Candidates appearing for the SSB Interview often face confusion about the documents required for the process. This confusion is more prevalent among freshers and final year students who are not well-versed with the necessary documents needed for the SSB Interview.
It is imperative to carefully read the call letter and follow the instructions provided in it. The call letter generally lists all the important documents required at the time of the SSB Interview. However, the situation can become challenging for freshers who may not receive their call letter on time and are thus unaware of the necessary documents required.
To address this issue, this post provides a comprehensive list of the necessary documents that candidates must carry for the SSB Interview.

SSB (Service Selection Board) is the selection process for candidates who want to join the Indian Armed Forces as commissioned officers. It is a rigorous and challenging process that tests the mental and physical abilities of candidates. If you are one of the candidates who have cleared the written exam and are called for the SSB interview, then it is essential that you carry all the necessary documents with you. Here is a detailed list of documents that you should carry for the SSB interview:
SSB Interview Documents
- Admit Card: The admit card is a crucial document that you need to carry with you to the SSB interview. It contains all the necessary details like your roll number, exam date, and center, and without it, you will not be allowed to appear for the interview.
- Identity Proof: You need to carry a valid photo identity proof with you to the SSB interview. It can be any government-issued identity proof like Aadhar Card, Voter ID, Driving License, or Passport. Make sure that the name on your identity proof matches with the name on your admit card.
- Educational Certificates: You need to carry all the educational certificates starting from 10th standard to the highest degree that you possess. These certificates act as proof of your educational qualifications and are necessary for verification.
- Character Certificate: A character certificate is a document that certifies your character and conduct. It is usually issued by your school or college principal or any other government official. Make sure that the certificate is not older than six months.
- Medical Certificate: You need to carry a medical certificate that certifies that you are fit for the SSB interview. The medical certificate should be issued by a government-authorized medical practitioner and should not be older than six months.
- NCC Certificate: If you have participated in the NCC (National Cadet Corps), then you need to carry your NCC certificates. These certificates are considered as an added advantage during the SSB interview.
- Sports Certificates: If you have participated in any sports activities at the national or international level, then you need to carry your sports certificates. These certificates are also considered as an added advantage during the SSB interview.
- Covid19 Test Report: Some boards may ask for a negative Covid-19 test report at the time of SSB.
List of documents required at the time of SSB Interview.
- Original Matric/Higher Secondary or equivalent certificate along with one attested copy there of in support of your age.
- Original/Provisional degree from the University/Institution and marks sheet of all the years/semesters along with a photocopy of each.
- Proof of identity with photograph such as voter ID (or ) PAN card (or) driving license (or) passport (or) UPSC admit card. In case of candidates of NDA/10+2 TES, they are required to bring certificate with photo issued by principal as proof of identity.
- Twenty copies of the latest passport size photographs, unattested along with the negative in white shirt (not in coat)
Final Year Candidates:
- If final year/semester result is awaited, then the candidate will submit a certificate from the principal, stating that the result of final year will be declared by ___________ .
- Students studying in final year of degree course, have to bring a certificate from the principal of their College/Institution stating that they are in final year of degree course and going to appear the final examination during ________.
- Candidates who have submitted their certificates and marksheets in college or institution for pursuing higher studies.Please bring a bonafide certificate along with certified true copy of those documents.
- Risk Certificate Applicable to NDA and TES Candidates.Must bring Risk Certificate.
- Original NCC ‘C’ Certificate (Army/Navy/Airforce Wing) with one attested copy, if competing against reserved vacancies for NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders.
- Recommended candidates are required to submit at the earliest a photocopy duly attested by Class-I Gazetted Officer of all such provisional degree/degree certificate.
- Statement of Marks in lieu of original certificates or any other date of birth certificate is not acceptable.
Specimen of all the required application form is always mentioned in the call letter, candidate must follow the same format.
Sir I’m working in a company,they bought my all educational marksheet.can I take a photo copy of all marksheet,when i’m going for an ssb at that time.pls let me known sir.
are digilocker documents valid for ssb
i also would klike to ask whether Photograph to be taken alongwith Negative ,,,,since nowadays all photo are mostly digital copy,where will one find the old camera with negative copy?
Sir, i am going to appear my 6th Semester in the Month of Oct 2015 and graduation result would be out by Nov last…so will i be able to appear in SSB for OTA which might be held in the month of Aug/Jul/Sep…please help me out
Sir, I am selected in tgc 121 ssb allahabad but I am very upset because I have done very little mistake in filling of application form. Mistake is , my marks originally pcm ,50,53,72. But I fill 51,52,72. But aggregate is same , 58.33.
