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NotificationNDA ExamNDA 2 2023: Notification, Exam Date, Application Form

NDA 2 2023: Notification, Exam Date, Application Form

The UPSC NDA Notification 2023 provides all the necessary details regarding vacancies, exam pattern, eligibility criteria, selection process, admit card release date, syllabus, and more. Candidates can refer to this notification to get complete information about the NDA exam. The notification also includes the exam dates for NDA 1 2023 and NDA 2 2023.

The official website will release the NDA 2 Notification 2023 on 17 May 2023, and the written exam for NDA 2 2023 is scheduled for 03 September 2023. UPSC conducts NDA 2023, a national-level entrance examination, twice a year to recruit qualified candidates for the Army, Navy, and Air Force wings of the National Defence Academy. Candidates aspiring to take the exam should start preparing by creating a study plan and devising a strategic approach to tackle the competition.

Join NDA 2 2023 Online Batch – Limited Seats

This post contains all relevant information about UPSC NDA 2023. Read on to find out about the NDA exam, including eligibility, admit card release date, exam pattern, selection process, vacancies, salaries, and other useful information.

NDA 2023

The NDA exam is conducted in two phases every year. The official website is going to publish the NDA 2 notification 2023 on May 17, 2023, and the direct link to the NDA 2023 application form will activate on the website. The UPSC will conduct the NDA 2 2023 exam to recruit candidates for the defence forces, and hall tickets have been released on the UPSC website for candidates appearing for the exam.

It is essential for candidates to have complete knowledge about the upcoming examination. The following table provides comprehensive information about the UPSC NDA 2023 exam:

Name of the ExamNDA 2023
NDA Full FormNational Defence Academy
Conducting BodyUnion Public Service Commission
Purpose of the examinationTo find officer cadets for Army, Navy and Airforce
Exam FrequencyTwice a year
Exam Category12th Pass
Selection ProcessNDA Written Test – SSB Interview – Medical – Merit List
Number of applicants5-6 lakhs
Exam Center41 Test Cities across India
GenderMale and Female
Notification PDFDownload

NDA 2023 Exam Updates

On the official site, the NDA notification 2023 PDF will be released, providing aspirants with detailed information about the exam.

  • On 17 May 2023, the NDA 2 notification and application form will be released.
  • NDA 2 2023 Admit card will come around August 2023.
  • NDA 2 2023 exam will be conducted on 03 September 2023.
  • NDA 2 2023 result will be published In Nov 2023.
  • NDA 2 2023 SSB interviews will start from Jan 2024.

NDA Exam Date 2023

The NDA exam date 2023 has been announced by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). It is crucial for candidates preparing for the NDA exam to be aware of the exam dates to avoid missing any important events or deadlines. The NDA 2 2023 written exam will be conducted on 03.09.2023 (SUNDAY)

NDA 2 Dates 2023

The important dates for the NDA 2 exam 2023 are as follows:

NDA 2 2023 Exam Schedule
NDA 2 2023 Notification17.05.2023
Online Link Activates on17.05.2023
Last Date to Apply06.06.2023
NDA 2 2023 Exam Date03.09.2023
NDA 2 2023 Result DateAround Nov-Dec 2023

What is NDA Exam?

The National Defence Academy (NDA) is a premier training institute for cadets aspiring to join the three defense lines of India – Army, Air Force, and Navy. The NDA exam is the selection process to identify suitable candidates for admission to the academy and subsequent training in their respective defense lines. The exam is conducted twice a year and comprises a written test and an interview.

Candidates who wish to apply for the NDA exam 2023 must read this post carefully and make a note of the upcoming events related to the exam.

NDA Notification 2023

The official notification for NDA 2 2023 will be released on 17 May 2023, while the notification for NDA 2 2023 will be published on 17 May 2023 on the UPSC website. Candidates who intend to apply for NDA 2023 must carefully read the notification to obtain all the important information required for the examination. The notification contains detailed information on the exam, including eligibility criteria, syllabus, exam pattern, application dates, and other essential details.

The NDA notification 2023 PDF has been released, providing a comprehensive guide for aspirants. To access the PDF, candidates can visit the official website and click on the direct link to download and save it on their devices.

NDA Exam Eligibility

To appear for the NDA exam 2023, candidates must fulfill the set eligibility criteria prescribed by the UPSC on their official website. It is important for candidates who have applied for the upcoming exam to ensure they meet all the eligibility norms, as their candidature may be canceled at any stage if found ineligible. Candidates must satisfy the prescribed NDA 2023 eligibility criteria to progress further in the selection process. The eligibility criteria are divided into three parameters: age limit, educational qualification, and physical standards. Below are the detailed eligibility norms for the NDA 2023 exam as prescribed by the concerned authorities.

