
Tips To Clear Lecturette In SSB Interview

By Ravinder Tanwar

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Every officer has to command his troops, motivate them and brief them the plan. This needs confidence and clarity in voice and words. To check all these, SSB panel conducts a test in GTO, known as lecturette. In this task, the candidate is given a card having 4 topics and a 3 minute time to prepare for it. After 3 minutes, the candidate has to deliver a lecture over one of the selected topic. Well, candidates should stay aware of all aspects related to this task.


Some points to remember to lustre your performance in lecturette are given below.

  • Try to choose any of the top two topics
  • Wind up the lecture in time (3 minutes)
  • Use Hindi, in case you stuck while speaking
  • Speak major points, avoid pushing around.

The soul of the lecturette is the composition of lecture. Now, coming to its composition, candidates must go through the following points to frame a lecture.

Lecturette Topics eBook SSBCrack
  1. Make an outline of what you have to speak – The 3 minutes given to you, should be utilized for making an outline of main points that you have to speak out. Just remember the main points. And make a sequence of those points.
  2. Introduction, body and conclusion – Segregate all the points in three segments, i.e. introduction, body/ material and conclusion. All the three segments are to be individually covered in 1 minute each totalling to 3 minutes
  3. Don’t give bulky descriptions – The time is limited and the matter to be conveyed clearly. So don’t add deep description. Going point to point saves time and saves you from entangling in your own points.
  4. Use Facts and figures to support your point – The points mentioned in the lecture need to be supported by the facts, figures and examples. This, not only enhances your lecture, but also shows your knowledge level.

Some precautions are to be taken while going through this task. The points that should not be performed are:-

  • Don’t see the assessors
  • Don’t use hands while delivering the lecture
  • Don’t stare at any one person while delivering the lecture
  • Don’t bear stress over your face and mind
  • Don’t greet assessors or candidates

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Conclusion – Lecturette is a task to check your confidence to face a group of people staring at you. What all you have to do is, make a blueprint of the topic and frame it in the form of a lecture. All those sitting in front of you, are just like you. Don’t hesitate, nobody is there to rectify your point or grammatical mistakes. Just show your confident attitude.

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Ravinder Tanwar

A resident of Jaipur. I am a KVian who is passionate to join Indian Defense Force. I started giving SSB from NDA. After completing my B.Tech in 2012, currently I am working as a Software Engineer in Jaipur in a private company, but the passion is still alive in my soul.

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