Also in filling semester marks ,
1st sem – 673
4th sem – 734
But actual marks are 676, 741.
But I have above the cutoff marks.
So please suggest me what I can do, ALSO tell me relexation for fresher can mistakes tolerable? And
Will accept my application at time of ssb take by the officer . I have no mistake in DOB. ANY BODY PLEASE GIVE RESPONSE immediately.
I have pursued my graduation from open university and I got degree In one year what should I do?
sir i had been unable to download my afcat call letter. But still i wanna attend its ssb. Suggest me what to do..please reply asap ’cause my ssb is on 3rd of nov. 2104 i.e. comming monday…
I cleared AFCAT 1 2014 and have my SSB interview on 18th August. I have completed my B.E. in June 2014. The final semester results were declared on 25th June and the revaluation results were declared on 5th August. I do not have the mark sheet of 8th semester issued by the university and the degree certificate will be issued after September. I was a final year student when I applied for AFCAT 1 2014 and cleared it. Is the provisional degree certificate issued by the college principal acceptable? Or is it compulsory for me to take provisional degree certificate issued by the university only?
Also, I have recent passport sized photos taken against white background in black clothes. Is it acceptable?
Please reply as soon as possible.
Sir, I have passed from school and appearing for TES SSB. No such certificate for id proof has been issued to me from school… Is aadhaar card not valid? What proof of identity can i take?
I am in 7 semester, having CGPA 7.4, but i have one back paper in my 2nd semester,
Am i eligible in AFCAT exam?
kindly reply soon sir.
If i have lost my afcat original admit card, but have the call letter, then what is the procedure for rectifying this error.
I am a Graduate. I passed out in 2012. I ve my ssb on 31st dec. I have all the documents except my degree certificate. I ve filled the form & I hope i get my certificate before ssb. In case I dont get my certificate before 31st dec,will I b allowed to appear for ssb interview???
i have to go to ssb bt dont have original marksheets of 7th sem however i have marksheet of 8th sem as well as provisional degree and got appedix a stating that original marksheet will be available till last week of same month so will they permit me?
pls reply soon?
hye i am vishal my father name is wrongly written in cbse board now i am applying for nda. i have filed application for the correction of same but it hadnt recieved yet.can anyone tell me that is there any issue over it when i go for the ssb interview
sir,i am a student of 12th class. I am so anxious to join n.d.a. will you plz tell me which is best to pay me…….cds,naval academy,or air force….
sir, with MA degree at economics can i apply for Direct SSB For Army educational Crops ?? And sir my date of birth is 02/02/91 which right now 22 years approximately few months where for AEC the entry D.O.B is 23 years so sire can i apply now or should i go on for better preparation till my age complete 23 years sir help me to come out from this confusion..
i have selected for TGC-117, i have SSB interview on may 14th 2013.
i have 64.4% upto my 3rd yr when i have applied,later in 4th yr 1st semester i have a backlog.
so should i take the marksheets only upto 3rd yr or upto 4th yr 1st sem (original marks sheet not yet came. only internet print is available)
i have submitted my 10th and Diploma in college, if i bring a certificate from principle stating that he will pass out by july 2013 is enough or should i bring in addition any thing.
should i bring both risk and no clam letter ?
Sir, i am a final year student … my ssb for afcat entry is cleared . joining is in july .. please tell me that provisional degree will be enough for joining academy because the degree is issued only after 6 months of results …
Hi Deepak, Need not to worry. You can go ahead with Provisional Degree also.
However, There is also a provision that if you don’t have submitted the qualifying degree by 15 Jun 13,the following procedure will be applicable for issue of Joining Instructions
(a) Eligible candidates in the Selection List, who have not
produced the requisite proof of acquiring the qualifying degree by
15 Jun 13 but are confident of doing so, may seek entry on
ADDITIONAL BOND BASIS. The authority letter to this effect,
Joining Instructions (BOND BASIS) would be dispatched to the
address available on record.
(b) Such candidates would be provisionally inducted for training
on submission of an additional Bond and submission of demand
draft of Rs.103560.00 (Rupees One Lakh three thousand five
hundred and sixty only) in favour of Commandant, Air Force
Academy, payable at Secunderabad. Specimen copy of the Bond
will be available on the Instruction Booklet uploaded on website in Jun 13.
(c) The Additional Bond and Demand Draft are NOT (R) NOT to
be sent to Air HQ. They are to be carried along by the candidate
and handed over at the time of reporting at Air Force Academy.