NDA Qualification

In order to appear for the NDA exam and be considered for the recruitment process, candidates need to have the necessary educational qualifications. The specific qualifications required are outlined in the following table.

ServiceEducational Qualification
NDA (Indian Army)12th Class pass of the 10 + 2 School Education pattern or equivalent exam performed by the State Education Board or University.
NDA (Indian Navy & Indian Air Force) & INAC Course12th Pass of the 10 + 2 School Education pattern or equivalent to Physics and Mathematics by a State Education Board or a University.
It is worth noting that candidates who are currently in their 12th grade or equivalent under the 10+2 school education system are also eligible to apply for the NDA exam.

NDA 2023 Eligibility: Physical Standards

The NDA exam has certain physical eligibility criteria that candidates must meet, such as height and vision standards. Here are the physical standards that candidates must fulfill to satisfy the NDA 2023 eligibility criteria.

CategoryMinimum NDA Height for Male Candidates
Tribals from Ladakh Region155 cm
Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep, and Minicoy Islands155 cm
Gorkhas, Nepali, Assamese, Garhwali, Kumaoni, and Uttarakhand152 cm
Bhutan, Sikkim & North East Region152 cm
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NDA Age Limit 2023

To be eligible to take the NDA exam and pursue a career in the defence forces, candidates must meet the prescribed age limit criteria. As per the NDA eligibility requirements, the age limit for different courses is between 16.5 and 19.5 years.

  • For NDA 1 2023: Only unmarried male/female candidates born not earlier than 02nd July, 2004 and not later than 1st July, 2007 are eligible.
  • For NDA 2 2023: Only unmarried male/female candidates born not earlier than 02nd January, 2005 and not later than 1st January, 2008 are eligible.

NDA Vacancy

The NDA 2023 notification PDF includes information on the available vacancies for candidates to apply. Having a thorough understanding of the vacancies can help candidates better prepare and plan their strategies for the exam. The vacancies for various positions in the Army, Navy, and Airforce under NDA 2023 and Naval Academy are outlined below.

NDA 2 2023 VacancyDetails
Indian Army 208 (including 10 for female candidates)
Indian Navy42 (including 03 for female candidates)
Indian Airforce(i) Flying – 92 (including 02 for female candidates)(ii) Ground Duties (Tech) – 18 (including 02 for femalecandidates)(iii) Ground Duties (Non-Tech) – 10 (including 02 forfemale candidates)
Naval Academy (10+2 Cadet Entry Scheme)25 (for male candidates only)

NDA Last Year Vacancies

The previous year’s NDA vacancy details can help candidates understand the range of posts available for both men and women in the three armed forces. Knowing the vacancies can also give insights into the difficulty level of the exam.

YearNDA 1NDA 2
2022400 400 

NDA 2023 Exam Pattern

The NDA 2023 exam is composed of three papers: Mathematics, General Ability Test, and SSB Interview. It is crucial for candidates to understand the complete exam pattern to progress to the next stage of the selection process. The details of the paper pattern for the NDA exam are explained below. Candidates should take note of the important subjects, duration, and maximum marks allotted to each subject as per the NDA 2023 Exam Pattern provided in the table below.

CodeExam NameDurationNo. of QuestionsMaximum Marks
01Mathematics2 ½ hours120300
02General Ability Test2 ½ hours50200
SSB Interview50900

NDA Exam Syllabus

It is crucial for candidates to familiarize themselves with the NDA 2023 syllabus in order to excel in the written test, which includes topics such as Mathematics, English, and General Awareness. A thorough understanding of the latest syllabus is essential to effectively prepare for the exam and enhance one’s performance. Below is a comprehensive breakdown of the subject-wise syllabus for the NDA exam 2023.

MathematicsAlgebra, Matrices & Determinants, Trigonometry, 2D and 3D Geometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Vector Algebra, Statistics & Probability, Venn diagram, Complex numbers, Height and Distance, Parabola, Ellipse, and Hyperbola, etc.
EnglishSpotting of errors, Grammar & usage, Para Jumbling, Fill in the blanks, Synonyms & Antonyms, Vocabulary, Cloze Test, Idioms & Proverbs, Sentence Correction & Improvement, etc.
General Awareness/KnowledgePhysics, Chemistry, General Science, History Freedom Movement, Geography, Current Events, etc.

