The Officers Training Academy is a training establishment of the Indian Army that trains officers for a Short Service Commission. The 10-month course at the OTA prepares graduates for all branches of the Army, except for the Army Medical Corps.
Here are some pictures of the Indian army officers who have just passed out from the academy after serving a year. We hope that these images will inspire young boys and girls to join the army and help strengthen our motherland.

OTA Chennai’s aim is to give you the best-possible skills for your profession, no matter what it is. On the OTA Chennai campus, students are trained to have a noble mind and heart.
- SSB Interview eBook Pack
- Thematic Apperception Test – TAT
- Lecturette Topics Part-1 eBook [100 Topics]
- Word Association Test – WAT
- Situation Reaction Test – SRT
- Officers Intelligence Test – OIR
They learn how to think and act with responsibility, patriotism and motivation in order to become leaders in peace as well as in war.
OTA Chennai Pictures of Young Officers

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