances of success. By considering the factors affecting the cut off, analyzing previous year trends, and preparing diligently, candidates can aim to achieve the minimum qualifying scores and fulfill their dreams of serving the nation through the NDA.

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