Note: The General Knowledge of General Ability Test paper in NDA 2023 exam will have questions from various subjects, and their weightage will be approximately 25% for physics, 15% for chemistry, 10% for general science, 20% for history, 20% for geography, and 10% for current events.

NDA 2023 Selection Process

The NDA 2023 Selection Process consists of two stages: a written test and an SSB Interview. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria must first appear for the written exam, which comprises two papers: Mathematics and General Ability Test. The total marks for the written exam are 900 marks. The Mathematics paper carries 300 marks, while the General Ability Test paper carries 600 marks.

Candidates who successfully clear the written exam will be called for the second stage, which is the SSB Interview. This stage comprises two stages: Stage I and Stage II. Stage I comprises Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests and Picture Perception and Description Test (PP&DT). Candidates who qualify in Stage I will proceed to Stage II. Stage II includes Psychological Testing, Group Testing, and Interview. The SSB Interview carries a total of 900 marks.

The final selection of candidates is based on the merit list prepared after considering the marks obtained in the written exam and the SSB Interview. Only those candidates who clear both stages will be eligible for the final selection.

  • Written Exam: The first stage of the NDA 2023 selection process is the written exam, which is conducted in an offline mode. Candidates who obtain the minimum qualifying marks will become eligible to proceed to the next round of the selection process.
  • SSB Interview: The second stage of the NDA 2023 selection process, which evaluates the intelligence and personality of the candidates. The SSB Interview is conducted in two stages, with the first stage being held by the Centres/Air Force Selection Boards/Naval Selection Boards. Candidates who clear the first stage are eligible to appear for the second interview round.
  • Medical Examination: The final stage of the NDA 2023 selection process, which is of qualifying nature. Candidates who have cleared the written exam and the SSB Interview will be called for a medical examination to ensure that they are physically and medically fit to be a part of the Indian armed forces. The medical examination is conducted by the Military Hospitals, and the medical standards required for the different posts are mentioned in the official notification. Candidates who do not meet the medical standards will be disqualified from the selection process.
  • Merit List: The final merit list for NDA 2023 will be prepared based on the marks obtained by the candidates in both the written exam and SSB Interview. The candidates who qualify in the medical examination will be included in the merit list. The final allocation of the candidates to the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force will depend on the availability of vacancies and fulfilling the eligibility criteria, medical fitness, and merit-cum-preferences.

NDA 2023 Salary

Having accurate and comprehensive information about the NDA 2023 salary is essential for candidates to have a complete understanding of their potential earnings. The salary for different ranks has been outlined below, which will also aid candidates in assessing their career growth. NDA officers who graduate from the National Defense Academy receive an attractive salary, as well as various benefits and allowances exclusive to those employed in Defense services. See below for a table of the in-hand NDA 2023 Salary for officers according to their rank.

RankLevelGrade Pay
LieutenantLevel 10₹56,100 – ₹1,77,500
CaptainLevel 10 B₹6,13,00 – ₹1,93,900
MajorLevel 11₹6,94,00 – ₹2,07,200
Lieutenant ColonelLevel 12A₹1,21,200 – ₹2,12400
ColonelLevel 13₹1,30,600 – ₹2,15,900
BrigadierLevel 13A₹1,39,600 – ₹2,17,600
Major GeneralLevel 14₹1,44,200 – ₹2,18,200
Lieutenant General HAG ScaleLevel 15₹1,82,200 – ₹2,24,100
HAG+ScaleLevel 16₹2,05,400 – ₹2,24,400
VCOAS/Army Cdr/ Lieutenant General (NFSG)Level 17₹ 2,25,000/- (fixed)
COASLevel 18₹ 2,50,000/- (fixed)

Details of MSP (Military Service Pay):

  • Officers in the rank of Lieutenant to Brigadier are also entitled to a Military Service Pay(MSP) of ₹ 15.500 p.m. (fixed).

Flying Allowance:

  • The Army Aviators (Pilots) serving in the Army Aviation Corps are entitled to a flying allowance at ₹ 25,000/- p.m.

NDA 2023 Apply Online

The NDA 2023 recruitment process has started with the activation of the apply online link on the official UPSC website. Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the NDA 1 and 2 exams, which are scheduled for April 16, 2023, and September 3, 2023, respectively. To fill out the application, candidates must have their scanned photograph, signature, and other relevant documents ready for upload in the NDA 2023 Application Form. It is important to follow the step-by-step process for NDA application to avoid any errors or mistakes while filling out the form.

How to Apply Online for NDA Exam 2023?

