
7 Habits Of Soldiers With Amazing Mental Toughness

By Simran Singh

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7 Habits Of Soldiers With Amazing Mental Toughness

When we think about a soldier, the image that comes to our mind is of a strong and well-built man in uniform who faces each and every challenge readily and with determination. What is it about these men in uniforms that whatever they do, it seems like a cakewalk? Being mentally tough is one of the most important characteristics of a soldier.

The men in uniforms have to face such adverse conditions and unpredictable situations that being mentally tough is a must for them. Mental toughness or Resilience, as psychologists call it, is the strength to endure hardships. Mentally tough people don’t give up or give in when faced with challenging situations. This holds so true for our soldiers as they are always prepared for any kind of adversity that might occur.

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Following are some of the habits of soldiers who are amazingly mentally tough:

  1. They indulge in positive self-talk.
    We all have conversations with ourselves from time to time without realizing it. Now, this self-talk can either be negative in terms of doubting oneself or it can be positive in terms of motivating oneself. Soldiers always indulge in positive self-talk and motivate themselves to stay focused and remain goal-oriented.
  2. They value their past.
    The past can be a great teacher. The lessons that your past teaches are valuable and it’s important to learn from the mistakes that you’ve made or better yet, learn from others’ mistakes. No soldier repeats the same mistake twice, that’s because when something bad happens they view it as an opportunity and learn the things that they didn’t know before.
  3. They exercise.
    Research has shown that people who exercise are socially as well as athletically more competent. They interact with people better and they tend to have higher self-esteem. All this fits quite well for a soldier doesn’t it? With the kind of physical training regime that they have, it’s no wonder that our soldiers are both mentally and psychically fit and strong.
  4. They value emotions.
    Being emotionally intelligent is not just beneficial for others but also for oneself. It is said that emotional intelligence is the cornerstone of resilience. Being able to understand and comprehend others’ emotions and to regulate one’s own emotions is essential to be mentally tough. The soldiers are good at understanding and dealing with other people’s emotions as well as regulating and keeping a check on their own emotions. Our EQ unlike our IQ isn’t fixed and it can be developed with constant effort and practice.
  5. They are optimistic and confident.
    With the kind of rigour that the soldiers go through and the kind of life-threatening situations they face, being optimistic is a must for them. They trust and believe in their instincts and they are confident of themselves. Being optimistic and being confident boosts one’s self-esteem which in turns has a positive effect on the mental toughness of an individual. Having a positive outlook for a soldier is important since being negative about things isn’t very helpful or productive.
  6. They are problem solvers.
    The soldiers don’t waste their time remaining doubtful or complaining and whining about the problems that the face, instead, they make strategies and work out different possible ways to solve a problem. Now you know why the Army is always called when something goes wrong. They don’t sit and wait for things to happen for them, they make it happen for themselves. They understand that they cannot control the situations but they can control themselves and how to react to problems.
  7. They are thankful.
    Being a soldier isn’t an easy job. They put their lives at stake every day for the protection and safety of our country. They realize that life is a blessing and they are thankful for whatever they have.

Simran Singh

I've spent most of my life in Delhi though I belong to Punjab. Currently, I'm pursuing my Masters in Organisational Behaviour (Psychology). I'm an army brat and aspire to be an Army Officer myself.

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