A rare euphoric moment for a Lady Office. Major Smita Chaturvedi (Retd) Commissioned from Officers Training Academy, Chennai before 27 years in 1995, saw her son getting Commissioned in the same manner in the same Academy.
Maj Smita Chaturvedi (Retd) reminisces her old days of being a Cadet in the illustrious Academy and is ecstatic about her son re-enacting the glorious script of joining the Army like herself.
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125 Gentlemen and 41 Lady Cadets commissioned into Indian Army at Officers Training Academy, Chennai on 30 July 2022.
Life comes full circle for Major Smita Chaturvedi WSES O6 Aug 95 whose Son Lt Rajat Ranjan Keron of SSC 113 NT, was commissioned today into his father’s Regiment.
The YO is not only a Third Generation officer from both sides of the military family but also the first son of a Woman Officer to pass out from the hallowed portals of OTA Chennai.
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