To successfully submit the NDA 2023 apply online form, candidates must have complete knowledge of all the details. Here are the steps provided below to help them gain complete knowledge of the NDA exam 2023 and the online application process.

  1. Visit the official website of UPSC (www.upsc.gov.in) and click on the link “Online Application for Various Examinations.”
  2. On the next page, select the NDA 1 or NDA 2 Exam from the list of exams available and click on the “Apply” button.
  3. Read the instructions carefully and click on the “Yes” button at the bottom of the page to proceed further.
  4. Fill in all the required personal, educational, and contact details in the NDA 2023 Application Form.
  5. Upload scanned copies of your photograph, signature, and other required documents in the prescribed format.
  6. Pay the application fee online through debit card/credit card/net banking or generate an SBI Challan to make the payment offline.
  7. After payment, submit the NDA 2023 application form and take a printout of the same for future reference.

Make sure to double-check all the details before submitting the application form to avoid any errors or mistakes.

NDA 2023 Application Fee

elow are the details of the NDA exam application fee for different categories. It is mandatory for all candidates to pay the application fee after submitting the online form.

CategoryApplication Fee
General/OBCRs. 100/-
SC/STExempted from payment of fee
Sons of JCOs/NCOs/ORsExempted from payment of fee

Note: The application fee can be paid online using a credit/debit card or through net banking, or it can be deposited in cash at any SBI branch.

NDA Previous Year Question Paper

To prepare for the NDA 2023 exam, candidates are advised to solve the previous year’s question papers to gain complete knowledge about the exam pattern and analyze its difficulty level. Solving these papers will also help improve accuracy and proficiency in all the subjects, and time management skills. Candidates can download the question papers in PDF format, along with their solutions, and start practicing for the exam. Practicing NDA exam papers will help candidates to know the latest trends and types of questions asked in the exam. Direct links to download previous year’s papers in PDF format are provided for the NDA exam.

Question PaperMathsGAT
NDA 1 2023To Be Updated on 16/04/2023To Be Updated on 16/04/2023
NDA 2 2022Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 1 2022Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 2 2021Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 2 2020Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 2 2019Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 2 2018Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 2 2017Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 2 2016Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 2 2015Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 2 2014Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 1 2021Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 1 2020Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 1 2019Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 1 2018Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 1 2017Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 1 2016Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 1 2015Download PDFDownload PDF
NDA 1 2014Download PDFDownload PDF

NDA 2023 Preparation Tips

Succeeding in the NDA exam requires thorough preparation due to the high level of competition. Aspirants should refer to the NDA 2023 Preparation Tips shared by experts and previous year toppers to enhance their chances of success. Along with these tips, candidates must also ensure that they cover all the topics mentioned in the syllabus for each subject.

  • Candidates preparing for the NDA 2023 exam should carefully review the complete exam pattern and syllabus.
  • To improve their performance, they must create an effective study plan.
  • It is recommended to solve previous year’s question papers to understand the type of questions asked, the difficulty level, and the essential topics.
  • Attempting NDA mock tests on a daily basis can help identify and learn from mistakes.
  • Analyzing test results and focusing more on weaker areas is also important.
  • Candidates should also try to learn simple tricks to solve numerical problems in less time.

NDA 2023 Admit Card

Once the NDA 2023 application form has been successfully submitted, candidates can download their admit card from the official website of UPSC. The admit card is a crucial document, and without it, candidates will not be allowed to appear in the examination. It is important to note that no hard copy of the hall ticket will be sent via post. Candidates can use the direct link available on the official website to download the NDA 2023 admit card, which has been issued by the concerned authorities.

How to Download NDA Admit Card 2023?

  1. Visit the official website of UPSC – www.upsc.gov.in
  2. Click on the “Admit Cards” tab on the homepage.
  3. Search for the NDA 2023 admit card link and click on it.
  4. Enter your registration ID/ roll number and date of birth/password.
  5. Fill in the captcha code for security purposes.
  6. Click on the “Submit” button.
  7. The NDA Admit Card 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
  8. Check all the details mentioned in the admit card, including the candidate’s name, photograph, roll number, exam date, and venue.
  9. Download and take a printout of the NDA Admit Card 2023 for future reference.

Note: Candidates must carry the admit card along with a valid photo ID proof to the examination center on the day of the exam.

NDA Cut Off

Every year, UPSC releases the NDA Cut Off after the completion of the recruitment process. The cut-off marks are announced separately for the written exam and the final selection. Candidates who are appearing for the NDA 2023 exam should refer to the previous year’s cut-off to understand the number of good attempts required. The cut-off is determined by various factors such as the number of vacancies, the difficulty level of the paper, the number of applicants, and so on.

