On April 21, 2023, tragedy struck the Indian Army as five soldiers lost their lives in a terror attack in the Rajouri Sector of Jammu & Kashmir. The incident took place at approximately 1500 hours when the soldiers were travelling in a vehicle between Bhimber Gali and Poonch in the Rajouri sector. The area was experiencing heavy rains and low visibility, which the unidentified terrorists took advantage of by firing at the vehicle. The terrorists are believed to have used grenades, which caused the vehicle to catch fire.
The soldiers were from the Rashtriya Rifles Unit, which is deployed for Counter Terrorist operations in the area. Unfortunately, all five soldiers lost their lives in the incident, while another soldier was seriously injured and has been evacuated to the Army Hospital at Rajauri for treatment.
The Indian Army has launched operations to locate the perpetrators of this heinous act of terrorism. The nation mourns the loss of these brave soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country. They will always be remembered as heroes of India who put the nation first.
In a shocking development, the People’s Anti Fascist Force (PAFF) claimed responsibility for the terror attack. The group has claimed responsibility for the Poonch terror attack, which resulted in the martyrdom of five Indian soldiers.
The incident has caused outrage across the country, with people condemning the cowardly act of terrorism and expressing their solidarity with the families of the martyred soldiers.
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