
UPSC NDA 1 2023 Question Paper Original Download

By SSBCrack

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The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) NDA (National Defence Academy) examination is one of the most prestigious examinations in India for recruitment into the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force. The NDA 1 2023 examination is expected to be held in 16 April 2023, and candidates who are aspiring to join the defence forces are eagerly awaiting the release of the question paper for the examination. In this article, we will provide information on how to download the UPSC NDA 1 2023 question paper and highlight its significance.

NDA 1 2023 Maths Question Papers [Original – All Sets]

NDA 1 2023 Paper MathematicsDownload PDF (UPDATED)
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NDA 1 2023 GAT English Question Papers [Original – All Sets]

NDA 1 2023 Paper GAT EnglishDownload PDF (UPDATED)
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NDA 1 2023 GAT General Knowledge Question Papers [Original – All Sets]

NDA 1 2023 Paper GAT GKDownload PDF (UPDATED)
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NDA 1 2023 Written Examination

PaperSubjectDurationMaximum Marks
IMathematics2.5 hours300
IIGeneral Ability Test2.5 hours600
Total900 marks

NDA 1 2023 General Ability Test 

PartSubjectMaximum Marks
Part AEnglish200
Part BGeneral Knowledge400

The UPSC NDA 1 2023 question paper will be available for download on the official website of the UPSC (https://www.upsc.gov.in) after the examination is conducted. The question paper will consist of multiple sets, each having different questions in a randomized manner to ensure fairness and integrity in the examination process. Candidates who have successfully registered and appeared for the NDA 1 2023 examination will be able to access the question paper by following the steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Visit the official website of UPSC (https://www.upsc.gov.in) using a web browser on a computer or mobile device with internet connectivity.

Step 2: On the homepage, navigate to the “Examinations” tab and click on it.

Step 3: From the drop-down menu, select “Active Examinations” and click on it.

Step 4: Look for the “National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (I), 2023” in the list of active examinations and click on the link.

Step 5: A new page will open with various details related to the NDA 1 2023 examination, including the question paper download link. Click on the download link to access the question paper.

Step 6: The question paper will be available in PDF format. Candidates can download and save it for future reference.

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It is important for candidates to note that the question paper of UPSC NDA 1 2023 is a confidential document, and sharing or reproducing it in any form without proper authorization is strictly prohibited. Candidates are expected to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the examination process and refrain from indulging in any malpractice.

The UPSC NDA 1 2023 question paper will consist of two sections: Mathematics and General Ability Test (GAT). The Mathematics section will assess candidates’ aptitude in basic mathematics, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. The GAT section will test candidates’ knowledge of English, general knowledge, and reasoning ability.

The question paper will consist of a mix of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and descriptive questions. MCQs will have four options, and candidates will have to select the correct answer among them. Descriptive questions will require candidates to write answers in a given space or on a separate sheet, as specified in the question paper.

The UPSC NDA 1 2023 question paper will be of moderate to difficult level, and candidates will be given a specific time duration to complete the examination. It is essential for candidates to manage their time effectively during the examination and attempt all the questions within the given time limit. Candidates should also practice solving previous years’ question papers and take mock tests to familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and gain confidence.

The UPSC NDA 1 2023 question paper is a crucial resource for candidates to prepare effectively for the examination. By downloading and studying the original question paper, candidates can understand the exam pattern, types of questions, and difficulty level, which will help them in formulating their exam strategy. It will also help them assess their level of preparation and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Candidates should use the question paper as a tool to enhance their exam preparation and


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