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ScreeningPPDTTop 10 Reasons For Getting Screened Out in SSB Interview

Top 10 Reasons For Getting Screened Out in SSB Interview

Being adamant about your own points and not being acceptable of the ideas of other group members. This will only create a negative image of you in the minds of the assessors.

I hope everyone out there is going on pretty well with their SSB preparations. As we all are aware of the fact that the first and the foremost test in the SSB interview is the screening test comprising of intelligence tests (verbal and nonverbal) and Picture Perception & Discussion Test (PPDT).

We would like to bring to your notice a few common and dispensable mistakes that candidates commit during the Screening Test and end up going home the first day.

OIR Test eBook SSBCrack

Top Ten Reasons For Getting Screened Out

  1. Not being attentive to the briefing given by the officials. As a result, candidates ask irrelevant doubts and make their case worse in front of the authorities in the SSB.
  2. Not coming prepared for the Intelligence Tests. You might be a rank holder in your school/college but when it comes to solving basic level intelligence questions within a fixed time, you have to come thoroughly prepared.
  3. Copying or talking during the OIR tests can also land you in turbulent waters. You might think that you are really smart to befuddle the authorities present, but the truth is that every candidate is being watched and any kind of aberrant action will be dealt with accordingly.
  4. Not being able to interpret the picture correctly in PPDT. The time is given to perceive a story in PPDT is just 30 seconds. If you do not focus at the picture, you will end up digging your own grave. Such candidates more often than not end up finishing their story incomplete.
  5. Making a wishful story is no way related to the picture. We just cannot anticipate the amount of expertise the assessors possess; they catch any sort of concocted story in a flash.
  6. Not reading out the story properly and being nervous during the narration. Any undulations and jitteriness in the voice will catch and will work against you. There is no substitute for practice in this case.
  7. Not qualitatively contributing to the group discussion during the PPDT GD. You are required to cooperate with the group and then come to a common story. I know there would be people making things worse but believe you me, the genuine effort gets rewarded sooner or later.
  8. Repeating your own story and not listening to other group members’ point of view. It is really hot and intense during the GD, but that’s precisely the challenge. You ought to control your nerves during the GD.
  9. Being adamant about your own points and not being acceptable of the ideas of other group members. This will only create a negative image of you in the minds of the assessors.
  10. Overpowering the Group, Trying to impose your ideas on others. This is one thing which candidate knowingly or unknowingly does during the group discussions. You do not become a gentleman by mere addressing each other as a gentleman. Your demeanor should reflect that you are a gentleman in the true sense.

Well, these were certain frequently committed mistakes by people in the screening process. I hope all of you have kept them in your minds. I hope this article was worth a read. Your reviews and suggestions are always welcome in the comment box below. Till then, keep smiling, keep trying. JAI HIND!!

Also Read : Top 10 Reasons for Conference Out

Vardaan Parashar
Vardaan Parasharhttps://ssbcrack.com/
Apart from being a defence enthusiast, I have great zeal towards patriotic and welfare activities. I hail from a rich defence background with my dad being a retired commandant in the Indian Coast Guard. I am currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering and wish to join DRDO one day.

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