Hello guys, I am ROHAN SHARMA, from Alwar, Rajasthan, cleared NDA 148 in my first attempt now just to pass boards and join the academy…. My story towards recommendation was awesome although I always wanted to join the Indian Navy as I saw my father in the white uniform everyday but the real moment was that when I saw a speech of Admiral William Mcraven it could have been just a random video I watched as a 5th grader on youtube but it was much more than that it motivated me to such an extent that now all I wanted to do was to become a part of the naval special operation forces, MARCOS as popularly known but this was not constant it changed from MARCOS to naval aviation then surface warfare and everything, that is what the best part about NAVY is you can choose anything.
- SSB Interview eBook Pack
- Thematic Apperception Test – TAT
- Lecturette Topics Part-1 eBook [100 Topics]
- Word Association Test – WAT
- Situation Reaction Test – SRT
- Officers Intelligence Test – OIR
Then coming to the next phase where I had to get things done and not just dream was moving from class 10th to 11th, I have always been a goal oriented person, I may have 100 bad qualities in me but this one good quality fills up everything it is setting up a goal and achieving it, so my preparation it began from class 11th only.

I gave NDA 147 written exams just for a mock practice and cleared it too this was the time my confidence was high and I knew that NDA 148 will be a cakewalk only for the written exam part though. I got called up for my first ever ssb at NSB VIZAG but I could not go as was not eligible for it yet. Then time kept passing and I started looking for a good coaching institute for SSB, came across many but choose the best one. 4th November came and it was time for yet another written exam I travelled to Jaipur and gave the exam it went well and cleared it easily. Then went for SSB coaching, if you don’t want to waste your first attempt go for coaching that will be best. After returning from coaching I had insights about my performance and also about how to go from now on, also the ssb dates were out and I got 33 SSB Bhopal and I choose the very first date that is 1st march. Prepared everything and went to Bhopal.
Standing in front of the SCC BHOPAL gate I was excited to see people from all the different places gathering at a place to show their capabilities and achieve what they dreamt of 78 reported out of which we had service candidates then previously recommended candidates, and obviously screenouts conference out and freshers but we were just 8. Boarded the bus went to SSC and completed the document verification and all, had a decent breakfast and went to the testing hall for OIR, it was pretty easy did all the questions with 1 and 2 mins remaining in the respective tests. Then was the real thing the PP&DT, the picture was crystal clear and I formed a good story on it(good enough to help me get in). the narration was good and the group discussion was average, the results were declared after the lunch and I thought as I was chest number 75 our names will come at end but as soon as the GTO announced number 76, heart beat started accelerating but I did my best and I was sure to get through the first stage and so I did, 38 were screened in and 3 from my group of 8 freshers, and here is one more thing all 3 got recommended.
Then we had to go for documentation, filling PIQ forms and all the other stuff. Got the dorms allocated and rested finally, next day was our psych test, I was not excited nor tensed as had given 5 psych tests already, completed all the TATs, 55 SRTs and 59 WATs, SD was prepared and wrote it exactly that way. Psych test went well and played volleyball and table tennis in the evening it was fun. Next day was our GTO, we were taken to the 33SSB testing ground and it was like soo complex structures here and structures there, started with the group discussion which went superb, initiated both of them and was able to give ample points in both. GDs were followed by GPE, this is where the fun began, we were supposed to stop the bombing of a railway bridge so one of my fellow batchmates suggested lets go to the station and stop the train only, one of them thought that a purse forgotten is same as a purse lost, one of them said why the hell should we help the lady its her problem after all, I wanted to say I agree with you chest number… but its SSB after all, as the discussion ended me and my friend chest number 30 were laughing seeing how innocent our other friends were, then came the PGT and here the real thing happened, me 36 and 30 were leading the group and as we were about to solve the second obstacle third part we asked for the second rope(you get a plank, log and two ropes) they looked at up cluelessly and said what rope… that was the time I wanted to say something sweet to them and I almost did but just whispering and told them to bring the rope which was left behind the start line. The rope was brought and we completed the pgt, hgt was a cakewalk and so was lecturrate.

Day 4, starting with the individual obstacles, I did 8 of them, got a hard command task and the GTO changed the color of the obstacles often. I did it. It was followed by FGT which was again a cakewalk. Now came the real thing the interview my interview was the last one taken by the president of 33SSB and the trainee, both of them, although president did not ask many questions. Interview was good was able to recall all the CIQs and answer the typical questions as well I thanked my physics teacher who taught me fluid mechanics soo efficiently. After the interview I went back and slept. Woke up to have dinner talk to my friends and sleep again. The next day was the thing, the conference started in the opposite order and mine was a bit long as I entered the first question was, Rohan SSB is a test of personality don’t you think you taking coaching was not good as it may have changed the original you, I was well prepared for it and convinced them that what I did was absolutely right, I thought they were convinced and as a result after 3 hours or so announced my name. It went like number 13, 25, 36… this was it I rushed shouted my DOB, and went outside, 13 of us got recommended.
This was my experience, I would not say it was all easy but yes nothing was that difficult as I planned everything well, I would say just keep confidence over yourself if you think you can do it, that’s it nothing else matters, nothing! Lastly, I would thank all my friends, my best especially she was an important part of the journey, then my mentors at my SSB coaching, my maths teacher and all other teachers, and my FAMILY, MOM, DAD, and everyone. This was possible all because of your support and guidance.
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