The Government of India on Friday informed the Lower House of Parliament about 1,35,850 vacant posts in Armed Forces. The GoI shared a category-wise list of openings in the Armed Forces. In the Indian Army, a total of 1,16,464 posts are vacant, and a total of 13,597 vacancies are in the Indian Navy. In Indian Air Force, there are a total of 5,789 vacancies.

In the Indian Army, there are 7308 vacancies for Officers, 471 vacancies for Military Nursing Service (MNS) Officers, and 1,08,685 vacancies for Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs/OR.) In the Indian Navy, 1446 posts are vacant for Officers (excluding Medical and Dental), while 12,151 vacancies are for Sailors.

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In the Indian Air Force, 572 posts are vacant for Officers while 5217 vacancies are for Airmen.
Then why afcat entry opening are so less hardly one or two for each post
That is a valid question. IAF has reduced the vacancies in past years.