Indian army has published the list of recommended candidates who have cleared the SSB interview for SSC 58 Men technical entry. SSC Tech is a special entry for engineering graduates that allows them to apply for the SSB interview directly without any written exam. All the candidates on the merit list will get the joining instructions as per the order in the merit list. The course was scheduled to start at OTA Chennai in April 2022. There are 53 male candidates who have cleared the SSB interview of SSC 58 technical entry, most of the branches are vacant this time and no one got recommended in those branches. Team SSBCrack congratulates all the successful candidates.
- Candidates who have not submitted copies of all semester marksheets, Degree/Provisional degree certificate and other requisite documents as mentioned in course notification are required to submit immediately a self-attested scanned copy of the same on ‘Feedback/ Query’ option on our website or by Fax (No 011 – 2619-6205).
- Joining Letters (JL) will be issued as per MERIT subject to Vacancy, Medical fitness, submission of requisite documents and meeting all eligibility criteria as per course notification.
Indian Army has published the SSC Tech 29 Women Merit list for the course which was scheduled to commence at OTA Chennai in April 2022. Joining letters (JI) will be sent to the candidates based on the order in the merit list, medical status, and other eligibility. SSBCrackExams wishes more success to all the candidates. A total of 30 female candidates have cleared the SSC Tech 29 SSB Interview and made it to the list. Candidates who are top in merit will be getting their joining letter soon as per the vacancies mentioned in the SSC Tech 29 merit list below.
- Candidates who have not submitted copies of all semester marksheets, Degree/Provisional degree certificate and other requisite documents as mentioned in course notification are required to submit immediately a self-attested scanned copy of the same on ‘Feedback/ Query’ option on our website or by Fax (No 011 – 2619-6205).
- Joining Letters (JL) will be issued as per MERIT subject to Vacancy, Medical fitness, submission of requisite documents and meeting all eligibility criteria as per course notification.
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