On Saturday, Railway Police detained a 20-year-old individual, Neeraj Vishwakarma, who was impersonating a member of the Indian Army’s Para Special Forces. According to the Military Intelligence unit of Southern Command, Vishwakarma was found at Pune railway station in a suspicious manner, dressed in a counterfeit commando uniform.
Vishwakarma, a native of Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh, had allegedly participated in the Independence Day festivities at Delhi’s Red Fort this past August while wearing the deceptive uniform.
During the investigation, photos from his visit to the Red Fort were uncovered, along with pictures of him alongside active-duty military personnel. A fraudulent Army canteen card was also seized.
Pune’s Government Railway Police (GRP) have initiated an inquiry into the matter and were working on filing a formal complaint as of late Saturday night. “The individual has completed education up to the 12th grade and is suspected to have traveled to various locations across India under the guise of a Para SF commando. We are currently investigating his previous activities,” stated an officer.
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