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GuestSSB Interview ExperienceRecommended from SSB Bengaluru in My 8th Attempt

Recommended from SSB Bengaluru in My 8th Attempt

Next 4 days I just performed without the pressure of performing. I was enjoying every task with a smile.

Hi everyone, I am Vaibhav Malik, 26, Btech IT from MIT MEERUT recently got recommended from 17 SSB Bengaluru for SSC Tech 58, in my 8th attempt and 6th conference. I am sharing this with SSBCrack because I started the journey with the OIR and helping material from SSBCrack. Some of you might say why not AFCAT and why not INET, point I was very clear about my aim, that was ARMY. The journey was long, started after 12th but with failure of not being able to crack NDA written exam. The army is my passion and I am made for it, I realized this long back since I would be a 4th Gen person from my family starting from my great grandfather to my father who got retired in January 2020. He Is my motivation and role model, especially when he used to come to PTM in Army School in the dress. In 2014 joined engineering as I was passionate and clear about the path since engineering would help me in getting attempts and CDS too. In 2018 gave my attempt for CDS 1 and cleared it.

oir test and ppdt

Also applied for SSC Tech 52. The month of November 2018 from 10-14 at Bhopal, performed but conferenced out, came back gave CDS 2 2018 and on 22 November reported at Allahabad but on 26 same, conferenced out. That was a shock in less than 15 days of timeframe 2 CO’s, then in April 2019 Kapurthala but again conference out. Then again for SSC Tech Bangalore in October 2019 and screen out..another shock..then in 2020 due to corona everything was late. Only one ssb ..again at Allahabad…23-27 September 2020 conference out again on my birthday…A quote says that there are two important days in a man’s life once -when he is born and two- why he is born. I had both the days and the reason for the same…that day…I literally cried and wept. I was confident but unfortunately. Again, one conference in Kapurthala and one screen out from Bhopal in 2021, I Landed up in Bangalore on 7th, didn’t tell anyone that I am coming to SSB. The reporting was on 8th Feb 2022. Reached the center in the morning,186 reported and 30 of us got screened in. I was Chest number 20.

Next 4 days I just performed without the pressure of performing. I was enjoying every task with a smile. On 12th Feb 2022 after the conference, we were lined up and were asking for people who were going to Delhi, but I was just optimistic, not sure but optimistic for a positive outcome and then the result came. 4 of us got recommended. For some time I couldn’t even understand what happened and how. When we were going for further documentation I went to the washroom cried and thanked the good lord and every person who wished me luck ever in this journey. I am thankful to every person on this journey. I am not writing this or sharing this to prove that I am better.No.i am just like every other person and aspirant. All I want to say is there will be a time when people won’t believe you, your parents will doubt you, you yourself will not be able to trust, but you should gather your strength and bounce back, you should not lose hope and faith in yourself, just keep going, no matter what, work continuously and even if u have to be alone, be it. It’s always the journey that teaches you and makes you a better person. Never ever lose hope.


Fortunately, I cleared my medicals with a TR of overweight which I am working on and hope for the merit, I will say to all of my friends that don’t give up, don’t lose hope, just keep going and keep learning, and one day you will achieve your goal.

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