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PsychologySituation Reaction Test15 Tips To Master Situation Reaction Test

15 Tips To Master Situation Reaction Test

The SSB will issue a separate answer sheet on which the responses must be written for the same reason. The total writing time provided is 30 minutes or roughly 30 seconds for each of the 60 instances.

Good day, Warriors! For defence candidates, passing the SSB Interview is a significant accomplishment. There are several steps and examinations throughout the five-day selection process. The second stage of the SSB selection process, the situation reaction test, is held on Day 2.

After the TAT and WAT, it is the third test in the set of psychological tests. It’s crucial to be aware that SRT takes place right after WAT. The time difference between the two tests is just ten minutes.

Candidates in SRT reply in accordance with the problems they may face in daily life. A candidate’s response demonstrates his common sense, sense of timing, capacity to reason, maturity, and empathy. The ability to make decisions is the main attribute being evaluated here.

Also read: 10 Tricky Situation Reaction Test (SRT) Questions

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Here Is What SRT Entails Before We Discuss The Best Ways To Do It:

The SRT comprises 60 commonplace situations from everyday life. Before the test begins, the candidates receive a booklet including all 60 real-world scenarios and questions. The candidates are requested to compose their responses by filling in the blanks with their feelings, thoughts, and actions in these scenarios.

The SSB will issue a separate answer sheet on which the responses must be written for the same reason. The total writing time provided is 30 minutes or roughly 30 seconds for each of the 60 instances.

Also read: Tips To Excel In Situation Reaction Test In SSB

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The Following Advice Could Be Very Helpful In Solving All 60 Cases Quickly And Efficiently Within 30 Minutes:

  • Write down whatever comes to mind as soon as you see the issue on paper, but it must make sense.
  • Always write in clean and continuous handwriting.
  • Write comments that are not socially acceptable since the psychologist may catch you at this point because they are skilled in doing so.
  • Only a suggestion is conceivable if the psychologist’s impression of your attributes matches those of the three assessors and the original you.
  • It is preferable to take immediate action then than read futuristic tales.
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  • Imagine yourself in the situation given, and think how would you react if you were in the same situation. The reaction would be the most natural one which will showcase the real you.
  • While watching movies, note down what a common person or the hero is doing after facing any such issues.
  • Always complete the work which was started at the beginning of the sentence. For example “his iron was not working…”, so write “got his iron repaired” at the end of the sentence.
  • Avoid giving lengthy explanations because they take time.
  • Remember that you only have 30 seconds; be concise and to the point. For instance, SRT might write, “He spotted a snake entering someone’s house.” He…’ Instead of writing, “He got a stick and started to beat it to divert its attention and alarmed the people inside the house,” you could write, “divert its attention with a stick and scare the people within the house.”
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  • Give a supportive and insightful response.
  • Even though unusual situations are provided, attempt to come to a relevant conclusion or reaction because doing so demonstrates your versatility.
  • If a situation repeats itself in some other way, respond to it differently, but make sure your new response does not conflict with your old one.
  • Avoid having an impulsive reaction, or simply responding to the circumstance. Let accountability permeate your responses.
  • Make sure the sentences are complete but keep them as brief as possible to conserve time.

To Practice SRTs & Prepare for SSB : Join India’s Best SSB Interview Online Course [Must Enroll]

SRT will become child’s play if you practice and keep this advice close at hand. Hope these pointers will assist you in getting ready for the SRT in subsequent SSBs.

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To crack the SSB Interview, You can join our SSB interview live classes batch and we recommend you to Enroll SSB INTERVIEW ONLINE COURSE. Trusted by thousands of defence aspirants.

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Siddhant Sandhu
Siddhant Sandhu
AIR-8 NCC SPL, Blogger at SSBCrackExams, Recommended from 19 SSB Allahabad, National Cyclist, Ex NCC SUO, Photography, Travelling, International Relations, Sports, Books.

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