In a significant development aimed at bolstering India’s defense preparedness, General Manoj Pande, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), recently visited the prestigious White Tiger Division. During his visit, General Pande was thoroughly briefed on the operational readiness of the forces by the Division’s Commanders.
Highlighting the visit was General Pande’s observation of the Integrated Fire & Manoeuvre exercise at the Babina Field Firing Ranges. This exercise showcased the Division’s deep strike capability, demonstrating the advanced level of preparedness and the strategic prowess of the Indian Army.
In addition to the exercise, General Pande took the opportunity to interact directly with the troops stationed at the Division. He commended the soldiers for their high standards of training and professionalism, acknowledging their commitment and dedication towards maintaining the nation’s security.
The COAS’s visit and the conduct of the Integrated Fire & Manoeuvre exercise underscore the Indian Army’s continuous efforts to enhance its operational capabilities. These endeavors are crucial for ensuring the country’s readiness to face various security challenges and for maintaining peace and stability in the region.
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