In a groundbreaking achievement, the paediatric surgical team at INHS Kalyani has successfully performed a critical operation on a two-day-old newborn, marking a significant first for the hospital.
The newborn, diagnosed with a congenital rectal abnormality, received the necessary surgical intervention just days after birth, showcasing the exceptional skill and precision of the medical team involved.
This remarkable surgery not only emphasizes the advanced capabilities of INHS Kalyani’s paediatric surgical unit but also highlights the importance of teamwork and collaboration in the medical field.
The successful operation serves as a testament to the hospital’s commitment to providing high-quality care and support to its patients, especially the most vulnerable ones.
The Eastern Naval Command (ENC) and the entire team at INHS Kalyani are receiving widespread accolades for their dedication and service, living up to their motto “Har Kaam Desh Ke Naam” (Every Work in the Name of the Country).
This event not only brings bright smiles to the faces of the newborn’s family but also strengthens community care and trust in the institution’s healthcare services.
The successful operation adds a new chapter to INHS Kalyani’s history, further establishing its reputation as a beacon of hope and care for paediatric patients facing complex medical challenges. The hospital continues to be a boon for patients, with its paediatric surgical team leading the way in delivering exceptional medical interventions through precise teamwork and expertise.
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