Indian Army Soldier Kidnapped: The family of Javed Ahmad Wani, a 25-year-old soldier, has reported his abduction from his vehicle in the Kulgam district of Jammu and Kashmir. Wani, a resident of the Achathal area within the district, was home on leave at the time.
Previously stationed in Leh, Ladakh, Wani was reported missing around 8 pm on Saturday. Officials later discovered his vehicle abandoned in Paranhall.
In response, the Indian Army and local police have initiated a comprehensive search operation. As part of this effort, the area has been put under strict surveillance and control.
Wani had driven his vehicle to Chowalgam to buy groceries. When he did not return as expected, his family started a search operation in the nearby areas and neighboring villages. The search led to a disturbing discovery: Wani’s slippers and blood stains inside his unlocked car in the village of Paranhal.
Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. In the past, terrorists have abducted and murdered several soldiers who were home on leave in this area.
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