In a tragic incident along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri district, an army jawan, Lance Naik Balvir Singh, lost his life due to an accidental firing on Monday.
The mishap occurred near the Anti-Infiltration Obstacle System (AIOS) in the Nowshera sector, where Lance Naik Balvir Singh was stationed.
It was reported that the jawan’s service weapon discharged accidentally, leading to a fatal bullet injury. Despite immediate attention, Lance Naik Balvir Singh succumbed to his injuries on the spot. Following the incident, his body was transported to a local hospital to complete medico-legal formalities.
Authorities have commenced the necessary legal procedures and have launched an investigation to understand the circumstances leading to the accidental firing. This incident has once again highlighted the risks faced by military personnel stationed along the highly sensitive and strategic LoC area.
The army and local police are closely working together to conclude the investigation, ensuring such unfortunate events are meticulously reviewed and prevented in the future.
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