In a disturbing turn of events on March 11, 2024, members of the Indian Army, including a renowned ultra-marathon team led by Major Sachin Singh Kuntal, a noted national ultra-marathon athlete, were viciously attacked by a mob at the Alpine Dhaba in Bharatgarh near Ropar, Punjab.
Alpine Dhaba Owner Arrested For Attacking Indian Army Officers
The soldiers, who were returning after clinching victory in the Snow Marathon held in Lahul, Himachal Pradesh, were subjected to this brutal assault under shocking circumstances.
The altercation reportedly began over a payment dispute. Despite having settled their bill via PhonePe, the athletes were confronted by the dhaba owner who demanded cash payment once again. Upon questioning the double charge, the owner allegedly incited a group of around 30 individuals, unleashing them upon the soldiers.
The resultant chaos saw five members of the team, including one officer, one Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO), and three Other Ranks (ORs), sustaining severe injuries in the melee. It is reported that Major Kuntal himself suffered a fracture after being hit with an iron rod.
Adding to the controversy, despite the identification of the attackers, the local police have filed an FIR against unknown individuals, raising questions about the efficiency and impartiality of the investigative process. This incident has sparked outrage across various quarters, with calls for swift justice echoing on social media platforms.
The unprovoked attack on these soldiers, celebrated for their recent athletic achievements and their service to the nation, has been widely condemned. The community and netizens alike are rallying for accountability and urging the Punjab Police, the Punjab Government, and relevant authorities to take decisive action against the perpetrators.
The demand for justice not only seeks to address this act of violence but also to uphold the respect and safety of armed forces personnel, who put themselves at risk for the country’s security and integrity. The spotlight is now on the authorities to ensure that the culprits are brought to book and such deplorable incidents are prevented in the future.
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