In a groundbreaking moment, an all-women contingent of the Armed Forces Medical Services marched on the Kartavya Path for the first time during the Republic Day celebrations. This historic event was led by Major Srishti Khullar with Captain Amba Samant from the Army Dental Corps, Surg Lt Kanchana from the Indian Navy, and Fit Lt Dhivya Priya from the Indian Air Force, accompanied by 144 officers of the Military Nursing Service.
The contingent’s participation was a testament to the strength, discipline, and unwavering dedication of women officers in the Armed Forces Medical Services. Their roles, extending beyond borders, encompass patient care, logistics, casualty evacuation, and public health initiatives in conflict zones, both in India and abroad.
A notable highlight of their recent endeavors was Operation Dost, conducted in February 2023 by the Indian Army Medical Officers and Staff. This operation was in response to the devastating earthquake in Iskenderun, Hatay Province, Turkey, where they provided significant relief to the affected victims. The Armed Forces Medical Services operate under the motto ‘Sarve Santu Niramaya’, meaning ‘May all be free from illness’.
This year’s Republic Day was a grand spectacle of military prowess and cultural heritage at the Kartavya Path in New Delhi. French President Emmanuel Macron attended as the Chief Guest, witnessing India’s ‘Aatmanirbhar’ military strength, rich cultural diversity, and the empowerment of women in the armed forces.
The all-women Tri-Service contingent’s march was a highlight of the parade, complemented by the captivating performance of women pilots during the Indian Air Force’s fly-past. This symbolised the evolving role and strength of women in the military. The parade also featured tableaux from 16 states and nine ministries, each narrating a unique story of India’s diverse culture.
Cultural performances were a feast for the eyes, with 30 different folk dance styles, including classical and Bollywood dance forms. These performances, featuring tribal, folk, and classical dancers, painted a vibrant picture of India’s rich cultural tapestry, making this year’s Republic Day a truly memorable event.
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