In a poignant ceremony on Monday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh revealed a life-size statue commemorating India’s first Chief of Defence Staff, the late General Bipin Rawat, in Dehradun. The solemn occasion paid homage to the esteemed soldier, lauding his unparalleled courage and unwavering commitment to the nation’s defense.
Describing General Rawat as a stalwart of valour and dedication, Defence Minister Singh emphasized his enduring legacy as an inspiration for future generations. “The demise of Gen Rawat is an irreparable loss to the nation. Even in his last moments, he was on duty, serving the nation.
His commitment, dedication, and patriotism could be felt until the very end,” Singh remarked, paying tribute to the decorated officer who tragically lost his life in a helicopter crash near Coonoor, Tamil Nadu, on December 8, 2021, alongside his wife Madhulika Rawat and 12 other military personnel.
Recalling General Rawat’s remarkable tenure, Singh recounted an incident where the revered soldier was wounded during a skirmish at a remote border post in Jammu and Kashmir. This episode, he noted, galvanized General Rawat to fortify the Indian Army’s operations along the Line of Control and Line of Actual Control during his tenure as Army chief.
General Rawat embodied the quintessence of India’s military ethos, transcending boundaries of birthplace to serve the nation’s security with unwavering devotion, Singh reiterated.
He praised General Rawat’s historic appointment as the inaugural Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), a pivotal reform in India’s military history.
Singh underscored the government’s steadfast commitment to honouring the valour and sacrifices of India’s armed forces under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
From equipping the armed forces with cutting-edge weaponry to constructing the National War Memorial in New Delhi, Singh affirmed the government’s dedication to preserving the dignity and valour of India’s soldiers.
Highlighting the significance of the statue’s placement within the school complex, Singh emphasized its role in imparting patriotic values and fostering dedication among future generations. “Statues hold significant importance in our society and culture.
They serve as an inspiration for the future,” Singh remarked, emphasizing the transformative role of education institutions in shaping the character and values of young minds.
As the statue of General Bipin Rawat stands tall, it serves as a poignant reminder of his indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to the nation’s defence, inspiring generations to come to uphold the ideals of courage, dedication, and patriotism in service to the nation.
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