
UPSC CDS 1 2023 Result Published – 6518 Candidates Cleared

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The Combined Defence Services (CDS) is a national level competitive exam conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) twice a year. The CDS exam is conducted to select candidates for admission to the Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, and Officers Training Academy. The CDS 1 2023 exam was held on April 16, 2023, and the result has been released on May 4, 2023.

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CDS 1 2023 Result

The Union Public Service Commission has released the results for the COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICES EXAMINATION (I), 2023 held on April 16, 2023. A total of 6,518 candidates, with the following Roll Numbers, have been selected for the next stage of the admission process. These candidates will be interviewed by the Service Selection Board of the Ministry of Defence for admission to (i) Indian Military Academy, Dehradun 156th (DE) Course starting in January 2024, (ii) Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala, Course starting in January 2024, (iii) Air Force Academy, Hyderabad (Pre-Flying) Training Course (215 F(P)) starting in January 2024, (iv) Officers Training Academy, Chennai 119th SSC (Men) (NT) (UPSC) Course starting in April 2024, and (v) Officers Training Academy, Chennai, 33rd SSC Women (Non-Technical) (UPSC) Course starting in April 2024.


CDS 1 2023 Result Roll Numbers

CDS 1 2023 Result Names

The CDS 1 2023 result has been eagerly awaited by thousands of candidates who appeared for the exam. Out of the 5,00,000+ candidates who appeared for the exam, 6,518 candidates have cleared the written exam and are eligible for the CDS 1 2023 SSB interview. The candidates who have cleared the written exam will have to appear for the SSB interview, which is the next stage of the selection process.

CDS 1 2023 SSB Interview

The CDS 1 2023 SSB interview is a rigorous selection process that tests the candidate’s mental and physical abilities. The SSB interview is conducted in two stages, Stage I and Stage II. In Stage I, candidates will have to go through the Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) test, Picture Perception and Description Test (PPDT), and Group Discussion (GD). Candidates who clear Stage I will proceed to Stage II, which includes a Psychological Test, Interview, and Group Testing Officer Tasks (GTO).

The CDS 1 2023 SSB interview dates will be announced soon on the website of the relevant service. Candidates are advised to keep a check on the official website for updates on the SSB interview dates. The SSB interview will be conducted at various SSB centers across India. Candidates will have to choose their preferred SSB center while filling the application form for the exam.

The CDS 1 2023 result can be downloaded from the official website of the UPSC. The result contains the roll numbers and names of the candidates who have cleared the written exam. Candidates can check their roll numbers in the result to know if they have cleared the exam or not. The candidates who have cleared the written exam will have to submit their original documents for verification during the SSB interview.

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What is CDS Exam?

The CDS exam is one of the most prestigious exams in India, and clearing the exam is a dream for many aspirants. The exam tests the candidate’s knowledge, aptitude, and physical fitness. The candidates who clear the CDS exam and complete the SSB interview successfully will be selected for the respective academies.

In conclusion, the CDS 1 2023 result has been declared, and 6,518 candidates have cleared the written exam. The candidates who have cleared the written exam will have to appear for the SSB interview, which is the next stage of the selection process. The SSB interview dates will be announced soon on the website of the relevant service. Candidates are advised to keep a check on the official website for updates on the SSB interview dates. The CDS exam is a highly competitive exam, and clearing it is a great achievement.

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