
Meet Air Marshal Sadhna S Nair, Second female medical officer to achieve this Rank

By SSBCrack

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In a landmark moment for the Indian Air Force (IAF), Air Vice Marshal Sadhna S Nair was promoted to the esteemed rank of Air Marshal on 23rd October 2023. This elevation marks a significant milestone, as she becomes the second woman medical officer in the history of IAF to achieve this distinguished rank.

Air Marshal Sadhna S Nair follows in the footsteps of Air Marshal Padma Bandopadhyay, who made history as the first woman to ascend to the rank of Air Marshal in the Indian Air Force.

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Adding another feather to her cap, Air Marshal Sadhna S Nair’s promotion also carries a unique distinction. She is married to Air Marshal KP Nair (Retd), making them the first Air Marshal couple in the annals of the IAF.

Prior to her promotion, Air Marshal Sadhna S Nair exhibited an exemplary service record. She had served as the Principal Medical Officer (PMO) at HQ Training Command, IAF. Presently, she holds the crucial position of Director General Hospital Services, Armed Forces (DGHS, AF), where she continues to dedicate her service to the nation.

This promotion not only underscores the increasing role and recognition of women in the armed forces but also signifies the Indian Air Force’s commitment to meritocracy and inclusivity.

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