PaperWritten ExamFinal Exam
2022 (1)360720
2021 (1)343709
2020 (2)355719
2020 (1)355726
2019 (2)346709
2019 (1)342704
2018 (2)325688
2018 (1)338705
2017 (2)258624
2017 (1)342708

The cutoff for NDA 2023 will be published by UPSC on their official website after completion of the recruitment process and a few days after conducting the exam. It is important for candidates to refer to the previous year’s cut-off to estimate the number of good attempts. The cut-off depends on various factors such as the difficulty level of the paper, number of vacancies, and the number of applicants.

NDA Result

The NDA 2023 Result will be announced by UPSC officials after the successful completion of the exam. The result will include the list of qualified candidates who meet the cutoff score and will move on to the next round of the selection process. These candidates will have to clear the SSB Interview rounds to be considered for the post.

For the previous session, the NDA 2 2022 results were declared in PDF format on the official website, containing the roll numbers of selected candidates. The exam was conducted on September 4, 2022. The NDA 2 2022 result was released for the 150th course of NDA and 112 courses of INAC. Around 8000 candidates had qualified for the NDA exam.

NDA Exam Analysis

Expert-curated NDA exam analysis is available for candidates who have taken the exam. This analysis will provide valuable insights into the exam pattern, level of difficulty, and content. The analysis can help candidates predict their scores and prepare better for future attempts. The exam was reported to be moderate in difficulty level overall. The Mathematics paper contained the highest number of questions related to Trigonometry, Statistics and Data Interpretation, Matrix, and Determinants. Meanwhile, the General Ability paper had the most questions from English, Geography, Physics, and Current Affairs. Those who are preparing for the next exam should consult the detailed NDA Exam Analysis.

NDA 2023 Answer Key

The NDA 2023 answer key holds significant importance for all candidates who will take the exam. It enables them to verify the correctness of their answers, calculate their tentative scores, and identify the areas that require further improvement in their preparation.

In the past, the answer key for the NDA 1 2022 exam was published after the Maths and GAT papers. The answer key for Maths and GAT papers for Set A, B, C, and D in NDA 1 is available below for reference: Click here

NDA 2023 Marks

Once the NDA 2023 results are announced, candidates can check their marks by following these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of UPSC.
  2. Click on the link for NDA 2023 results.
  3. Enter your roll number and date of birth in the given fields.
  4. Click on the “Submit” button.
  5. The result will be displayed on the screen, showing the candidate’s marks obtained in the written exam and SSB interview.
  6. Candidates can take a printout of the result for future reference.

Alternatively, candidates can also check their marks by accessing the link provided in the email sent by UPSC after the declaration of the results.

NDA Mock Test

SSBCrackExams offers NDA mock tests that are designed to help candidates prepare effectively for the NDA exam. The mock tests are based on the latest exam pattern and syllabus and are created by subject matter experts. These tests are available in both Hindi and English languages.

The NDA mock tests consist of 10 full-length tests, which help candidates understand the exam pattern and level of difficulty. Additionally, the mock tests are designed to help candidates improve their speed and accuracy by practicing under simulated exam conditions.

Candidates can take the mock tests online and get immediate results and feedback. The detailed analysis of the test helps them identify their weak areas and work on improving them. SSBCrackExams also provides a ranking system that allows candidates to compare their performance with other candidates.

Overall, the SSBCrackExams NDA mock tests are a useful tool for candidates who want to increase their chances of success in the NDA exam.

FAQs on NDA Exam

1. What is NDA 2 2023 Exam date?

NDA 2 2023 exam will be conducted on 03 September 2023.

2. Can I join NDA after 10th Class?

No, you can only apply for NDA from 12th class onwards.

3. Can girls give NDA Exam?

That’s correct! Female candidates are now eligible to appear for the NDA 2023 exam, following an interim order passed by the Supreme Court in 2021. The order mandated the commission to grant permanent commission to eligible women in the Indian Army.

4. What is NDA 2023 exam pattern?

The NDA 2023 exam pattern comprises a written test with objective or multiple-choice questions from various subjects such as Mathematics, English, General Knowledge, and Current Affairs. The Mathematics section has 120 questions, and the General Ability Test has 150 questions. Out of these, 50 questions are from the English section, and 100 questions are based on General Knowledge.

5. What are NDA 2023 age limits?

For NDA 2 2023: Only unmarried male/female candidates born not earlier than 02nd January, 2005 and not later than 1st January, 2008 are eligible.

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