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ScreeningPPDTFive Mantras To Clear PPDT in SSB Interview

Five Mantras To Clear PPDT in SSB Interview

People forget to do this and start writing the things they have read somewhere else or that someone has asked them to write or taught them. Every personality is different, and if you follow others' personalities, success will never be yours.

Five Mantras To Clear PPDT: The most horrifying thought nowadays among the defence aspirants have been getting screen-out. It’s really difficult to accept that because no one is given a further chance to show their potential in the psychology, PI, or the GTO rounds as the aspirants might be well prepared for that.


But it’s worth preparing for the screening round first rather than other things. So all the preparation should be going together for all the rounds. One must remember that SSB is altogether a different place and have a different taste altogether.

Here things are psychologically assessed, so it’s worth preparing differently by first understanding self and then practicing and working for various rounds. Even at PPDT, there would be three assessors so that there is no scope for mistakes in selecting the right candidates.

oir test and ppdt

The GD is also different which happens after PPDT once everybody writes the story and narrates it individually. One should score well in OIR and write a story reflecting the OLQs showing the assessors that they have the potential to be assessed further in depth in other rounds. The following pointers might help:

  • Observe pictures carefully – People forget to do this and start writing the things they have read somewhere else or someone has asked them to write or taught them. Every personality is different and if you follow others’ personalities success will never be yours.
  • Make a blueprint in mind – Normally things should be made up in mind first in the given 30 seconds and then it should come on paper. Never change the things in between. Be original and live with it.
  • Keep it short with the flow intact – I have been assessing a lot of mentees for their stories and what I see in the majority of the cases is that the flow and the link are missing in most. Different stories cannot be altogether in one story. We only need one story with what led to the thing, what happened and what could be a probable ending.
  • It’s not an English writing competition, but a psychology test – People spend a lot of time in wring good words and beautiful English. It’s not that competition. Even if things are grammatically wrong but psychologically relevant you have the chance to get recommended. Though general mistakes might create a bad impression and hence avoided.
  • Don’t fight while discussing – It’s a discussion to get to a conclusion and not a ground to fight on a certain issue. So discuss, give everyone a chance, and don’t make it a fish market.
OIR Test eBook SSBCrack

How to handle a fish market situation is very important and I would deal with it in a separate article. So try introspecting deeply to know first and then practice else the things might not match and mismatch will not give a recommendation.

Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Singh
Jayendra Pratap Singh is an Alumnus of IIM Ranchi, specialized in Human Resource and is a die heart counsellor, advisor and mentor for defense aspirants. He was recommended in the first attempt for Indian navy UES entry and is willing to help aspirants to make use of his experience in this field.

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