Kalyanpur Police in Kanpur arrested a fake para commando on Sunday night. The accused had done this game to get married. He got caught by the police in the process of thrashing the tempo driver. After registering an FIR, the police sent the accused to jail.
According to ACP Kalyanpur Dinesh Kumar Shukla, on Sunday night they got information that a man in army uniform was harassing the tempo driver while refusing to pay the rent near Rama Dental College. On protest, threatened the tempo driver that he is a para commando, will send him to jail.
When the suspect was found, the people present there informed the police. Police investigation revealed that the youth is Pankaj Singh, a resident of Etah. He is not in the army. He used to roam around wearing a commando badge in a fake manner.
Also Read: Fake 23 Years Lt. Col PARA SF Arrested in Jaipur
During interrogation, he told that he wanted to join the army, but could not. To get married well, so he started walking around wearing a uniform. He used to tell everyone that he was in the army. It has also come to the fore that he has also grabbed some money on the pretext of getting many jobs in the army. The police is now checking his background. The accused is 12th pass.
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