6. Candidates joining on ‘Additional BOND BASIS’ will be required to
produce the Original/ Provisional Degree Certificate and original mark
statements of all semesters/ years, latest by 09 Sep 13 to the Training
Wing Adjutant, Air Force Academy. On production of the proof of
meeting all the eligibility criteria, the deposit of Rs. 103560/- would be
refunded in full. In case of failure to do so by 09 Sep 13, the training will
be terminated and the cost of training would be adjusted against the
amount deposited with Air Force Academy.
hello sir there are a lot of students who are asking about their backlogs problems. i am also having the same problem. please sir reply about this soon……
that’s not a problem….how many backlogs you can have…but remember one thing…in final tera you need to clear all you back log and then apply for ssb interviews
Hi, Do we need to provide qualifying/passing certificate or marksheets will be enough?
Actually my X and XII passing certificates got stolen, I do have the marksheets… What should I do, Please help
I have completed my degree with 58% from IGNOU. I have applied to appear for exam in June 13 improve my %. As such, will I be allow to appear for SSB in April before improving my%?. Anyone please kindly advice me. Thank you.
The SSB which is scheduled to be in April, this is basically for the Course which is going to commence in July this year. The basic criteria of AFCAT is 60 % aggregate and this too should be attained before joining the Academy. However, if you appear in June TEE, the result will be declared only after July i.e. after commencement of course. So, it will be helpful only for the course commencing in Jan 14.
sir, is certificate of passing equivalent to a degree certificate? i have a certificate of passing which states the degree and the that acceptable?
What documents are required for absentee batch??
frnz..i do not have upsc admit card but i have identity proof so will it create any problem in ssb?? i mean admit card is imp?
hello,ATUL & DEBAYAN,you guys have already faced the SSB i hope,plz suggest me if u have faced any problems due to your backlogs,cause my condition is almost similar & have my SSB’S in FEB-1OTH in ALLHABAD…..
so,plz share………..
same with me. im starting on 11 jan. so plz reply as soon as possible
sir,i have got the call letter for ssb interview for ssc(eng)branch.i hav an B.S. marine engineering degree which is an 4 year engineering course , equal to B.E and B.TECH degrees.will my B.S degree be valid for consideration?.
sir i had a backlog in 4th sem,now i wrote in 6th sem.but did not receive my going to ssb in allahabad.i have taken a letter from my principal stating that i have completed the bsc course,for the backlog paper i will write in so and so month and my result will be announced in so and so month.
will that bw valid
its urgent plz reply
sir,currently i have backlog of 8 sem. but complted the college in i need to have letter from as i m ex result will anounce on 15 march.and interviews of TGC 117 will be in march?
sir I do not have my 10th class passing certificate.
is my 10th class mark sheet acceptable in support of my date of birth?
please help.
I have to go for SSB under UES-22 in Bhopal. I want to know that i have to bring my marksheets upto which semester, now i am in seventh semester and have marksheets for six semesters. My another query is that i have one back in my fifth semester, what should i do.
kindly reply soon …
Sir i have problem in my date of birth..
Actually i have 25/05/1991 in SSC marksheet and
27/05/1991 in transfer certificate…
I have to attend AFSB interview in nov or dec.
Sir please tell me whether they need both these certificates for the verification of date of birth…..
Please sir please help me out for this…..
i will be highly obliged..thank u…
transfer certificate is not needed in any case. you must have all your mark sheets of X,XII and GRAD in correct form.DON’T WORRY BE CONFIDENT. but also correct your TC it is an essential document for further education and many other purposes. NO WORRIES HERE. ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR AFSB.
sir i want to know in personal interview if i have any achievments in sports and scouts and any other academics can i bring them?????
sir i want to know in personal interview if i have any achievments in sports and scouts and any other academics can i bring them?????
No you needn’t want to show any of your certificates to IO.
i have mine ssb on 25th july at allahabad…….. i had a query that my 8th sem result was declared but mark sheet was not come yet and i dont have my provisional degree… so what i have to do…. can i go for the interview or not…….?? is their any rejection if i dont have my all certificates…….??
please help………its urgent…..
You can take online marksheet ( attested), also one application from college mentioning about your marksheets, as mentioned by Srigowari above. You will not face any problem.
sir i do not have admit card but i have identity proof so will it create any problem in ssb?? in NDA
Hello Max,u can apply with what ever marks cards ur having in ur hand and take a copy from ur collage saying that ur results are awaited… u can apply easily and u will get the call to.All the best!!!
i hv cleared my sem 8 engg with 73 results were out on 19 july 2012 . i have applied for ssc executive branch online.and i also now my score of sem remains the posting part.problem is that i dont have marksheet of sem 8 as of now and deadline is 31 july.shall i send post with only 7 sems marksheet or shall i write a letter with the post citing this problem?? i can reproduce sem 8 later if they ask…
help help plzzz