In a tragic incident on the Outer Ring Road (ORR), Hyberabad, two individuals, Rukshad Ansari and Mohd Alam Ansari, were arrested by the Narsingi police on Tuesday. The arrest is linked to a hit and run case that occurred on Monday, leading to the untimely death of an Army Soldier Kunal Bhadana.
The accused have been charged under culpable homicide not amounting to murder (Section 304 II of the Indian Penal Code) and were remanded to judicial custody.
The accident involved a ready-mix concrete vehicle driven by the accused, which hit Sepoy Kunal while he was on his way to a bank in Narsingi.
Kunal, who was deputed to the Army Regiment at Langar Houz in the city, was pronounced dead at the scene, a fact confirmed by CCTV footage from the site. The tragedy has highlighted the ongoing concerns regarding road safety on the ORR.
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